Building Dinit =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Building Dinit should be a straight-forward process. It requires GNU make and a C++11 compiler (GCC version 4.9 and later, or Clang ~5.0 and later, should be fine), as well as a handful of utilities that should be available on any POSIX-compliant system; in particular, the "m4" processor is required for the manual pages. Short version =-=-=-=-=-=-= Run "make mconfig" (use "gmake mconfig" if GNU make is installed as "gmake"). Edit the generated "mconfig" file to your liking; typically you will want to adjust SBINDIR and MANDIR, which control the installation paths for executable files and man pages respectively. Run "make"/"gmake" to build. Your system type will hopefully be detected automatically and appropriate configuration chosen, and Dinit will be built. Continue reading instructions at "Running the test suite" or skip straight to "Installation". If you run into any problems, or if you are cross-compiling, read the "long version" instructions. Long version =-=-=-=-=-=- On the directly supported operating systems - Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Darwin (including macOS) - a suitable build configuration is provided and will be used automatically if no manual configuration is supplied - skip directly to running "make" (more details below) if you are on one of these systems and are happy to use the default configuration, but note that you will typically at least want to alter the installation location. If you are using a different system, or want to alter the default configuration, first run "make mconfig" to generate the "mconfig" file which contains the build configuration. You can then edit this file by hand, before proceeding with the build. Note that the the generated "mconfig" may be a symbolic link to a system-specific default config file. It is not necessary to edit the file; you can override variables on the "make" command line if you prefer. An alternative to "make mconfig" is to use the provided "configure" script. It will try to generate a suitable "mconfig" file, based on sensible defaults and options provided on the command line when the script is run. For more information on available options from the configure script, run: ./configure --help You can also create and edit the "mconfig" file completely by hand (or start by copying one for a particular OS from the "configs" directory) to choose appropriate values for the configuration variables defined within. Main build variables =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are some build variables that may typically require adjustment. In particular, some variables control installation paths or paths that are used at runtime; they are: SBINDIR : set to the directory where the executable files should be installed MANDIR : set to the directory where manual pages should be installed SYSCONTROLSOCKET : set to the default location of the control socket when Dinit is run as a system manager (as opposed to a user service manager) Some variables affect whether the "shutdown" utility is included and how it is named: BUILD_SHUTDOWN : (yes|no) Whether to build the "shutdown" (and "halt" etc) utilities. These are only useful if dinit is the system init (i.e. the PID 1 process). You probably don't want this unless building for Linux as shutdown is not supported on other systems (yet). SHUTDOWN_PREFIX : Name prefix for "shutdown", "halt" and "reboot" commands (if they are built). This affects both the output, and what command dinit will execute as part of system shutdown. If you want to install Dinit alongside another init system with its own shutdown/halt/reboot commands, set this (for eg. to "dinit-"). The following variables affect compilation and link options: CXX : should be set to the name of the C++ compiler (and link driver) CXXFLAGS : are options passed to the compiler during compilation CPPFLAGS : are preprocessor options to use during compilation (see note for GCC below) LDFLAGS : are any options required for linking; should not normally be needed (FreeBSD requires -lrt; link time optimisation requires -flto and other flags). TEST_CXXFLAGS : are options passed to the compiler when compiling code for tests TEST_LDFLAGS : are options to be used when linking test code For convenience, generated configuration also allows setting the following: LDFLAGS_BASE : any link options that should be used by default for linking (including tests), if LDFLAGS is not overridden, to which CXXFLAGS will be added if the configuration enables link-time optimisation (LTO). Will be ignored if LDFLAGS is set. TEST_LDFLAGS_BASE : as LDFLAGS_BASE but for tests. The default is to use the same value (if any) as specified for LDFLAGS_BASE. Ignored if TEST_LDFLAGS is set. Together, LDFLAGS_BASE and TEST_LDFLAGS_BASE provide a simple way to adjust link options without interfering with link-time optimisation (LTO). With LTO enabled, LDFLAGS must usually include the same options used for compilation; by adjusting LDFLAGS_BASE instead, you do not have to specifically include the compilation options as they will be included in LDFLAGS automatically. For cross-compilation, the following can be specified: CXX_FOR_BUILD : C++ compiler for compiling code to run on the build host CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD : any options for compiling code to run on the build host CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD : any preprocessor options for code to run on the build host LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD : any options for linking code to run on the build host Note that the "eg++" or "clang++" package may need to be installed on OpenBSD if the default "g++" compiler is too old. Clang is part of the base system in recent releases. Then, from the top-level directory, run "make" (or "gmake" if the system make is not GNU make, such as on most BSD systems): make If everything goes smoothly this will build dinit, dinitctl, and optionally the shutdown utility. Use "make