18 KB

  1. $! $Id$
  3. $!
  4. $! I've taken the original, supplied by Nico Baggus, if
  5. $! memory serves me correctly, and made some modifications.
  6. $!
  7. $! SSL support is controlled by logical names. If SSL$INCLUDE is
  8. $! defined, then it is assumed that HP's SSL product has been installed.
  9. $! If OPENSSL is defined, but SSL$INCLUDE is not, then OpenSSL will be
  10. $! used. If neither logical name is defined, then SSL support will not
  11. $! be compiled/linked in. Command-line options NOHPSSL and NOSSL can be
  12. $! specified to override the automatic SSL selection.
  13. $!
  14. $! Command-line Options:
  15. $!
  16. $! CLEAN Delete product files for this host architecture. (No
  17. $! build done.)
  18. $! CLEAN_ALL Delete product files for all host architectures. (No
  19. $! build done.)
  20. $!
  21. $! 64 Compile with 64-bit pointers.
  22. $! CCQUAL=x Add "x" to the C compiler qualifiers.
  23. $! DEBUG Compile and link with debug.
  24. $! IEEE Use IEEE floating point. (Alpha.)
  25. $! LARGE Enable large-file support. (Non-VAX, VMS >= V7.2.)
  26. $! LDAP Enable LDAP support.
  27. $! LIST Create C compiler listings and linker maps.
  28. $! NOHPSSL Don't use HP SSL, even if available.
  29. $! NOSSL Don't use any SSL, even if available.
  30. $! OSSLOLB Use OpenSSL object libraries (.OLB), even if shared
  31. $! images (.EXE) are available.
  32. $!
  33. $! DCL Symbols:
  34. $!
  35. $! CURL_CCDEFS="c_macro_1=value1 [, c_macro_2=value2 [...]]"
  36. $! Compile with these additional C macros defined.
  37. $!
  38. $! Revisions:
  39. $!
  40. $! 2-DEC-2003, MSK, the "original" version.
  41. $! It works for me. Your mileage may vary.
  42. $! 13-JAN-2004, MSK, moved this procedure to the [.packages.vms] directory
  43. $! and updated it to do hardware dependent builds.
  44. $! 29-JAN-2004, MSK, moved logical defines into
  45. $! 6-FEB-2004, MSK, put in various SSL support bits
  46. $! 9-MAR-2004, MSK, the config-vms.h* files are now copied to the lib and
  47. $! src directories as curl_config.h.
  48. $! 15-MAR-2004, MSK, All of the curlmsg*.* files have also been moved to
  49. $! this build directory. They will be copied to the src
  50. $! directory before build. The .msg file will be compiled
  51. $! to get the .obj for messages, but the .h and .sdl files
  52. $! are not automatically created since they partly rely on
  53. $! the freeware SDL tool.
  54. $! 8-FEB-2005, MSK, merged the two config-vms.h* files into one that uses
  55. $! USE_SSLEAY to define if the target has SSL support built
  56. $! in. Changed the cc/define parameter accordingly.
  57. $! 11-FEB-2005, MSK, If [--.LIB]AMIGAOS.C and NWLIB.C are there, rename them
  58. $! 23-MAR-2005, MSK, relocated cc_qual define so that DEBUG option would work
  59. $! 25-APR-2007, STL, allow compilation in 64-bit mode.
  60. $! 13-DEC-2009. SMS, Changed to skip unwanted source files without
  61. $! renaming the original files.
  62. $! Eliminated needless, persistent logical names.
  63. $! Added CURL_CCDEFS DCL symbol for user-specified C
  64. $! macro definitions.
  65. $! Added CLEAN and CLEAN_ALL options.
  66. $! Added CCQUAL option for user-specified C compiler
  67. $! qualifiers.
  68. $! Added IEEE option for IEEE floating point (Alpha).
  69. $! Added LARGE option for large-file support.
  70. $! Added OSSLOLB option, and support for OpenSSL
  71. $! shared images.
  72. $! Changed to put listing and map files into lisdir:.
  73. $! Changed to avoid case confusion on ODS5 disks.
