$! File: setup_gnv_curl_build.com $! $! Set up build environment for building Curl under GNV on VMS. $! $! GNV needs some files moved into the other directories to help with $! the configure script and the build. $! $! Copyright (C) John Malmberg $! $! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any $! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above $! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. $! $! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES $! WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF $! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR $! ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES $! WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN $! ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT $! OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $! $! SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC $! $!======================================================================= $! $! Save this so we can get back. $ default_dir = f$environment("default") $! $! Move to where the Configure script is. $ set def [--] $! $! Get the path to where the Configure script is. $ base_dir = f$environment("default") $! $! Allow arguments to be grouped together with comma or separated by spaces $! Do no know if we will need more than 8. $ args = "," + p1 + "," + p2 + "," + p3 + "," + p4 + "," $ args = args + p5 + "," + p6 + "," + p7 + "," + p8 + "," $! $! Provide lower case version to simplify parsing. $ args_lower = f$edit(args, "LOWERCASE,COLLAPSE") $! $ args_len = f$length(args) $ args_lower_len = f$length(args_lower) $! $ tests = 0 $ if f$locate(",test", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len $ then $ tests = 1 $ endif $! $ examples = 0 $ if f$locate(",exam", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len $ then $ examples = 1 $ endif $! $! We want detailed build logs. $ clist = "/list/show=(expan,includ)" $! $! We want full symbol names in exact case. Need a common $! repository for all directories. $ cnames = "/names=(shortened,as_is)/repository=''base_dir'" $! $! Set the compiler options for GNV CC wrapper to inherit. $ cc :== cc'clist''cnames'/nested_include_directory=none $ cxx :== cxx'clist''cnames'/nested_include_directory=none $ pointer_size = "32" $! Note 64 bit pointers requires all libraries to either have $! 64 bit pointers or have #pragma directives. $! Currently building curl on VMS with 64 bit pointers does not work. $! $! A logical name to make it easier to find some of the hacks. $ define/job gnv_hacks 'base_dir' $! $! A logical name to find the [.packages.vms] directory where we started. $ define/job gnv_packages_vms 'default_dir' $! $! Kerberos headers: $ if f$trnlnm("gssapi") .eqs. "" $ then $ if f$search("sys$sysroot:[kerberos]include.dir") .nes. "" $ then $ define/job gssapi sys$sysroot:[kerberos.include] $ endif $ endif $! $! OpenSSL headers $ if f$trnlnm("openssl") .eqs. "" $ then $ if f$trnlnm("ssl$include") .nes. "" $ then $ define/job openssl ssl$include: $ endif $ endif $! $! C compiler include path. $ define/job decc$system_include prj_root:[.include.curl],- [-.packages.vms],- ssl$include:,gnv$gnu:[usr.include],- gnv$gnu:[usr.include.libz],gnv$gnu:[include],- gnv$zlib_include:,- sys$sysroot:[kerberos.include] $! $! Set up an include list for the compiler to find all the header files $! that they need. $! $ define/job decc$user_include src_root:[.include.curl] $ define ssl_lib sys$library: $! $! Calculate what is needed in the option files $ libzshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "gnv$libzshr''pointer_size'" $ if f$search(try_shr) .nes. "" then libzshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ if (libzshr_line .eqs. "") $ then $ try_shr = "sys$share:" + try_shr $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ libzshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $ endif $! $! Kerberos $ gssrtlshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "sys$share:gss$rtl" $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ gssrtlshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $! $! HP OpenSSL $ libcryptoshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "sys$share:ssl$libcrypto_shr''pointer_size'" $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ libcryptoshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $! $ libsslshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "sys$share:ssl$libssl_shr''pointer_size'" $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ libsslshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $! $! $! Copy over the gnv$conftest* files to base directory. $!