$! File: Build_GNV_CURL_PCSI_DESC.COM $! $! $Id$ $! $! Build the *.pcsi$text file in the following sections: $! Required software dependencies. $! install/upgrade/postinstall steps. $! 1. Duplicate filenames need an alias procedure. (N/A for curl) $! 2. ODS-5 filenames need an alias procedure. (N/A for curl) $! 3. Special alias links for executables (curl. -> curl.exe) $! if a lot, then an alias procedure is needed. $! 4. Rename the files to lowercase. $! Move Release Notes to destination $! Source kit option $! Create directory lines $! Add file lines for curl. $! Add Link alias procedure file (N/A for curl) $! Add [.SYS$STARTUP]curl_startup file $! Add Release notes file. $! $! The file PCSI_GNV_CURL_FILE_LIST.TXT is read in to get the files other $! than the release notes file and the source backup file. $! $! The PCSI system can really only handle ODS-2 format filenames and $! assumes that there is only one source directory. It also assumes that $! all destination files with the same name come from the same source file. $! Fortunately CURL does not trip most of these issues, so those steps $! above are marked N/A. $! $! A rename action section is needed to make sure that the files are $! created in the GNV$GNU: in the correct case, and to create the alias $! link [usr.bin]curl. for [usr.bin]curl.exe. $! $! Copyright 2013 - 2022, John Malmberg $! $! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any $! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above $! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. $! $! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES $! WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF $! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR $! ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES $! WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN $! ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT $! OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $! $! SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC $! $! 15-Jun-2009 J. Malmberg $! $!=========================================================================== $! $ kit_name = f$trnlnm("GNV_PCSI_KITNAME") $ if kit_name .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "@MAKE_PCSI_CURL_KIT_NAME.COM has not been run." $ goto all_exit $ endif $ producer = f$trnlnm("GNV_PCSI_PRODUCER") $ if producer .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "@MAKE_PCSI_CURL_KIT_NAME.COM has not been run." $ goto all_exit $ endif $ filename_base = f$trnlnm("GNV_PCSI_FILENAME_BASE") $ if filename_base .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "@MAKE_PCSI_CURL_KIT_NAME.COM has not been run." $ goto all_exit $ endif $! $! $! Parse the kit name into components. $!--------------------------------------- $ producer = f$element(0, "-", kit_name) $ base = f$element(1, "-", kit_name) $ product = f$element(2, "-", kit_name) $ mmversion = f$element(3, "-", kit_name) $ majorver = f$extract(0, 3, mmversion) $ minorver = f$extract(3, 2, mmversion) $ updatepatch = f$element(4, "-", kit_name) $ if updatepatch .eqs. "-" then updatepatch = "" $! $! kit type of "D" means a daily build $ kit_type = f$edit(f$extract(0, 1, majorver), "upcase") $! $! $ product_line = "product ''producer' ''base' ''product'" $ if updatepatch .eqs. "" $ then $ product_name = " ''majorver'.''minorver'" $ else $ product_name = " ''majorver'.''minorver'-''updatepatch'" $ endif $ product_line = product_line + " ''product_name' full;" $!write sys$output product_line $! $! $! $! Create the file as a VMS text file. $!---------------------------------------- $ base_file = kit_name $ create 'base_file'.pcsi$desc $! $! $! Start building file. $!---------------------- $ open/append pdsc 'base_file'.pcsi$desc $! $ write pdsc product_line $! $! Required product dependencies. $!---------------------------------- $ vmsprd = "DEC" $ if base .eqs. "I64VMS" then vmsprd = "HP" $ vsiprd = "VSI" $! $ write pdsc " software ''vmsprd' ''base' VMS ;" $ arch_type = f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME") $ node_swvers = f$getsyi("node_swvers") $ vernum = f$extract(1, f$length(node_swvers), node_swvers) $ majver = f$element(0, ".", vernum) $ minverdash = f$element(1, ".", vernum) $ minver = f$element(0, "-", minverdash) $ dashver = f$element(1, "-", minverdash) $ if dashver .eqs. "-" then dashver = "" $ vmstag = majver + minver + dashver $ code = f$extract(0, 1, arch_type) $ arch_code = f$extract(0, 1, arch_type) $ line_out = - " if ((not ) and" + - " (not ));" $ write pdsc line_out $ write pdsc " error NEED_VMS''vmstag';" $ write pdsc " end if;" $! $write pdsc " software VMSPORTS ''base' ZLIB ;" $write pdsc - " if (not ) ;" $write pdsc " error NEED_ZLIB;" $write pdsc " end if;" $! $! $! $! install/upgrade/postinstall steps. $!----------------------------------- $! 1. Duplicate filenames need an alias procedure. (N/A for curl) $! 