  74. $! Added more default dev:[dir] save+restore.
  75. $! Moved remaining "" code (back) into
  76. $! here, eliminating the hard-coded OpenSSL nonsense.
  77. $! Changed to use F$GETSYI( "ARCH_NAME") (or
  78. $! equivalent) to name architecture-specific product
  79. $! file destination directory, and to create the
  80. $! directory if needed (obviating inclusion of these
  81. $! directories and dummy files in the distribution
  82. $! kit).
  83. $! Changed the "compile" subroutine to break the CC
  84. $! command across multiple lines to avoid DCL
  85. $! line-too-long problems.
  86. $! Changed "vo_c" messages to show the CC qualifiers
  87. $! once, not with every compile command.
  88. $!
  89. $!
  90. $! Save the original default dev:[dir], and arrange for its restoration
  91. $! at exit.
  92. $!
  93. $ curl = ""
  94. $ orig_def = f$environment( "DEFAULT")
  95. $ on error then goto Common_Exit
  96. $ on control_y then goto Common_Exit
  97. $!
  98. $ ctrl_y = 1556
  99. $ proc = f$environment( "PROCEDURE")
  100. $ proc_dev_dir = -
  101. f$parse( proc, , , "DEVICE")+ f$parse( proc, , , "DIRECTORY")
  102. $!
  103. $! Verbose output message stuff. Define symbol to "write sys$output" or "!".
  104. $! vo_c - verbose output for compile
  105. $! vo_l - link
  106. $! vo_o - object check
  107. $!
  108. $ vo_c = "write sys$output"
  109. $ vo_l = "write sys$output"
  110. $ vo_o = "!"
  111. $!
  112. $! Determine the main distribution directory ("[--]") in an
  113. $! ODS5-tolerant (case-insensitive) way. (We do assume that the only
  114. $! "]" is the one at the end.)
  115. $!
  116. $ set default 'proc_dev_dir'
  117. $ set default [--]
  118. $ top_dev_dir = f$environment( "DEFAULT")- "]"
  119. $!
  120. $! Define the architecture-specific product file destination directory
  121. $! name(s).
  122. $!
  123. $ if (f$getsyi( "HW_MODEL") .lt. 1024)
  124. $ then
  125. $ arch_name = "VAX"
  126. $ else
  127. $ arch_name = ""
  128. $ arch_name = arch_name+ f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
  129. $ if (arch_name .eqs. "") then arch_name = "UNK"
  130. $ endif
  131. $!
  132. $ exedir = proc_dev_dir- "]"+ ".''arch_name']"
  133. $ lisdir = exedir
  134. $ objdir = exedir
  135. $!
  136. $! Interpret command-line options.
  137. $!
  138. $ hpssl = 0
  139. $ ldap = 0
  140. $ list = 0
  141. $ nohpssl = 0
  142. $ nossl = 0
  143. $ openssl = 0
  144. $ osslolb = 0
  145. $ cc_qual1 = ""
  146. $ cc_qual2 = ""
  147. $ cc_defs = "HAVE_CONFIG_H=1"
  148. $ if (f$type( CURL_CCDEFS) .nes. "")
  149. $ then
  150. $ CURL_CCDEFS = f$edit( CURL_CCDEFS, "TRIM")
  151. $ cc_defs = cc_defs+ ", "+ CURL_CCDEFS
  152. $ endif
  153. $ link_qual = ""
  154. $ msg_qual = "/object = ''objdir'"
  155. $ ssl_opt = ""
  156. $!
  157. $ arg = 1
  158. $arg_loop:
  159. $ p = "p''arg'"
  160. $ arg_val = 'p'
  161. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "") then goto arg_loop_out
  162. $ arg_val = f$edit( arg_val, "upcase")
  163. $!
  164. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "CLEAN")
  165. $ then
  166. $ prods = "''exedir'*.*;*"
  167. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  168. $ prods = proc_dev_dir+ arch_name+ ".DIR;1"
  169. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  170. $ goto Common_Exit
  171. $ endif
  172. $!