----------------------------------------------------- $ copy 'default_dir'gnv_conftest.c_first 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.c_first $ create 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.opt $ open/append opt 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.opt $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $ purge 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.* $ rename 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.* ;1 $! $! $! $! GNV helper files for building the test curl binary. $!----------------------------------------------- $ create [.src]gnv$curl.opt $ open/append opt [.src]gnv$curl.opt $ write opt "gnv_packages_vms:curlmsg.obj" $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $ purge [.src]gnv$*.* $ rename [.src]gnv$*.* ;1 $! $! $! Create the libcurl $!------------------------------------------------------ $ create 'default_dir'gnv_libcurl_linker.opt $ open/append opt 'default_dir'gnv_libcurl_linker.opt $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $! $! $! Create the template linker file $!--------------------------------- $ create 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt $ open/append opt 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt $ write opt "gnv_vms_common:vms_curl_init_unix.obj" $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $! $! Copy over the gnv$*.opt files for [.docs.examples] $!---------------------------------------------------- $ if examples .ne. 0 $ then $ example_apps = "10-at-a-time,anyauthput,certinfo,cookie_interface,debug" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",fileupload,fopen,ftpget,ftpgetresp" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",ftpupload,getinfo,getinmemory" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",http-post,httpcustomheader,httpput" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",https,multi-app,multi-debugcallback" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",multi-double,multi-post,multi-single" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",persistent,post-callback,postit2" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",sendrecv,sepheaders,simple,simplepost" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",simplessl" $! $ i = 0 $example_loop: $ ap_name = f$element(i, ",", example_apps) $ if ap_name .eqs. "," then goto example_loop_end $ if ap_name .eqs. "" then goto example_loop_end $ copy 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt - [.docs.examples]gnv$'ap_name'.opt $ i = i + 1 $ goto example_loop $example_loop_end: $! $! clean up the copy. $ purge [.docs.examples]gnv$*.opt $ rename [.docs.examples]gnv$*.opt ;1 $ endif $! $! $ if tests .ne. 0 $ then $ libtest_apps = "lib500,lib501,lib502,lib503,lib504,lib505,lib506,lib507" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib508,lib510,lib511,lib512,lib513,lib514" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib515,lib516,lib517,lib518,lib519,lib520" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib521,lib523,lib524,lib525,lib526,lib527" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib529,lib530,lib532,lib533,lib536,lib537" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib539,lib540,lib541,lib542,lib543,lib544" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib545,lib547,lib548,lib549,lib552,lib553" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib554,lib555,lib556,lib557,lib558,lib559" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib560,lib562,lib564" $ i = 0 $libtest_loop: $ ap_name = f$element(i, ",", libtest_apps) $ if ap_name .eqs. "," then goto libtest_loop_end $ if ap_name .eqs. "" then goto libtest_loop_end $ copy 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt - [.tests.libtest]gnv$'ap_name'.opt $ i = i + 1 $ goto libtest_loop $libtest_loop_end: $! $! clean up the copy. $ purge [.tests.libtest]gnv$*.opt $ rename [.tests.libtest]gnv$*.opt ;1 $ endif $! $! $! Build the Message file. $!-------------------------- $ if f$search("[.packages.vms]curlmsg.obj") .eqs. "" $ then $ message [.packages.vms]curlmsg.msg/object=[.packages.vms] $ endif $ if f$search("gnv$curlmsg.exe") .eqs. "" $ then $ link/share=gnv$curlmsg.exe [.packages.vms]curlmsg.obj $ endif $! $! $! $! Need to build the common init module. $!------------------------------------------- $ init_obj = "[.packages.vms]curl_crtl_init.obj" $ if f$search(init_obj) .eqs. "" $ then $ cc'cflags' 'default_dir'curl_crtl_init.c/obj='init_obj' $ purge 'init_obj' $ rename 'init_obj' ;1 $ endif $! $all_exit: $! $ set def 'default_dir' $! $! Verify can break things in bash, especially in Configure scripts. $ set nover $ exit