1. _ _ ____ _
  2. ___| | | | _ \| |
  3. / __| | | | |_) | |
  4. | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
  5. \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
  6. How cURL Became Like This
  7. In the second half of 1997, Daniel Stenberg came up with the idea to make
  8. currency-exchange calculations available to Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
  9. users. All the necessary data are published on the Web; he just needed to
  10. automate their retrieval.
  11. Daniel simply adopted an existing command-line open-source tool, httpget, that
  12. Brazilian Rafael Sagula had written. After a few minor adjustments, it did
  13. just what he needed.
  14. Soon, he found currencies on a GOPHER site, so support for that had to go in,
  15. and not before long FTP download support was added as well. The name of the
  16. project was changed to urlget to better fit what it actually did now, since
  17. the http-only days were already passed.
  18. The project slowly grew bigger. When upload capabilities were added and the
  19. name once again was misleading, a second name change was made and on March 20,
  20. 1998 curl 4 was released. (The version numbering from the previous names was
  21. kept.)
  22. (Unrelated to this project a company called Curl Corporation registered a US
  23. trademark on the name "CURL" on May 18 1998. That company had then already
  24. registered the curl.com domain back in November of the previous year. All this
  25. was revealed to us much later.)
  26. SSL support was added, powered by the SSLeay library.
  27. August 1998, first announcement of curl on freshmeat.net.
  28. October 1998, with the curl 4.9 release and the introduction of cookie
  29. support, curl was no longer released under the GPL license. Now we're at 4000
  30. lines of code, we switched over to the MPL license to restrict the effects of
  31. "copyleft".
  32. November 1998, configure script and reported successful compiles on several
  33. major operating systems. The never-quite-understood -F option was added and
  34. curl could now simulate quite a lot of a browser. TELNET support was added.
  35. Curl 5 was released in December 1998 and introduced the first ever curl man
  36. page. People started making Linux RPM packages out of it.
  37. January 1999, DICT support added.
  38. OpenSSL took over where SSLeay was abandoned.
  39. May 1999, first Debian package.
  40. August 1999, LDAP:// and FILE:// support added. The curl web site gets 1300
  41. visits weekly.
  42. Released curl 6.0 in September. 15000 lines of code.
  43. December 28 1999, added the project on Sourceforge and started using its
  44. services for managing the project.
  45. Spring 2000, major internal overhaul to provide a suitable library interface.
  46. The first non-beta release was named 7.1 and arrived in August. This offered
  47. the easy interface and turned out to be the beginning of actually getting
  48. other software and programs to get based on and powered by libcurl. Almost
  49. 20000 lines of code.
  50. August 2000, the curl web site gets 4000 visits weekly.
  51. The PHP guys adopted libcurl already the same month, when the first ever third
  52. party libcurl binding showed up. CURL has been a supported module in PHP since
  53. the release of PHP 4.0.2. This would soon get followers. More than 16
  54. different bindings exist at the time of this writing.
  55. September 2000, kerberos4 support was added.
  56. In November 2000 started the work on a test suite for curl. It was later
  57. re-written from scratch again. The libcurl major SONAME number was set to 1.
  58. January 2001, Daniel released curl 7.5.2 under a new license again: MIT (or
  59. MPL). The MIT license is extremely liberal and can be used combined with GPL
  60. in other projects. This would finally put an end to the "complaints" from
  61. people involved in GPLed projects that previously were prohibited from using
  62. libcurl while it was released under MPL only. (Due to the fact that MPL is
  63. deemed "GPL incompatible".)
  64. curl supports HTTP 1.1 starting with the release of 7.7, March 22 2001. This
  65. also introduced libcurl's ability to do persistent connections. 24000 lines of
  66. code. The libcurl major SONAME number was bumped to 2 due to this overhaul.
  67. The first experimental ftps:// support was added in March 2001.
  68. August 2001. curl is bundled in Mac OS X, 10.1. It was already becoming more
  69. and more of a standard utility of Linux distributions and a regular in the BSD
  70. ports collections. The curl web site gets 8000 visits weekly. Curl Corporation
  71. contacted Daniel to discuss "the name issue". After Daniel's reply, they have
  72. never since got in touch again.
