$! build_curl-config_script.com $! $! This generates the curl-config. script from the curl-config.in file. $! $! Copyright 2014 - 2022, John Malmberg $! $! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any $! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above $! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. $! $! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES $! WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF $! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR $! ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES $! WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN $! ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT $! OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $! $! SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC $! $! 16-Dec-2014 J. Malmberg $! $!=========================================================================== $! $! Skip this if the curl-config. already exists. $ if f$search("[--]curl-config.") .nes. "" then goto all_exit $! $ if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .lt. 1024) $ then $ arch_name = "VAX" $ else $ arch_name = "" $ arch_name = arch_name + f$edit(f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE") $ if (arch_name .eqs. "") then arch_name = "UNK" $ endif $! $ x_prefix = "/usr" $ x_exec_prefix = "/usr" $ x_includedir = "${prefix}/include" $ x_cppflag_curl_staticlib = "-DCURL_STATICLIB" $ x_enabled_shared = "no" $ x_curl_ca_bundle = "" $ x_cc = "cc" $ x_support_features = "SSL IPv6 libz NTLM" $ x_support_protocols1 = "DICT FILE FTP FTPS GOPHER HTTP HTTPS IMAP IMAPS LDAP" $ x_support_protocols2 = " LDAPS POP3 POP3S RTSP SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP" $ x_support_protocols = x_support_protocols1 + x_support_protocols2 $ x_curlversion = "" $ x_versionnum = "" $ x_libdir = "${prefix}/lib" $ x_require_lib_deps = "" $ x_enable_static = "" $ x_ldflags = "" $ part1 = "-L/usr/lib -L/SSL_LIB -lssl -lcrypto -lz" $ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX" $ then $ x_libcurl_libs = part1 $ else $ x_libcurl_libs = part1 + " -lgssapi" $ endif $ x_libext = "a" $! $! Get the version number $!----------------------- $ i = 0 $ open/read/error=version_loop_end vhf [--.include.curl]curlver.h $ version_loop: $ read/end=version_loop_end vhf line_in $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto version_loop $ if f$locate("#define LIBCURL_VERSION ", line_in) .eq. 0 $ then $ x_curlversion = f$element(2," ", line_in) - """" - """" $ i = i + 1 $ endif $ if f$locate("#define LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM ", line_in) .eq. 0 $ then $ x_versionnum = f$element(2," ", line_in) - """" - """" $ i = i + 1 $ endif $ if i .lt 2 then goto version_loop $ version_loop_end: $ close vhf $! $ kit_type = "V" $ if f$locate("-", x_curlversion) .lt. f$length(x_curlversion) $ then $ kit_type = "D" $ x_prefix = "/beta" $ x_exec_prefix = "/beta" $ endif $! $ if kit_type .nes. "D" $ then $ part1 = " echo "" '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' " $ else $ part1 = " echo "" '--prefix=/beta' '--exec_prefix=/beta' " $ endif $ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX" $ then $ part3 = "" $ else $ part3 = "'--with-gssapi' " $ endif $ part2 = "'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--disable-libtool-lock' " $ part4 = "'--disable-ntlm-wb' '--with-ca-path=gnv$curl_ca_path'""" $! $ x_configure_options = part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 $! $! $ open/read/error=read_loop_end c_c_in sys$disk:[--]curl-config.in $ create sys$disk:[--]curl-config. $ open/append c_c_out sys$disk:[--]curl-config. $read_loop: $ read/end=read_loop_end c_c_in line_in $ line_in_len = f$length(line_in) $ if f$locate("@", line_in) .ge. line_in_len $ then $ write c_c_out line_in $ goto read_loop $ endif $ i = 0 $ line_out = "" $sub_loop: $ ! Replace between pairs of @ by alternating the elements. $ ! If mis-matched pairs, do not substitute anything. $ section1 = f$element(i, "@", line_in) $ if section1 .eqs. "@" $ then $ goto sub_loop_end $ endif $ i = i + 1 $ section2 = f$element(i, "@", line_in) $ if section2 .eqs. "@" $ then $ goto sub_loop_end $ endif $ i = i + 1 $ section3 = f$element(i, "@", line_in) $ if section3 .eqs. "@" $ then $ if line_out .eqs. "" then line_out = line_in $ goto sub_loop_end $ endif $ line_out = line_out + section1 $ if f$type(x_'section2') .eqs. "STRING" $ then $ line_out = line_out + x_'section2' $ endif $ goto sub_loop $sub_loop_end: $ write c_c_out line_out $ goto read_loop $read_loop_end: $ close c_c_in $ close c_c_out