#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #*************************************************************************** # _ _ ____ _ # Project ___| | | | _ \| | # / __| | | | |_) | | # | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ # \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| # # Copyright (C) 2008 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, , et al. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html. # # You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell # copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. # # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: curl # ########################################################################### # import json import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess from datetime import timedelta, datetime from typing import List, Optional, Dict from urllib.parse import urlparse from .env import Env log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExecResult: def __init__(self, args: List[str], exit_code: int, stdout: List[str], stderr: List[str], duration: Optional[timedelta] = None, with_stats: bool = False): self._args = args self._exit_code = exit_code self._stdout = stdout self._stderr = stderr self._duration = duration if duration is not None else timedelta() self._response = None self._responses = [] self._results = {} self._assets = [] self._stats = [] self._json_out = None self._with_stats = with_stats if with_stats: self._parse_stats() else: # noinspection PyBroadException try: out = ''.join(self._stdout) self._json_out = json.loads(out) except: pass def __repr__(self): return f"ExecResult[code={self.exit_code}, args={self._args}, stdout={self._stdout}, stderr={self._stderr}]" def _parse_stats(self): self._stats = [] for l in self._stdout: try: self._stats.append(json.loads(l)) except: log.error(f'not a JSON stat: {l}') log.error(f'stdout is: {"".join(self._stdout)}') break @property def exit_code(self) -> int: return self._exit_code @property def args(self) -> List[str]: return self._args @property def outraw(self) -> bytes: return ''.join(self._stdout).encode() @property def stdout(self) -> str: return ''.join(self._stdout) @property def json(self) -> Optional[Dict]: """Output as JSON dictionary or None if not parseable.""" return self._json_out @property def stderr(self) -> str: return ''.join(self._stderr) @property def duration(self) -> timedelta: return self._duration @property def response(self) -> Optional[Dict]: return self._response @property def responses(self) -> List[Dict]: return self._responses @property def results(self) -> Dict: return self._results @property def assets(self) -> List: return self._assets @property def with_stats(self) -> bool: return self._with_stats @property def stats(self) -> List: return self._stats @property def total_connects(self) -> Optional[int]: if len(self.stats): n = 0 for stat in self.stats: n += stat['num_connects'] return n return None def add_response(self, resp: Dict): self._response = resp self._responses.append(resp) def add_results(self, results: Dict): self._results.update(results) if 'response' in results: self.add_response(results['response']) def add_assets(self, assets: List): self._assets.extend(assets) def check_responses(self, count: int, exp_status: Optional[int] = None): if len(self.responses) != count: seen_queries = [] for idx, resp in enumerate(self.responses): assert resp['status'] == 200, f'response #{idx} status: {resp["status"]}' if 'rquery' not in resp['header']: log.error(f'response #{idx} missing "rquery": {resp["header"]}') seen_queries.append(int(resp['header']['rquery'])) for i in range(0, count-1): if i not in seen_queries: log.error(f'response for query {i} missing') if self.with_stats and len(self.stats) == count: log.error(f'got all {count} stats, though') assert len(self.responses) == count, \ f'response count: expected {count}, got {len(self.responses)}' if exp_status is not None: for idx, x in enumerate(self.responses): assert x['status'] == exp_status, \ f'response #{idx} unexpectedstatus: {x["status"]}' if self.with_stats: assert len(self.stats) == count, f'{self}' class CurlClient: ALPN_ARG = { 'http/0.9': '--http0.9', 'http/1.0': '--http1.0', 'http/1.1': '--http1.1', 'h2': '--http2', 'h2c': '--http2', 'h3': '--http3', } def __init__(self, env: Env, run_dir: Optional[str] = None): self.env = env self._curl = os.environ['CURL'] if 'CURL' in os.environ else env.curl self._run_dir = run_dir if run_dir else os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'curl') self._stdoutfile = f'{self._run_dir}/curl.stdout' self._stderrfile = f'{self._run_dir}/curl.stderr' self._headerfile = f'{self._run_dir}/curl.headers' self._tracefile = f'{self._run_dir}/curl.trace' self._log_path = f'{self._run_dir}/curl.log' self._rmrf(self._run_dir) self._mkpath(self._run_dir) def _rmf(self, path): if os.path.exists(path): return os.remove(path) def _rmrf(self, path): if os.path.exists(path): return shutil.rmtree(path) def _mkpath(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): return os.makedirs(path) def http_get(self, url: str, extra_args: Optional[List[str]] = None): return self._raw(url, options=extra_args, with_stats=False) def http_download(self, urls: List[str], alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None, with_stats: bool = True, extra_args: List[str] = None): if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] extra_args.extend([ '-o', 'download.data', ]) if with_stats: extra_args.extend([ '-w', '%{json}\\n' ]) return self._raw(urls, alpn_proto=alpn_proto, options=extra_args, with_stats=with_stats) def _run(self, args, intext='', with_stats: bool = False): self._rmf(self._stdoutfile) self._rmf(self._stderrfile) self._rmf(self._headerfile) self._rmf(self._tracefile) start = datetime.now() with open(self._stdoutfile, 'w') as cout: with open(self._stderrfile, 'w') as cerr: p = subprocess.run(args, stderr=cerr, stdout=cout, cwd=self._run_dir, shell=False, input=intext.encode() if intext else None) coutput = open(self._stdoutfile).readlines() cerrput = open(self._stderrfile).readlines() return ExecResult(args=args, exit_code=p.returncode, stdout=coutput, stderr=cerrput, duration=datetime.now() - start, with_stats=with_stats) def _raw(self, urls, timeout=10, options=None, insecure=False, alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None, force_resolve=True, with_stats=False): args = self._complete_args( urls=urls, timeout=timeout, options=options, insecure=insecure, alpn_proto=alpn_proto, force_resolve=force_resolve) r = self._run(args, with_stats=with_stats) if r.exit_code == 0: self._parse_headerfile(self._headerfile, r=r) if r.json: r.response["json"] = r.json return r def _complete_args(self, urls, timeout=None, options=None, insecure=False, force_resolve=True, alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None): if not isinstance(urls, list): urls = [urls] args = [ self._curl, "-s", "--path-as-is", "-D", self._headerfile, ] if self.env.verbose > 2: args.extend(['--trace', self._tracefile, '--trace-time']) for url in urls: u = urlparse(urls[0]) if alpn_proto is not None: if alpn_proto not in self.ALPN_ARG: raise Exception(f'unknown ALPN protocol: "{alpn_proto}"') args.append(self.ALPN_ARG[alpn_proto]) if u.scheme == 'http': pass elif insecure: args.append('--insecure') elif options and "--cacert" in options: pass elif u.hostname: args.extend(["--cacert", self.env.ca.cert_file]) if force_resolve and u.hostname and u.hostname != 'localhost' \ and not re.match(r'^(\d+|\[|:).*', u.hostname): port = u.port if u.port else 443 args.extend(["--resolve", f"{u.hostname}:{port}:"]) if timeout is not None and int(timeout) > 0: args.extend(["--connect-timeout", str(int(timeout))]) if options: args.extend(options) args.append(url) return args def _parse_headerfile(self, headerfile: str, r: ExecResult = None) -> ExecResult: lines = open(headerfile).readlines() if r is None: r = ExecResult(args=[], exit_code=0, stdout=[], stderr=[]) response = None def fin_response(resp): if resp: r.add_response(resp) expected = ['status'] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if re.match(r'^$', line): if 'trailer' in expected: # end of trailers fin_response(response) response = None expected = ['status'] elif 'header' in expected: # end of header, another status or trailers might follow expected = ['status', 'trailer'] else: assert False, f"unexpected line: '{line}'" continue if 'status' in expected: # log.debug("reading 1st response line: %s", line) m = re.match(r'^(\S+) (\d+)( .*)?$', line) if m: fin_response(response) response = { "protocol": m.group(1), "status": int(m.group(2)), "description": m.group(3), "header": {}, "trailer": {}, "body": r.outraw } expected = ['header'] continue if 'trailer' in expected: m = re.match(r'^([^:]+):\s*(.*)$', line) if m: response['trailer'][m.group(1).lower()] = m.group(2) continue if 'header' in expected: m = re.match(r'^([^:]+):\s*(.*)$', line) if m: response['header'][m.group(1).lower()] = m.group(2) continue assert False, f"unexpected line: '{line}, expected: {expected}'" fin_response(response) return r