2. ODS-5 filenames need an alias procedure. (N/A for curl) $! 3. Special alias links for executables (curl. -> curl.exe) $! if a lot, then an alias procedure is needed. $! 4. Rename the files to lowercase. $! $! $! Alias links needed. $!------------------------- $ add_alias_lines = "" $ rem_alias_lines = "" $ line_out = "" $! $! Read through the file list to set up aliases and rename commands. $!--------------------------------------------------------------------- $ open/read flst pcsi_gnv_curl_file_list.txt $! $inst_alias_loop: $ read/end=inst_alias_loop_end flst line_in $ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"compress,trim,uncomment") $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto inst_alias_loop $ pathname = f$element(0, " ", line_in) $ linkflag = f$element(1, " ", line_in) $ if linkflag .nes. "->" then goto inst_alias_write $! $ linktarget = f$element(2, " ", line_in) $ if kit_type .eqs. "D" $ then $ old_start = f$locate("[gnv.usr", pathname) $ if old_start .lt. f$length(pathname) $ then $ pathname = "[gnv.beta" + pathname - "[gnv.usr" $ linktarget = "[gnv.beta" + linktarget - "[gnv.usr" $ endif $ endif $ nlink = "pcsi$destination:" + pathname $ ntarg = "pcsi$destination:" + linktarget $ new_add_alias_line = - """if f$search(""""''nlink'"""") .eqs. """""""" then" + - " set file/enter=''nlink' ''ntarg'""" $ if add_alias_lines .nes. "" $ then $ add_alias_lines = add_alias_lines + "," + new_add_alias_line $ else $ add_alias_lines = new_add_alias_line $ endif $! $ new_rem_alias_line = - """if f$search(""""''nlink'"""") .nes. """""""" then" + - " set file/remove ''nlink';""" $ if rem_alias_lines .nes. "" $ then $ rem_alias_lines = rem_alias_lines + "," + new_rem_alias_line $ else $ rem_alias_lines = new_rem_alias_line $ endif $! $ goto inst_alias_loop $! $inst_alias_write: $! $! execute install / remove $ write pdsc " execute install (" $! add aliases $ i = 0 $ex_ins_loop: $ line = f$element(i, ",", add_alias_lines) $ i = i + 1 $ if line .eqs. "" then goto ex_ins_loop $ if line .eqs. "," then goto ex_ins_loop_end $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out,"," $ line_out = line $ goto ex_ins_loop $ex_ins_loop_end: $ write pdsc line_out $ line_out = "" $ write pdsc " )" $ write pdsc " remove (" $! remove aliases $ i = 0 $ex_rem_loop: $ line = f$element(i, ",", rem_alias_lines) $ i = i + 1 $ if line .eqs. "" then goto ex_rem_loop $ if line .eqs. "," then goto ex_rem_loop_end $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out,"," $ line_out = line $ goto ex_rem_loop $ex_rem_loop_end: $ write pdsc line_out $ line_out = "" $ write pdsc " ) ;" $! $! execute upgrade $ write pdsc " execute upgrade (" $ i = 0 $ex_upg_loop: $ line = f$element(i, ",", rem_alias_lines) $ i = i + 1 $ if line .eqs. "" then goto ex_upg_loop $ if line .eqs. "," then goto ex_upg_loop_end $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out,"," $ line_out = line $ goto ex_upg_loop $ex_upg_loop_end: $ write pdsc line_out $ line_out = "" $! remove aliases $ write pdsc " ) ;" $! $! execute postinstall $ write pdsc " execute postinstall (" $ if arch_code .nes. "V" $ then $ line_out = " ""set process/parse=extended""" $ endif $ i = 0 $ex_pins_loop: $ line = f$element(i, ",", add_alias_lines) $ i = i + 1 $ if line .eqs. "" then goto ex_pins_loop $ if line .eqs. "," then goto ex_pins_loop_end $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out,"," $ line_out = line $ goto ex_pins_loop $ex_pins_loop_end: $ if line_out .eqs. "" then line_out = " ""continue""" $! write pdsc line_out $! line_out = "" $! add aliases and follow with renames. $! $goto inst_dir $! $inst_dir_loop: $ read/end=inst_alias_loop_end flst line_in $ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"compress,trim,uncomment") $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto inst_dir_loop $inst_dir: $ pathname = f$element(0, " ", line_in) $ if kit_type .eqs. "D" $ then $ if pathname .eqs. "[gnv]usr.dir" $ then $ pathname = "[gnv]beta.dir" $ else $ old_start = f$locate("[gnv.usr", pathname) $ if old_start .lt. f$length(pathname) $ then $ pathname = "[gnv.beta" + pathname - "[gnv.usr" $ endif $ endif $ endif $! $! Ignore the directory entries for now. $!----------------------------------------- $ filedir = f$parse(pathname,,,"DIRECTORY") $ if pathname .eqs. filedir then goto inst_dir_loop $! $! process .dir extensions for rename $! If this is not a directory then start processing files. $!------------------------- $ filetype = f$parse(pathname,,,"TYPE") $ filetype_u = f$edit(filetype, "upcase") $ filename = f$parse(pathname,,,"NAME") $ if filetype_u .nes. ".DIR" then goto inst_file $! $! process directory lines for rename. $!-------------------------------------- $ if line_out .nes. "" $ then $ write pdsc line_out,"," $ line_out = "" $ endif $ if arch_code .nes. "V" $ then $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out,"," $ line_out = " ""rename pcsi$destination:''pathname' ''filename'.DIR""" $ else $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out $ line_out = "" $ endif $ goto inst_dir_loop $! $! $! process file lines for rename $!