  173. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "CLEAN_ALL")
  174. $ then
  175. $ prods = proc_dev_dir- "]"+ ".ALPHA]*.*;*"
  176. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  177. $ prods = proc_dev_dir+ "ALPHA"+ ".DIR;1"
  178. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  179. $ prods = proc_dev_dir- "]"+ ".IA64]*.*;*"
  180. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  181. $ prods = proc_dev_dir+ "IA64"+ ".DIR;1"
  182. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  183. $ prods = proc_dev_dir- "]"+ ".VAX]*.*;*"
  184. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  185. $ prods = proc_dev_dir+ "VAX"+ ".DIR;1"
  186. $ if (f$search( prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods'
  187. $ goto Common_Exit
  188. $ endif
  189. $!
  190. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "64")
  191. $ then
  192. $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /POINTER = 64"
  193. $ goto arg_loop_end
  194. $ endif
  195. $!
  196. $ if (f$extract( 0, 6, arg_val) .eqs. "CCQUAL")
  197. $ then
  198. $ opts = f$edit( arg_val, "COLLAPSE")
  199. $ eq = f$locate( "=", opts)
  200. $ cc_qual2 = f$extract( (eq+ 1), 1000, opts)
  201. $ goto arg_loop_end
  202. $ endif
  203. $!
  204. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "DEBUG")
  205. $ then
  206. $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /debug /nooptimize"
  207. $ link_qual = link_qual+ " /debug"
  208. $ goto arg_loop_end
  209. $ endif
  210. $!
  211. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "IEEE")
  212. $ then
  213. $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /FLOAT = IEEE_FLOAT"
  214. $ goto arg_loop_end
  215. $ endif
  216. $!
  217. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "LARGE")
  218. $ then
  219. $ if (arch_name .eqs. "VAX")
  220. $ then
  221. $ write sys$output """LARGE"" is ignored on VAX."
  222. $ else
  223. $ cc_defs = cc_defs+ ", _LARGEFILE=1"
  224. $ endif
  225. $ goto arg_loop_end
  226. $ endif
  227. $!
  228. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "LDAP")
  229. $ then
  230. $ ldap = 1
  231. $ goto arg_loop_end
  232. $ endif
  233. $!
  234. $ if (f$extract( 0, 4, arg_val) .eqs. "LIST")
  235. $ then
  236. $ list = 1
  237. $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /list = ''lisdir' /show = (all, nomessages)"
  238. $ link_qual = link_qual+ " /map = ''lisdir'"
  239. $ msg_qual = msg_qual+ " /list = ''lisdir'"
  240. $ goto arg_loop_end
  241. $ endif
  242. $!
  243. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "NOHPSSL")
  244. $ then
  245. $ nohpssl = 1
  246. $ goto arg_loop_end
  247. $ endif
  248. $!
  249. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "NOSSL")
  250. $ then
  251. $ nossl = 1
  252. $ goto arg_loop_end
  253. $ endif
  254. $!
  255. $ if (arg_val .eqs. "OSSLOLB")
  256. $ then
  257. $ osslolb = 1
  258. $ goto arg_loop_end
  259. $ endif
  260. $!
  261. $ write sys$output "Unrecognized command-line option: ''arg_val'"
  262. $ goto Common_Exit
  263. $!
  264. $arg_loop_end:
  265. $ arg = arg+ 1
  266. $ goto arg_loop
  267. $arg_loop_out:
  268. $!
  269. $! CC /LIST, LINK /MAP, and MESSAGE /LIST are defaults in batch mode,
  270. $! so be explicit when they're not desired.
  271. $!
  272. $ if (list .eq. 0)
  273. $ then
  274. $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1+ " /nolist"
  275. $ link_qual = link_qual+ " /nomap"
  276. $ msg_qual = msg_qual+ " /nolist"
  277. $ endif
  278. $!
  279. $! Create product directory, if needed.
  280. $!
  281. $ if (f$search( proc_dev_dir+ arch_name+ ".DIR;1") .eqs. "")
  282. $ then
  283. $ create /directory 'exedir'
  284. $ endif
  285. $!
  286. $! Detect available (but not prohibited) SSL software.
  287. $!
