884 B

c: Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg,, et al. SPDX-License-Identifier: curl Long: max-time Short: m Arg: Help: Maximum time allowed for transfer Category: connection timeout Added: 4.0 Multi: single See-also:

  • connect-timeout
  • retry-max-time Example:
  • --max-time 10 $URL
  • --max-time 2.92 $URL ---


Set maximum time in seconds that you allow each transfer to take. Prevents your batch jobs from hanging for hours due to slow networks or links going down. This option accepts decimal values (added in 7.32.0).

If you enable retrying the transfer (--retry) then the maximum time counter is reset each time the transfer is retried. You can use --retry-max-time to limit the retry time.

The decimal value needs to be provided using a dot (.) as decimal separator - not the local version even if it might be using another separator.