curl_easy_getinfo.3 14 KB

  1. .\" **************************************************************************
  2. .\" * _ _ ____ _
  3. .\" * Project ___| | | | _ \| |
  4. .\" * / __| | | | |_) | |
  5. .\" * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
  6. .\" * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
  7. .\" *
  8. .\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2010, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
  9. .\" *
  10. .\" * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
  11. .\" * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
  12. .\" * are also available at
  13. .\" *
  14. .\" * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
  15. .\" * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
  16. .\" * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
  17. .\" *
  18. .\" * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
  19. .\" * KIND, either express or implied.
  20. .\" *
  21. .\" * $Id$
  22. .\" **************************************************************************
  23. .\"
  24. .TH curl_easy_getinfo 3 "11 Feb 2009" "libcurl 7.19.4" "libcurl Manual"
  25. .SH NAME
  26. curl_easy_getinfo - extract information from a curl handle
  28. .B #include <curl/curl.h>
  29. .B "CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, ... );"
  31. Request internal information from the curl session with this function. The
  32. third argument \fBMUST\fP be a pointer to a long, a pointer to a char *, a
  33. pointer to a struct curl_slist * or a pointer to a double (as this
  34. documentation describes further down). The data pointed-to will be filled in
  35. accordingly and can be relied upon only if the function returns CURLE_OK. Use
  36. this function AFTER a performed transfer if you want to get transfer- oriented
  37. data.
  38. You should not free the memory returned by this function unless it is
  39. explicitly mentioned below.
  41. The following information can be extracted:
  43. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive the last used effective URL.
  45. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the last received HTTP or FTP code. This
  46. option was known as CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE in libcurl 7.10.7 and earlier. This
  47. will be zero if no server response code has been received. Note that a proxy's
  48. CONNECT response should be read with \fICURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE\fP and not
  49. this.
  51. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the last received proxy response code to a
  52. CONNECT request.
  54. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the remote time of the retrieved document
  55. (in number of seconds since 1 jan 1970 in the GMT/UTC time zone). If you get
  56. -1, it can be because of many reasons (unknown, the server hides it or the
  57. server doesn't support the command that tells document time etc) and the time
  58. of the document is unknown. Note that you must tell the server to collect this
  59. information before the transfer is made, by using the CURLOPT_FILETIME option
  60. to \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP or you will unconditionally get a -1 back. (Added
  61. in 7.5)
  63. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the total time in seconds for the
  64. previous transfer, including name resolving, TCP connect etc.
  66. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the time, in seconds, it took from the
  67. start until the name resolving was completed.
  69. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the time, in seconds, it took from the
  70. start until the connect to the remote host (or proxy) was completed.
  72. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the time, in seconds, it took from the
  73. start until the SSL/SSH connect/handshake to the remote host was completed.
  74. This time is most often very near to the PRETRANSFER time, except for cases
  75. such as HTTP pippelining where the pretransfer time can be delayed due to
  76. waits in line for the pipeline and more. (Added in 7.19.0)
  78. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the time, in seconds, it took from the
  79. start until the file transfer is just about to begin. This includes all
  80. pre-transfer commands and negotiations that are specific to the particular
  81. protocol(s) involved.
  83. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the time, in seconds, it took from the
  84. start until the first byte is just about to be transferred. This includes
  85. CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME and also the time the server needs to calculate
  86. the result.
  88. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the total time, in seconds, it took for
  89. all redirection steps include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer
  90. before final transaction was started. CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME contains the
  91. complete execution time for multiple redirections. (Added in 7.9.7)
  93. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the total number of redirections that were
  94. actually followed. (Added in 7.9.7)
  96. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive the URL a redirect \fIwould\fP
  97. take you to if you would enable CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION. This can come very
  98. handy if you think using the built-in libcurl redirect logic isn't good enough
  99. for you but you would still prefer to avoid implementing all the magic of
  100. figuring out the new URL. (Added in 7.18.2)
  102. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the total amount of bytes that were
  103. uploaded.
  105. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the total amount of bytes that were
  106. downloaded. The amount is only for the latest transfer and will be reset again
  107. for each new transfer.
  109. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the average download speed that curl
  110. measured for the complete download. Measured in bytes/second.
  112. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the average upload speed that curl
  113. measured for the complete upload. Measured in bytes/second.
  115. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the total size of all the headers
  116. received. Measured in number of bytes.
  118. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the total size of the issued
  119. requests. This is so far only for HTTP requests. Note that this may be more
  120. than one request if FOLLOWLOCATION is true.
  122. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the result of the certification
  123. verification that was requested (using the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option to
  124. \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP).
  126. Pass the address of a 'struct curl_slist *' to receive a linked-list of
  127. OpenSSL crypto-engines supported. Note that engines are normally implemented
  128. in separate dynamic libraries. Hence not all the returned engines may be
  129. available at run-time. \fBNOTE:\fP you must call \fIcurl_slist_free_all(3)\fP
  130. on the list pointer once you're done with it, as libcurl will not free the
  131. data for you. (Added in 7.12.3)
  133. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the content-length of the download. This
  134. is the value read from the Content-Length: field. Since 7.19.4, this returns -1
  135. if the size isn't known.
  137. Pass a pointer to a double to receive the specified size of the upload. Since
  138. 7.19.4, this returns -1 if the size isn't known.
  140. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive the content-type of the downloaded
  141. object. This is the value read from the Content-Type: field. If you get NULL,
  142. it means that the server didn't send a valid Content-Type header or that the
  143. protocol used doesn't support this.
