--- c: Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, , et al. SPDX-License-Identifier: curl Title: curl_ws_recv Section: 3 Source: libcurl See-also: - curl_easy_getinfo (3) - curl_easy_perform (3) - curl_easy_setopt (3) - curl_ws_send (3) - libcurl-ws (3) --- # NAME curl_ws_recv - receive WebSocket data # SYNOPSIS ~~~c #include CURLcode curl_ws_recv(CURL *curl, void *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *recv, const struct curl_ws_frame **meta); ~~~ # DESCRIPTION This function call is EXPERIMENTAL. Retrieves as much as possible of a received WebSocket data fragment into the **buffer**, but not more than **buflen** bytes. *recv* is set to the number of bytes actually stored. If there is more fragment data to deliver than what fits in the provided *buffer*, libcurl returns a full buffer and the application needs to call this function again to continue draining the buffer. The *meta* pointer gets set to point to a *const struct curl_ws_frame* that contains information about the received data. See the curl_ws_meta(3) for details on that struct. # EXAMPLE ~~~c int main(void) { size_t rlen; const struct curl_ws_frame *meta; char buffer[256]; CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { CURLcode res = curl_ws_recv(curl, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &rlen, &meta); if(res) printf("error: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res)); } } ~~~ # AVAILABILITY Added in 7.86.0. # RETURN VALUE Returns **CURLE_OK** if everything is okay, and a non-zero number for errors. Returns **CURLE_GOT_NOTHING** if the associated connection is closed. Instead of blocking, the function returns **CURLE_AGAIN**. The correct behavior is then to wait for the socket to signal readability before calling this function again.