  288. $ if (.not. nossl)
  289. $ then
  290. $ if (f$trnlnm( "OPENSSL") .nes. "")
  291. $ then
  292. $ cc_defs = cc_defs+ ", USE_SSLEAY=1"
  293. $ if ((f$trnlnm( "SSL$INCLUDE") .nes. "") .and. (.not. nohpssl))
  294. $ then
  295. $! Use HP SSL.
  296. $ hpssl = 1
  297. $ ssl_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'hpssl_"+ -
  298. f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")+ ".opt /options"
  299. $ else
  300. $! Use OpenSSL. Assume object libraries, unless shared images
  301. $! are found (and not prohibited).
  302. $ openssl = 1
  303. $ ssl_opt = ", ssllib:libssl.olb /library"+ -
  304. ", ssllib:libcrypto.olb /library"
  305. $ if (osslolb .eq. 0)
  306. $ then
  307. if ((f$search( "ssllib:ssl_libcrypto.exe") .nes. "") .and. -
  308. (f$search( "ssllib:ssl_libssl.exe") .nes. ""))
  309. $ then
  310. $! OpenSSL shared images with "SSL_xxx.EXE names.
  311. $ openssl = 2
  312. $ ssl_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'openssl_ssl_"+ -
  313. f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")+ ".opt /options"
  314. $ else
  315. $ if ((f$search( "ssllib:libcrypto.exe") .nes. "") .and. -
  316. (f$search( "ssllib:libssl.exe") .nes. ""))
  317. $ then
  318. $! OpenSSL shared images with "xxx.EXE names.
  319. $ openssl = 3
  320. $ ssl_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'openssl_"+ -
  321. f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")+ ".opt /options"
  322. $ endif
  323. $ endif
  324. $ endif
  325. $ endif
  326. $ endif
  327. $ endif
  328. $!
  329. $! LDAP.
  330. $!
  331. $ if (ldap .eq. 0)
  332. $ then
  333. $ cc_defs = cc_defs+ ", CURL_DISABLE_LDAP=1"
  334. $ endif
  335. $!
  336. $! Form CC qualifiers.
  337. $!
  338. $ cc_defs = "/define = (''cc_defs')"
  339. $ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2+ " /object = ''objdir'"+ -
  340. " /include = ([-.lib], [-.src],"+ -
  341. " [-.packages.vms], [-.packages.vms.''arch_name'])"
  342. $!
  343. $ 'vo_c' "CC opts:", -
  344. " ''cc_defs'", -
  345. " ''cc_qual1'", -
  346. " ''cc_qual2'"
  347. $!
  348. $! Inform the victim of our plans.
  349. $!
  350. $ if (hpssl)
  351. $ then
  352. $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDHPSSL, building with HP SSL support"
  353. $ else
  354. $ if (openssl .ne. 0)
  355. $ then
  356. $ if (openssl .eq. 1)
  357. $ then
  358. $ 'vo_c' -
  359. "%CURL-I-BLDOSSL_OLB, building with OpenSSL (object library) support"
  360. $ else
  361. $ 'vo_c' -
  362. "%CURL-I-BLDOSSL_EXE, building with OpenSSL (shared image) support"
  363. $ endif
  364. $ else
  365. $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDNOSSL, building with NO SSL support"
  366. $ endif
  367. $ endif
  368. $!
  369. $! Announce destination and SSL directories.
  370. $!
  371. $ 'vo_c' " OBJDIR = ''objdir'"
  372. $ 'vo_c' " EXEDIR = ''exedir'"
  373. $!
  374. $ if (openssl .ne. 0)
  375. $ then
  376. $ ssllib = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")
  377. $ if (ssllib .eqs. "")
  378. $ then
  379. $ ssllib = "(undefined)"
  380. $ endif
  381. $ 'vo_c' " SSLLIB = ''ssllib'"
  382. $!