  145. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive the pointer to the private data
  146. associated with the curl handle (set with the CURLOPT_PRIVATE option to
  147. \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP). Please note that for internal reasons, the
  148. value is returned as a char pointer, although effectively being a 'void *'.
  149. (Added in 7.10.3)
  151. Pass a pointer to a long to receive a bitmask indicating the authentication
  152. method(s) available. The meaning of the bits is explained in the
  153. CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH option for \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP. (Added in 7.10.8)
  155. Pass a pointer to a long to receive a bitmask indicating the authentication
  156. method(s) available for your proxy authentication. (Added in 7.10.8)
  158. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the errno variable from a connect failure.
  159. Note that the value is only set on failure, it is not reset upon a
  160. successfull operation. (Added in 7.12.2)
  162. Pass a pointer to a long to receive how many new connections libcurl had to
  163. create to achieve the previous transfer (only the successful connects are
  164. counted). Combined with \fICURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT\fP you are able to know
  165. how many times libcurl successfully reused existing connection(s) or not. See
  166. the Connection Options of \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP to see how libcurl tries
  167. to make persistent connections to save time. (Added in 7.12.3)
  169. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive the pointer to a zero-terminated
  170. string holding the IP address of the most recent connection done with this
  171. \fBcurl\fP handle. This string may be IPv6 if that's enabled. Note that you
  172. get a pointer to a memory area that will be re-used at next request so you
  173. need to copy the string if you want to keep the information. (Added in 7.19.0)
  175. Pass a pointer to a 'struct curl_slist *' to receive a linked-list of all
  176. cookies cURL knows (expired ones, too). Don't forget to
  177. \fIcurl_slist_free_all(3)\fP the list after it has been used. If there are no
  178. cookies (cookies for the handle have not been enabled or simply none have been
  179. received) 'struct curl_slist *' will be set to point to NULL. (Added in
  180. 7.14.1)
  182. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the last socket used by this curl
  183. session. If the socket is no longer valid, -1 is returned. When you finish
  184. working with the socket, you must call curl_easy_cleanup() as usual and let
  185. libcurl close the socket and cleanup other resources associated with the
  186. handle. This is typically used in combination with \fICURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY\fP.
  187. (Added in 7.15.2)
  189. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive a pointer to a string holding the
  190. path of the entry path. That is the initial path libcurl ended up in when
  191. logging on to the remote FTP server. This stores a NULL as pointer if
  192. something is wrong. (Added in 7.15.4)
  194. Pass a pointer to a 'struct curl_certinfo *' and you'll get it set to point to
  195. struct that holds a number of linked lists with info about the certificate
  196. chain, assuming you had CURLOPT_CERTINFO enabled when the previous request was
  197. done. The struct reports how many certs it found and then you can extract info
  198. for each of those certs by following the linked lists. The info chain is
  199. provided in a series of data in the format "name:content" where the content is
  200. for the specific named data. See also the certinfo.c example. NOTE: this
  201. option is only available in libcurl built with OpenSSL support. (Added in
  202. 7.19.1)
  204. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the number 1 if the condition provided in
  205. the previous request didn't match (see \fICURLOPT_TIMECONDITION\fP). Alas, if
  206. this returns a 1 you know that the reason you didn't get data in return is
  207. because it didn't fulfill the condition. The long ths argument points to will
  208. get a zero stored if the condition instead was met. (Added in 7.19.4)
  210. Pass a pointer to a char pointer to receive a pointer to a string holding the
  211. most recent RTSP Session ID.
  212. Applications wishing to resume an RTSP session on another connection should
  213. retreive this info before closing the active connection.
  215. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the next CSeq that will be used by the
  216. application.
  218. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the next server CSeq that will be expected
  219. by the application.
  220. \fI(NOTE: listening for server initiated requests is currently
  221. unimplemented).\fP
  222. Applications wishing to resume an RTSP session on another connection should
  223. retreive this info before closing the active connection.
  225. Pass a pointer to a long to receive the most recently received CSeq from the
  226. server. If your application encounters a \fICURLE_RTSP_CSEQ_ERROR\fP then you
  227. may wish to troubleshoot and/or fix the CSeq mismatch by peeking at this value.
  228. .SH TIMES
  229. .nf
  230. An overview of the six time values available from curl_easy_getinfo()
  231. curl_easy_perform()
  232. |
  233. |--NAMELOOKUP
  234. |--|--CONNECT
  235. |--|--|--APPCONNECT
  236. |--|--|--|--PRETRANSFER
  237. |--|--|--|--|--STARTTRANSFER
  238. |--|--|--|--|--|--TOTAL
  239. |--|--|--|--|--|--REDIRECT
  240. .fi
  242. \fICURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME\fP. The time it took from the start until the name
  243. resolving was completed.
  244. .IP CONNECT
  245. \fICURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME\fP. The time it took from the start until the connect
  246. to the remote host (or proxy) was completed.
  248. \fICURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME\fP. The time it took from the start until the SSL
  249. connect/handshake with the remote host was completed. (Added in in 7.19.0)
  251. \fICURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME\fP. The time it took from the start until the
  252. file transfer is just about to begin. This includes all pre-transfer commands
  253. and negotiations that are specific to the particular protocol(s) involved.
  255. \fICURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME\fP. The time it took from the start until the
  256. first byte is just about to be transferred.
  257. .IP TOTAL
  258. \fICURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME\fP. Total time of the previous request.
  260. \fICURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME\fP. The time it took for all redirection steps
  261. include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before final
  262. transaction was started. So, this is zero if no redirection took place.
  264. If the operation was successful, CURLE_OK is returned. Otherwise an
  265. appropriate error code will be returned.
  266. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  267. .BR curl_easy_setopt "(3)"