--------------------------------- $inst_file_loop: $ read/end=inst_alias_loop_end flst line_in $ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"compress,trim,uncomment") $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto inst_dir_loop $ pathname = f$element(0, " ", line_in) $ if kit_type .eqs. "D" $ then $ if pathname .eqs. "[gnv]usr.dir" $ then $ pathname = "[gnv]beta.dir" $ else $ old_start = f$locate("[gnv.usr", pathname) $ if old_start .lt. f$length(pathname) $ then $ pathname = "[gnv.beta" + pathname - "[gnv.usr" $ endif $ endif $ endif $! $! Filenames with $ in them are VMS special and do not need to be lowercase. $! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ if f$locate("$", pathname) .lt. f$length(pathname) then goto inst_file_loop $! $ filetype = f$parse(pathname,,,"TYPE") $ filename = f$parse(pathname,,,"NAME") + filetype $inst_file: $ if arch_code .nes. "V" $ then $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out,"," $ filetype = f$parse(pathname,,,"TYPE") $ filename = f$parse(pathname,,,"NAME") + filetype $ line_out = " ""rename pcsi$destination:''pathname' ''filename'""" $ else $ if line_out .nes. "" then write pdsc line_out $ line_out = "" $ endif $ goto inst_file_loop $! $inst_alias_loop_end: $! $write pdsc line_out $write pdsc " ) ;" $close flst $! $! Move Release Notes to destination $!------------------------------------- $write pdsc " information RELEASE_NOTES phase after ;" $! $! Source kit option $!--------------------- $write pdsc " option SOURCE default 0;" $write pdsc " directory ""[gnv.common_src]"" PROTECTION PUBLIC ;" $write pdsc - " file ""[gnv.common_src]''filename_base'_original_src.bck""" $write pdsc - " source [common_src]''filename_base'_original_src.bck ;" $if f$search("gnv$gnu:[vms_src]''filename_base'_vms_src.bck") .nes. "" $then $ write pdsc " directory ""[gnv.vms_src]"" PROTECTION PUBLIC ;" $ write pdsc " file ""[gnv.vms_src]''filename_base'_vms_src.bck""" $ write pdsc " source [vms_src]''filename_base'_vms_src.bck ;" $endif $write pdsc " end option;" $! $! $! Read through the file list again. $!---------------------------------- $open/read flst pcsi_gnv_curl_file_list.txt $! $! $! Create directory lines $!------------------------- $flst_dir_loop: $ read/end=flst_loop_end flst line_in $ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"compress,trim,uncomment") $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto flst_dir_loop $! $ filename = f$element(0, " ", line_in) $ linkflag = f$element(1, " ", line_in) $ if linkflag .eqs. "->" then goto flst_dir_loop $! $! Ignore .dir extensions $!------------------------- $ filetype = f$edit(f$parse(filename,,,"TYPE"), "upcase") $ if filetype .eqs. ".DIR" then goto flst_dir_loop $! $ destname = filename $ if kit_type .eqs. "D" $ then $ old_start = f$locate("[gnv.usr", destname) $ if old_start .lt. f$length(destname) $ then $ destname = "[gnv.beta" + destname - "[gnv.usr" $ endif $ endif $! $! It should be just a directory then. $!------------------------------------- $ filedir = f$edit(f$parse(filename,,,"DIRECTORY"), "lowercase") $! If this is not a directory then start processing files. $!--------------------------------------------------------- $ if filename .nes. filedir then goto flst_file $! $ write pdsc " directory ""''destname'"" PROTECTION PUBLIC ;" $ goto flst_dir_loop $! $! $! Add file lines for curl. $!--------------------------- $flst_file_loop: $ read/end=flst_loop_end flst line_in $ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"compress,trim,uncomment") $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto inst_file_loop $ filename = f$element(0, " ", line_in) $ destname = filename $ if kit_type .eqs. "D" $ then $ old_start = f$locate("[gnv.usr", destname) $ if old_start .lt. f$length(destname) $ then $ destname = "[gnv.beta" + destname - "[gnv.usr" $ endif $ endif $flst_file: $ srcfile = filename - "gnv." $ write pdsc " file ""''destname'"" " $ write pdsc " source ""''srcfile'"" ;" $ goto flst_file_loop $! $flst_loop_end: $ close flst $! $! Add Link alias procedure file (N/A for curl) $!------------------------------------------------ $! $! Add [.SYS$STARTUP]curl_startup file $!--------------------------------------- $ if kit_type .eqs. "D" $ then $ write pdsc " file ""[sys$startup]curl_daily_startup.com""" $ else $ write pdsc " file ""[sys$startup]curl_startup.com""" $ endif $ write pdsc " source [usr.lib]curl_startup.com ;" $! $! Add Release notes file. $!------------------------------ $ write pdsc - " file ""[SYSHLP]''filename_base'.release_notes"" release notes ;" $! $! Close the product file $!------------------------ $ write pdsc "end product;" $! $close pdsc $! $all_exit: $ exit