REUSE.toml 1.5 KB

  1. # SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
  2. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
  3. # This file describes the licensing and copyright situation for files that
  4. # cannot be annotated directly, for example because of being simply
  5. # uncommentable. Unless this is the case, a file should be annotated directly.
  6. #
  7. # This follows the REUSE specification:
  8. version = 1
  9. SPDX-PackageName = "curl"
  10. SPDX-PackageDownloadLocation = ""
  11. [[annotations]]
  12. path = [
  13. ".mailmap",
  14. "docs/FAQ",
  15. "docs/INSTALL",
  16. "docs/KNOWN_BUGS",
  17. "docs/libcurl/symbols-in-versions",
  18. "docs/MAIL-ETIQUETTE",
  19. "docs/options-in-versions",
  20. "docs/THANKS",
  21. "docs/TODO",
  22. "",
  23. "lib/",
  24. "lib/libcurl.def",
  25. "packages/OS400/README.OS400",
  26. "packages/vms/",
  27. "packages/vms/curl_release_note_start.txt",
  28. "packages/vms/curlmsg.sdl",
  29. "packages/vms/macro32_exactcase.patch",
  30. "packages/vms/readme",
  31. "plan9/README",
  32. "projects/Windows/**", "projects/wolfssl_override.props",
  33. "README",
  35. "renovate.json",
  36. "tests/certs/**",
  37. "tests/data/test**",
  38. "tests/stunnel.pem",
  39. "tests/valgrind.supp",
  40. # checksrc control files
  41. "docs/examples/.checksrc",
  42. "lib/.checksrc",
  43. "src/.checksrc",
  44. "tests/libtest/.checksrc",
  45. ]
  46. SPDX-FileCopyrightText = "Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al."
  47. SPDX-License-Identifier = "curl"
  48. # If there is licensing/copyright information in or next to these files, prefer that
  49. precedence = "closest"