  383. $ if (openssl .eq. 1)
  384. $ then
  385. $ ossl_lib1 = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")+ "LIBSSL.OLB"
  386. $ ossl_lib2 = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")+ "LIBCRYPTO.OLB"
  387. $ msg = "object libraries"
  388. $ else
  389. $ if (openssl .eq. 2)
  390. $ then
  391. $ ossl_lib1 = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")+ "SSL_LIBSSL.EXE"
  392. $ ossl_lib2 = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")+ "SSL_LIBCRYPTO.EXE"
  393. $ else
  394. $ ossl_lib1 = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")+ "LIBSSL.EXE"
  395. $ ossl_lib2 = f$trnlnm( "ssllib")+ "LIBCRYPTO.EXE"
  396. $ endif
  397. $ msg = "shared images"
  398. $ endif
  399. $ if ((f$search( ossl_lib1) .eqs. "") .or. -
  400. (f$search( ossl_lib2) .eqs. ""))
  401. $ then
  402. $ write sys$output "Can't find OpenSSL ''msg':"
  403. $ write sys$output " ''ossl_lib1'"
  404. $ write sys$output " ''ossl_lib2'"
  405. $ goto Common_Exit
  406. $ endif
  407. $ endif
  408. $!
  409. $! Define the "curl" (process) logical name for "#include <curl/xxx.h>".
  410. $!
  411. $ curl = f$trnlnm( "curl", "LNM$PROCESS")
  412. $ if (curl .nes. "")
  413. $ then
  414. $ write sys$output ""
  415. $ write sys$output -
  416. "Process logical name ""curl"" is already defined, but this procedure"
  417. $ write sys$output -
  418. "would override that definition. Use a command like"
  419. $ write sys$output -
  420. " deassign /process curl"
  421. $ write sys$output -
  422. "to cancel that logical name definition, and then and re-run this procedure."
  423. $ write sys$output ""
  424. $ goto Common_Exit
  425. $ endif
  426. $ define curl 'top_dev_dir'.include.curl]
  427. $!
  428. $! Copy the VMS-specific config file into the product directory.
  429. $!
  430. $ call MoveIfDiff 'proc_dev_dir'config-vms.h 'objdir'curl_config.h
  431. $!
  432. $ on control_y then goto Common_Exit
  433. $!
  434. $ set default 'proc_dev_dir'
  435. $ call build "[--.lib]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLLIB.OLB" "amigaos, nwlib, nwos"
  436. $ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit
  437. $ call build "[--.src]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLSRC.OLB"
  438. $ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit
  439. $ call build "[]" "*.msg" "''objdir'CURLSRC.OLB"
  440. $ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit
  441. $!
  442. $ ldap_opt = ""
  443. $ if (ldap .ne. 0) then ldap_opt = ", ''proc_dev_dir'ldap.opt /options"
  444. $!
  445. $ if (openssl .ne. 0)
  446. $ then
  447. $ if (openssl .eq. 1)
  448. $ then
  449. $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_OSSL, linking with OpenSSL (object library)"
  450. $ else
  451. $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_HPSSL, linking with OpenSSL (shared image)"
  452. $ endif
  453. $ else
  454. $ if (hpssl)
  455. $ then
  456. $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_HPSSL, linking with HP SSL"
  457. $ else
  458. $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_NOSSL, linking with NO SSL support"
  459. $ endif
  460. $ endif
  461. $!
  462. $ link 'link_qual' /executable = 'exedir'CURL.EXE -
  463. 'objdir'curlsrc.olb /library /include = (main, curlmsg), -
  464. 'objdir'curllib.olb /library -
  465. 'ssl_opt' -
  466. 'ldap_opt'
  467. $!
  468. $ goto Common_Exit
  469. $!
  470. $! Subroutine to build everything with a filetype passed in via P2 in
  471. $! the directory passed in via P1 and put it in the object library named
  472. $! via P3. Exclude items in P4.
  473. $!
  474. $build: subroutine
  475. $ build_def = f$environment( "default")
  476. $ on control_y then goto EndLoop ! SS$_CONTROLY
  477. $ sts = 1 ! SS$_NORMAL.