  73. September 2001, libcurl 7.9 introduces cookie jar and curl_formadd(). During
  74. the forthcoming 7.9.x releases, we introduced the multi interface slowly and
  75. without much whistles.
  76. June 2002, the curl web site gets 13000 visits weekly. curl and libcurl is
  77. 35000 lines of code. Reported successful compiles on more than 40 combinations
  78. of CPUs and operating systems.
  79. To estimate number of users of the curl tool or libcurl library is next to
  80. impossible. Around 5000 downloaded packages each week from the main site gives
  81. a hint, but the packages are mirrored extensively, bundled with numerous OS
  82. distributions and otherwise retrieved as part of other software.
  83. September 2002, with the release of curl 7.10 it is released under the MIT
  84. license only.
  85. January 2003. Started working on the distributed curl tests. The autobuilds.
  86. February 2003, the curl site averages at 20000 visits weekly. At any given
  87. moment, there's an average of 3 people browsing the curl.haxx.se site.
  88. Multiple new authentication schemes are supported: Digest (May), NTLM (June)
  89. and Negotiate (June).
  90. November 2003: curl 7.10.8 is released. 45000 lines of code. ~55000 unique
  91. visitors to the curl.haxx.se site. Five official web mirrors.
  92. December 2003, full-fledged SSL for FTP is supported.
  93. January 2004: curl 7.11.0 introduced large file support.
  94. June 2004:
  95. curl 7.12.0 introduced IDN support. 10 official web mirrors.
  96. This release bumped the major SONAME to 3 due to the removal of the
  97. curl_formparse() function
  98. August 2004:
  99. Curl and libcurl 7.12.1
  100. Public curl release number: 82
  101. Releases counted from the very beginning: 109
  102. Available command line options: 96
  103. Available curl_easy_setopt() options: 120
  104. Number of public functions in libcurl: 36
  105. Amount of public web site mirrors: 12
  106. Number of known libcurl bindings: 26
  107. April 2005:
  108. GnuTLS can now optionally be used for the secure layer when curl is built.
  109. September 2005:
  110. TFTP support was added.
  111. More than 100,000 unique visitors of the curl web site. 25 mirrors.
  112. December 2005:
  113. security vulnerability: libcurl URL Buffer Overflow
  114. January 2006:
  115. We dropped support for Gopher. We found bugs in the implementation that
  116. turned out having been introduced years ago, so with the conclusion that
  117. nobody had found out in all this time we removed it instead of fixing it.
  118. March 2006:
  119. security vulnerability: libcurl TFTP Packet Buffer Overflow
  120. April 2006:
  121. Added the multi_socket() API
  122. September 2006:
  123. The major SONAME number for libcurl was bumped to 4 due to the removal of
  124. ftp third party transfer support.
  125. November 2006:
  126. Added SCP and SFTP support
  127. February 2007:
  128. Added support for the Mozilla NSS library to do the SSL/TLS stuff
  129. July 2007:
  130. security vulnerability: libcurl GnuTLS insufficient cert verification
  131. November 2008:
  132. Command line options: 128
  133. curl_easy_setopt() options: 158
  134. Public functions in libcurl: 58
  135. Known libcurl bindings: 37
  136. Contributors: 683
  137. 145,000 unique visitors. >100 GB downloaded.
  138. March 2009:
  139. security vulnerability: libcurl Arbitrary File Access
  140. August 2009:
  141. security vulnerability: libcurl embedded zero in cert name
  142. December 2009:
  143. Added support for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP
  144. January 2010:
  145. Added support for RTSP
  146. February 2010:
  147. security vulnerability: libcurl data callback excessive length
  148. March 2010:
  149. The project switched over to use git instead of CVS for source code control
  150. May 2010:
  151. Added support for RTMP
  152. Added support for PolarSSL to do the SSL/TLS stuff
  153. August 2010:
  154. Public curl releases: 117
  155. Command line options: 138
  156. curl_easy_setopt() options: 180
  157. Public functions in libcurl: 58
  158. Known libcurl bindings: 39
  159. Contributors: 808
  160. Gopher support added (re-added actually)