فهرست منبع

libssh2: make the md5 comparison fail if wrong length

Making it just skip the check unless exactly 32 is too brittle. Even if
the docs says it needs to be exactly 32, it is be safer to make the
comparison fail here instead.

Reported-by: Harry Sintonen
Bug: https://hackerone.com/reports/1549461
Closes #8745
Daniel Stenberg 2 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه12 افزوده شده و 15 حذف شده
  1. 12 15

+ 12 - 15

@@ -727,27 +727,24 @@ static CURLcode ssh_check_fingerprint(struct Curl_easy *data)
       infof(data, "SSH MD5 fingerprint: %s", md5buffer);
-    /* Before we authenticate we check the hostkey's MD5 fingerprint
-     * against a known fingerprint, if available.
-     */
-    if(pubkey_md5 && strlen(pubkey_md5) == 32) {
-      if(!fingerprint || !strcasecompare(md5buffer, pubkey_md5)) {
-        if(fingerprint) {
-          failf(data,
+    /* This does NOT verify the length of 'pubkey_md5' separately, which will
+       make the comparison below fail unless it is exactly 32 characters */
+    if(!fingerprint || !strcasecompare(md5buffer, pubkey_md5)) {
+      if(fingerprint) {
+        failf(data,
               "Denied establishing ssh session: mismatch md5 fingerprint. "
               "Remote %s is not equal to %s", md5buffer, pubkey_md5);
-        }
-        else {
-          failf(data,
+      }
+      else {
+        failf(data,
               "Denied establishing ssh session: md5 fingerprint "
               "not available");
-        }
-        state(data, SSH_SESSION_FREE);
-        sshc->actualcode = CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION;
-        return sshc->actualcode;
-      infof(data, "MD5 checksum match");
+      state(data, SSH_SESSION_FREE);
+      sshc->actualcode = CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION;
+      return sshc->actualcode;
+    infof(data, "MD5 checksum match");
   if(!pubkey_md5 && !pubkey_sha256) {