  478. $! set noon
  479. $ set default 'p1'
  480. $ search = p2
  481. $ reset = f$search("reset")
  482. $ if f$search( p3) .eqs. ""
  483. $ then
  484. $ librarian /create /object 'p3'
  485. $ endif
  486. $ reject_list__ = ","+ f$edit( p4, "COLLAPSE, UPCASE")+ ","
  487. $ reject_list___len = f$length( reject_list__)
  488. $ reset = f$search( "reset", 1)
  489. $Loop:
  490. $ file = f$search( search, 1)
  491. $ if file .eqs. "" then goto EndLoop
  492. $! Skip a name if it's in the P4 exclusion list.
  493. $ if (p4 .nes. "")
  494. $ then
  495. $ name__ = ","+ -
  496. f$edit( f$parse( file, , , "NAME", "SYNTAX_ONLY"), "UPCASE")+ -
  497. ","
  498. $ if (f$locate( name__, reject_list__) .lt. reject_list___len)
  499. $ then
  500. $ goto Loop
  501. $ endif
  502. $ endif
  503. $ objfile = f$parse( "''objdir'.OBJ;", file)
  504. $ obj = f$search( objfile, 2)
  505. $ if (obj .nes. "")
  506. $ then
  507. $ if (f$cvtime(f$file(file,"rdt")) .gts. f$cvtime(f$file(obj,"rdt")))
  508. $ then
  509. $ call compile 'file'
  510. $ sts = $status
  511. $ if .not. sts
  512. $ then
  513. $ goto EndLoop
  514. $ endif
  515. $ librarian /object 'p3' 'objfile'
  516. $ else
  517. $ 'vo_o' "%CURL-I-OBJUTD, ", objfile, " is up to date"
  518. $ endif
  519. $ else
  520. $ 'vo_o' "%CURL-I-OBJDNE, ", file, " does not exist"
  521. $ call compile 'file'
  522. $ sts = $status
  523. $ if .not. sts
  524. $ then
  525. $ goto EndLoop
  526. $ endif
  527. $ librarian /object 'p3' 'objfile'
  528. $ endif
  529. $ goto Loop
  530. $EndLoop:
  531. $!!! purge
  532. $ set default 'build_def'
  533. $ exit 'sts'
  534. $ endsubroutine ! Build
  535. $!
  536. $! Based on the file TYPE, do the right compile command.
  537. $! Only C and MSG supported.
  538. $!
  539. $compile: subroutine
  540. $ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY
  541. $! set noon
  542. $ file = p1
  543. $ qual = p2+ p3+ p4+ p5+ p6+ p7+ p8
  544. $ typ = f$edit( f$parse( file, , , "TYPE"), "UPCASE") - "."
  545. $ if (typ .eqs. "C")
  546. $ then
  547. $ 'vo_c' "CC (opts) ", file
  548. $ CC 'cc_defs' -
  549. 'cc_qual1' -
  550. 'cc_qual2' -
  551. 'file'
  552. $ else
  553. $ cmd_msg = "MESSAGE "+ msg_qual
  554. $ x = cmd_'typ'
  555. $ 'vo_c' x," ",file
  556. $ 'x' 'file'
  557. $ endif
  558. $ ENDSUBROUTINE ! Compile
  559. $!
  560. $! Do a diff of the file specified in P1 with that in P2. If different
  561. $! copy P1 to P2. This also covers if P2 doesn't exist, but not if P2
  562. $! is an invalid filespec.
  563. $!
  564. $MoveIfDiff: subroutine
  565. $ set NoOn
  566. $ define /user_mode sys$error nl:
  567. $ define /user_mode sys$output nl:
  568. $ differences 'p1' 'p2'
  569. $ status = $status
  570. $ if ( status .ne. %X006C8009) ! if status is not "no diff"
  571. $ then
  572. $ copy 'p1' 'p2'
  573. $ purge /nolog 'p2'
  574. $ endif
  575. $ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY
  576. $ ENDSUBROUTINE ! MoveIfDiff
  577. $!
  578. $Common_Exit:
  579. $ set default 'orig_def'
  580. $ if ((curl .eqs. "") .and. (f$trnlnm( "curl", "LNM$PROCESS") .nes. ""))
  581. $ then
  582. $ deassign curl
  583. $ endif
  584. $ exit