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- Long: retry-all-errors
- Help: Retry all errors (use with --retry)
- Added: 7.71.0
- Category: curl
- Example: --retry-all-errors $URL
- ---
- Retry on any error. This option is used together with --retry.
- This option is the "sledgehammer" of retrying. Do not use this option by
- default (eg in curlrc), there may be unintended consequences such as sending or
- receiving duplicate data. Do not use with redirected input or output. You'd be
- much better off handling your unique problems in shell script. Please read the
- example below.
- **WARNING**: For server compatibility curl attempts to retry failed flaky
- transfers as close as possible to how they were started, but this is not
- possible with redirected input or output. For example, before retrying it
- removes output data from a failed partial transfer that was written to an
- output file. However this is not true of data redirected to a | pipe or >
- file, which are not reset. We strongly suggest don't parse or record output
- via redirect in combination with this option, since you may receive duplicate
- data.
- By default curl will not error on an HTTP response code that indicates an HTTP
- error, if the transfer was successful. For example, if a server replies 404
- Not Found and the reply is fully received then that is not an error. When
- --retry is used then curl will retry on some HTTP response codes that indicate
- transient HTTP errors, but that does not include most 4xx response codes such
- as 404. If you want to retry on all response codes that indicate HTTP errors
- (4xx and 5xx) then combine with --fail.