curlmsg.msg 4.6 KB

  1. !
  2. ! These VMS error codes are generated by taking apart the curl.h
  3. ! file and putting all the CURLE_* enum stuff into this file,
  4. ! CURLMSG.MSG. An .SDL file is created from this file with
  5. ! MESSAGE/SDL. The .H file is created using the freeware SDL tool
  6. ! against the .SDL file with SDL/ALPHA/LANG=CC command.
  7. !
  8. ! With the exception of CURLE_OK, all of the messages are at
  9. ! the error severity level. With the exception of
  10. ! PEER_FAILED_VERIF, which is a shortened form of
  11. ! PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION, these are the same names as the
  12. ! CURLE_ ones in include/curl.h. The Message Utility manual states
  13. ! "The combined length of the prefix and the message symbol name cannot
  14. ! exceed 31 characters." With a prefix of five that leaves us with 26
  15. ! for the message name.
  16. !
  17. ! If you update this file also update curlmsg_vms.h so that they are in sync
  18. !
  19. .TITLE CURLMSG Message files
  21. .BASE 1
  23. OK <normal successful completion>
  25. UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL <unsupported protocol>
  26. FAILED_INIT <failed init>
  27. URL_MALFORMAT <URL malformat>
  28. OBSOLETE4 <obsolete error code>
  29. COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY <could not resolve proxy>
  30. COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST <could not resolve host>
  31. COULDNT_CONNECT <could not connect>
  32. FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY <FTP weird server reply>
  33. FTP_ACCESS_DENIED <FTP access denied>
  34. OBSOLETE10 <obsolete error code>
  35. FTP_WEIRD_PASS_REPLY <FTP weird PASS reply>
  36. OBSOLETE12 <obsolete error code>
  37. FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY <FTP weird PASV reply>
  38. FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT <FTP weird 227 format>
  39. FTP_CANT_GET_HOST <FTP can not get host>
  40. OBSOLETE16 <obsolete error code>
  41. FTP_COULDNT_SET_TYPE <FTP could not set type>
  42. PARTIAL_FILE <partial file>
  43. FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE <FTP could not RETR file>
  44. OBSOLETE20 <obsolete error code>
  45. QUOTE_ERROR <quote command error>
  46. HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR <HTTP returned error>
  47. WRITE_ERROR <write error>
  48. OBSOLETE24 <obsolete error code>
  49. UPLOAD_FAILED <failed upload command>
  50. READ_ERROR <read error, could not open/read file>
  51. OUT_OF_MEMORY <out of memory>
  52. OPERATION_TIMEOUTED <operation timed out, timeout time was reached>
  53. OBSOLETE29 <obsolete error code>
  54. FTP_PORT_FAILED <FTP PORT operation failed>
  55. FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST <FTP REST command failed>
  56. OBSOLETE32 <obsolete error code>
  57. RANGE_ERROR <RANGE command error>
  59. SSL_CONNECT_ERROR <SSL connect error>
  60. BAD_DOWNLOAD_RESUME <bad download resume>
  61. FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE <FILE could not read file>
  62. LDAP_CANNOT_BIND <LDAP cannot bind>
  63. LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED <LDAP search failed>
  64. OBSOLETE40 <obsolete error code>
  65. FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND <function not found>
  66. ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK <aborted by callback>
  67. BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT <bad function argument>
  68. OBSOLETE44 <obsolete error code>
  70. OBSOLETE46 <obsolete error code>
  71. TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS <too many redirects>
  72. UNKNOWN_TELNET_OPTION <unknown TELNET option>
  73. TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX <malformed TELNET option syntax>
  74. OBSOLETE50 <obsolete error code>
  75. PEER_FAILED_VERIF <peer certificate or fingerprint failed>
  76. GOT_NOTHING <got nothing>
  77. SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND <SSL crypto engine not found>
  78. SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED <SSL can not set SSL crypto engine as default>
  79. SEND_ERROR <SEND error, failure sending network data>
  80. RECV_ERROR <RECV error, failure receiving network data>
  81. OBSOLETE57 <obsolete error code>
  82. SSL_CERTPROBLEM <SSL problem with the local certificate>
  83. SSL_CIPHER <SSL CIPHER, could not use specified cipher>
  84. SSL_CACERT <SSL CACERT, problem with the CA cert (path?)>
  85. BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING <unrecognized transfer encoding>
  86. LDAP_INVALID_URL <LDAP invalid url>
  87. FILESIZE_EXCEEDED <maximum file size exceeded>
  88. USE_SSL_FAILED <requested FTP SSL level failed>
  89. SEND_FAIL_REWIND <sending data requires a rewind that failed>
  90. SSL_ENGINE_INITFAILED <failed to initialise ENGINE>
  91. LOGIN_DENIED <user or password not accepted. failed to login>
  92. TFTP_NOTFOUND <file not found on server>
  93. TFTP_PERM <permission problem on server>
  94. REMOTE_DISK_FULL <out of disk space on server>
  95. TFTP_ILLEGAL <illegal TFTP operation>
  96. TFTP_UNKNOWNID <unknown transfer ID>
  97. REMOTE_FILE_EXISTS <file already exists>
  98. TFTP_NOSUCHUSER <no such user>
  99. CONV_FAILED <conversion failed>
  100. CONV_REQD <caller must register conversion callbacks>
  101. SSL_CACERT_BADFILE <could not load CACERT file>
  102. REMOTE_FILE_NOT_FOUND <remote file not found>
  103. SSH <unspecified error from the SSH layer>
  104. SSL_SHUTDOWN_FAILED <failed to shut down the SSL connection>
  105. AGAIN <socket not ready, wait and try again>
  106. SSL_CRL_BADFILE <could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format>
  107. SSL_ISSUER_ERROR <issuer check failed>
  108. CURL_LAST <CURLMSG.MSG is out of sync with the source code>
  109. .END