vtls.h 9.5 KB

  1. #ifndef HEADER_CURL_VTLS_H
  2. #define HEADER_CURL_VTLS_H
  3. /***************************************************************************
  4. * _ _ ____ _
  5. * Project ___| | | | _ \| |
  6. * / __| | | | |_) | |
  7. * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
  8. * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
  9. *
  10. * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
  11. *
  12. * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
  13. * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
  14. * are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
  15. *
  16. * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
  17. * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
  18. * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
  19. *
  20. * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
  21. * KIND, either express or implied.
  22. *
  23. * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
  24. *
  25. ***************************************************************************/
  26. #include "curl_setup.h"
  27. struct connectdata;
  28. struct ssl_config_data;
  29. struct ssl_connect_data;
  30. struct ssl_primary_config;
  31. struct Curl_ssl_session;
  32. #define SSLSUPP_CA_PATH (1<<0) /* supports CAPATH */
  33. #define SSLSUPP_CERTINFO (1<<1) /* supports CURLOPT_CERTINFO */
  35. #define SSLSUPP_SSL_CTX (1<<3) /* supports CURLOPT_SSL_CTX */
  36. #define SSLSUPP_HTTPS_PROXY (1<<4) /* supports access via HTTPS proxies */
  37. #define SSLSUPP_TLS13_CIPHERSUITES (1<<5) /* supports TLS 1.3 ciphersuites */
  38. #define SSLSUPP_CAINFO_BLOB (1<<6)
  39. #define ALPN_ACCEPTED "ALPN: server accepted "
  40. #define VTLS_INFOF_NO_ALPN \
  41. "ALPN: server did not agree on a protocol. Uses default."
  42. #define VTLS_INFOF_ALPN_OFFER_1STR \
  43. "ALPN: offers %s"
  45. ALPN_ACCEPTED "%s"
  47. ALPN_ACCEPTED "%.*s"
  48. /* Curl_multi SSL backend-specific data; declared differently by each SSL
  49. backend */
  50. struct multi_ssl_backend_data;
  51. CURLsslset Curl_init_sslset_nolock(curl_sslbackend id, const char *name,
  52. const curl_ssl_backend ***avail);
  54. #define MAX_PINNED_PUBKEY_SIZE 1048576 /* 1MB */
  55. #endif
  56. #ifndef CURL_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH
  57. #define CURL_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32 /* fixed size */
  58. #endif
  59. /* see https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/ */
  60. #define ALPN_HTTP_1_1_LENGTH 8
  61. #define ALPN_HTTP_1_1 "http/1.1"
  62. #define ALPN_H2_LENGTH 2
  63. #define ALPN_H2 "h2"
  64. char *Curl_ssl_snihost(struct Curl_easy *data, const char *host, size_t *olen);
  65. bool Curl_ssl_config_matches(struct ssl_primary_config *data,
  66. struct ssl_primary_config *needle);
  67. bool Curl_clone_primary_ssl_config(struct ssl_primary_config *source,
  68. struct ssl_primary_config *dest);
  69. void Curl_free_primary_ssl_config(struct ssl_primary_config *sslc);
  70. curl_sslbackend Curl_ssl_backend(void);
  71. #ifdef USE_SSL
  72. int Curl_ssl_init(void);
  73. void Curl_ssl_cleanup(void);
  74. /* tell the SSL stuff to close down all open information regarding
  75. connections (and thus session ID caching etc) */
  76. void Curl_ssl_close_all(struct Curl_easy *data);
  77. CURLcode Curl_ssl_set_engine(struct Curl_easy *data, const char *engine);
  78. /* Sets engine as default for all SSL operations */
  79. CURLcode Curl_ssl_set_engine_default(struct Curl_easy *data);
  80. struct curl_slist *Curl_ssl_engines_list(struct Curl_easy *data);
  81. /* init the SSL session ID cache */
  82. CURLcode Curl_ssl_initsessions(struct Curl_easy *, size_t);
  83. void Curl_ssl_version(char *buffer, size_t size);
  84. int Curl_ssl_check_cxn(struct Curl_easy *data, struct connectdata *conn);
  85. /* Certificate information list handling. */
  86. void Curl_ssl_free_certinfo(struct Curl_easy *data);
  87. CURLcode Curl_ssl_init_certinfo(struct Curl_easy *data, int num);
  88. CURLcode Curl_ssl_push_certinfo_len(struct Curl_easy *data, int certnum,
  89. const char *label, const char *value,
  90. size_t valuelen);
  91. CURLcode Curl_ssl_push_certinfo(struct Curl_easy *data, int certnum,
  92. const char *label, const char *value);
  93. /* Functions to be used by SSL library adaptation functions */
  94. /* Lock session cache mutex.
  95. * Call this before calling other Curl_ssl_*session* functions
  96. * Caller should unlock this mutex as soon as possible, as it may block
  97. * other SSL connection from making progress.
  98. * The purpose of explicitly locking SSL session cache data is to allow
  99. * individual SSL engines to manage session lifetime in their specific way.
  100. */
  101. void Curl_ssl_sessionid_lock(struct Curl_easy *data);
  102. /* Unlock session cache mutex */
  103. void Curl_ssl_sessionid_unlock(struct Curl_easy *data);
  104. /* Kill a single session ID entry in the cache
  105. * Sessionid mutex must be locked (see Curl_ssl_sessionid_lock).
