spellcheck.yml 1.2 KB

  1. # Copyright (C) 2022 Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
  2. #
  3. # SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
  4. name: spell
  5. on:
  6. push:
  7. branches:
  8. - master
  9. paths:
  10. - '**.md'
  11. - '**.3'
  12. - '**.1'
  13. - '.github/**'
  14. pull_request:
  15. branches:
  16. - master
  17. paths:
  18. - '**.md'
  19. - '**.3'
  20. - '**.1'
  21. - '.github/**'
  22. jobs:
  23. check:
  24. runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  25. steps:
  26. - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  27. - name: install pandoc
  28. run: sudo apt-get install pandoc
  29. - name: strip "uncheckable" sections from .3 pages
  30. run: find docs -name "*.3" -size +40c | sed 's/\.3//' | xargs -t -n1 -I OO ./.github/scripts/cleanspell.pl OO.3 OO.33
  31. - name: convert .3 man pages to markdown
  32. run: find docs -name "*.33" -size +40c | sed 's/\.33//' | xargs -t -n1 -I OO pandoc -f man -t markdown OO.33 -o OO.md
  33. - name: convert .1 man pages to markdown
  34. run: find docs -name "*.1" -size +40c | sed 's/\.1//' | xargs -t -n1 -I OO pandoc OO.1 -o OO.md
  35. - name: setup the custom wordlist
  36. run: grep -v '^#' .github/scripts/spellcheck.words > wordlist.txt
  37. - name: setup the spellcheck config
  38. run: cp .github/scripts/spellcheck.yaml .
  39. - name: Check Spelling
  40. uses: UnicornGlobal/spellcheck-github-actions@master