  106. * This will call engine-specific curlssl_session_free function, which must
  107. * take sessionid object ownership from sessionid cache
  108. * (e.g. decrement refcount).
  109. */
  110. void Curl_ssl_kill_session(struct Curl_ssl_session *session);
  111. /* delete a session from the cache
  112. * Sessionid mutex must be locked (see Curl_ssl_sessionid_lock).
  113. * This will call engine-specific curlssl_session_free function, which must
  114. * take sessionid object ownership from sessionid cache
  115. * (e.g. decrement refcount).
  116. */
  117. void Curl_ssl_delsessionid(struct Curl_easy *data, void *ssl_sessionid);
  118. /* get N random bytes into the buffer */
  119. CURLcode Curl_ssl_random(struct Curl_easy *data, unsigned char *buffer,
  120. size_t length);
  121. /* Check pinned public key. */
  122. CURLcode Curl_pin_peer_pubkey(struct Curl_easy *data,
  123. const char *pinnedpubkey,
  124. const unsigned char *pubkey, size_t pubkeylen);
  125. bool Curl_ssl_cert_status_request(void);
  126. bool Curl_ssl_false_start(struct Curl_easy *data);
  127. void Curl_free_multi_ssl_backend_data(struct multi_ssl_backend_data *mbackend);
  128. #define SSL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 10000 /* ms */
  129. CURLcode Curl_ssl_cfilter_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
  130. struct connectdata *conn,
  131. int sockindex);
  132. CURLcode Curl_ssl_cfilter_remove(struct Curl_easy *data,
  133. int sockindex);
  134. #ifndef CURL_DISABLE_PROXY
  135. CURLcode Curl_ssl_cfilter_proxy_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
  136. struct connectdata *conn,
  137. int sockindex);
  138. #endif /* !CURL_DISABLE_PROXY */
  139. /**
  140. * Get the SSL configuration that is used on the connection.
  141. * This returns NULL if no SSL is configured.
  142. * Otherwise it returns the config of the first (highest) one that is
  143. * either connected, in handshake or about to start
  144. * (e.g. all filters below it are connected). If SSL filters are present,
  145. * but neither can start operating, return the config of the lowest one
  146. * that will first come into effect when connecting.
  147. */
  148. struct ssl_config_data *Curl_ssl_get_config(struct Curl_easy *data,
  149. int sockindex);
  150. /**
  151. * Get the primary SSL configuration from the connection.
  152. * This returns NULL if no SSL is configured.
  153. * Otherwise it returns the config of the first (highest) one that is
  154. * either connected, in handshake or about to start
  155. * (e.g. all filters below it are connected). If SSL filters are present,
  156. * but neither can start operating, return the config of the lowest one
  157. * that will first come into effect when connecting.
  158. */
  159. struct ssl_primary_config *
  160. Curl_ssl_get_primary_config(struct Curl_easy *data,
  161. struct connectdata *conn,
  162. int sockindex);
  163. /**
  164. * True iff the underlying SSL implementation supports the option.
  165. * Option is one of the defined SSLSUPP_* values.
  166. * `data` maybe NULL for the features of the default implementation.
  167. */
  168. bool Curl_ssl_supports(struct Curl_easy *data, int ssl_option);
  169. /**
  170. * Get the internal ssl instance (like OpenSSL's SSL*) from the filter
  171. * chain at `sockindex` of type specified by `info`.
  172. * For `n` == 0, the first active (top down) instance is returned.
  173. * 1 gives the second active, etc.
  174. * NULL is returned when no active SSL filter is present.
  175. */
  176. void *Curl_ssl_get_internals(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
  177. CURLINFO info, int n);
  178. bool Curl_ssl_use(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex);
  179. #else /* if not USE_SSL */
  180. /* When SSL support is not present, just define away these function calls */
  181. #define Curl_ssl_init() 1
  182. #define Curl_ssl_cleanup() Curl_nop_stmt
  183. #define Curl_ssl_close_all(x) Curl_nop_stmt
  184. #define Curl_ssl_set_engine(x,y) CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
  185. #define Curl_ssl_set_engine_default(x) CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
  186. #define Curl_ssl_engines_list(x) NULL
  187. #define Curl_ssl_initsessions(x,y) CURLE_OK
  188. #define Curl_ssl_check_cxn(d,x) 0
  189. #define Curl_ssl_free_certinfo(x) Curl_nop_stmt
  190. #define Curl_ssl_kill_session(x) Curl_nop_stmt
  191. #define Curl_ssl_random(x,y,z) ((void)x, CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN)
  192. #define Curl_ssl_cert_status_request() FALSE
  193. #define Curl_ssl_false_start(a) FALSE
  194. #define Curl_ssl_get_internals(a,b,c,d) NULL
  195. #define Curl_ssl_supports(a,b) FALSE
  196. #define Curl_ssl_use(a,b) FALSE
  197. #define Curl_ssl_cfilter_add(a,b,c) CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
  198. #define Curl_ssl_cfilter_proxy_add(a,b,c) CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
  199. #define Curl_ssl_get_config(a,b) NULL
  200. #define Curl_ssl_cfilter_remove(a,b) CURLE_OK
  201. #endif
  202. #endif /* HEADER_CURL_VTLS_H */