install" to install; you can specify an alternate installation root by setting the "DESTDIR" variable, eg "make DESTDIR=/tmp/temporary-install-path install". All of the above variables can be specified on the "make" command line, for example: make CXX=gcc In addition to the above variables, the following can be specified on the command line (as a way to specify additional options without removing the defaults): CXXFLAGS_EXTRA : additional options to use when compiling code LDFLAGS_EXTRA : additional options to use when linking TEST_CXXFLAGS_EXTRA : additional options to use when compiling test code TEST_LDFLAGS_EXTRA : additional options to use when linking tests Recommended compiler options =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dinit should generally build fine with no additional options, other than: -std=c++11 : may be required to select correct C++ standard. -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 : see "Special note for GCC/Libstdc++", below. Not needed for most modern systems. Recommended options, supported by at least GCC and Clang, are: -Os : optimise for size -fno-rtti : disable RTTI (run-time type information), it is not required by Dinit. However, on some platforms such as Mac OS (and historically FreeBSD, IIRC), this prevents exceptions working correctly. -fno-plt : enables better code generation for non-static builds, but may cause unit test failures on some older versions of FreeBSD (eg 11.2-RELEASE-p4 with clang++ 6.0.0). -flto : perform link-time optimisation (option required at compile and link). Consult compiler documentation for further information on the above options. Other configuration variables =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are a number of other variables you can set in the mconfig file which affect the build: USE_UTMPX=1|0 Whether to build support for manipulating the utmp/utmpx database via the related POSIX functions. This may be required (along with appropriate service configuration) for utilities like "who" to work correctly (the service configuration items "inittab-id" and "inittab-line" have no effect if this is disabled). If not set to any value, support is enabled for certain systems automatically and disabled for all others. USE_INITGROUPS=1|0 Whether to initialize supplementary groups for run-as services. The C API for this is not in POSIX, but is in practice supported on just about every relevant system, so it is enabled by default. If it is not supported on yours, you can explicitly disable it. DEFAULT_AUTO_RESTART=ALWAYS|ON_FAILURE|NEVER Default for when to automatically restart services. This controls the default for the "restart" service setting. ON_FAILURE restarts process/bgprocess services only if they exit with a non-zero status or are terminated via (most) signals; for other service types it behaves the same as NEVER. See documentation (dinit-service(5) man page) for details. DEFAULT_START_TIMEOUT=XXX Specifies the time in seconds allowed for the service to start. If the service takes longer than this, service startup will be cancelled (service processes will be signalled to cause termination). The default if unspecified is 60 seconds. (The value can be overridden for individual services via the service description). DEFAULT_STOP_TIMEOUT=XXX Specifies the time in seconds allowed for the service to stop. If the service takes longer than this, its process group is sent a SIGKILL signal which should cause it to terminate immediately. The default if unspecified is 10 seconds. (The value can be overridden for individual services via the service description). Running the test suite =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Build the "check" target in order to run the test suite: make check The standard mconfig options enable various sanitizers during build of the tests. On Linux you may see an error such as the following: make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/davmac/workspace/dinit/src/tests/cptests' ./tests ==25332==ERROR: AddressSanitizer failed to allocate 0xdfff0001000 (15392894357504) bytes at address 2008fff7000 (errno: 12) ==25332==ReserveShadowMemoryRange failed while trying to map 0xdfff0001000 bytes. Perhaps you're using ulimit -v make[2]: *** [Makefile:12: run-tests] Aborted If you get this, either disable the address sanitizer or make sure you have overcommit enabled: echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory Any test failures will abort the test suite run immediately. To run the integration tests: make check-igr (The integration tests are more fragile than the unit tests, but give a better indication that Dinit will actually work correctly on your system). In addition to the standard test suite, there is experimental support for fuzzing the control protocol handling using LLVM/clang's fuzzer (libFuzzer). Change to the `src/tests/cptests` directory and build the "fuzz" target: make fuzz Then create a "corpus" directory and run the fuzzer: mkdir corpus ./fuzz corpus This will auto-generate test data as it finds input which triggers new execution paths. Check libFuzzer documentation for further details. Installation =-=-=-=-=-=- You can install using the "install" target: make install If you want to install to an alternate root (eg for packaging purposes), specify that root via DESTDIR: make DESTDIR=/some/path install The dinit executable will be put in /sbin (or rather, in $DESTDIR/sbin), which may not be on the path for normal users. Consider making a symbolic link to /usr/sbin/dinit. Note that if you specify installation paths via variables on the "make" command line, you should specify the same values for both build and install steps. Special note for GCC/Libstdc++ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Note: the issue discussed here has apparently been resolved in recent GCC versions, with the fix backported to GCC 6.x series and newer). GCC 5.x onwards includes a "dual ABI" in its standard library implementation, aka Libstdc++. Compiling against the newer (C++11 and later) ABI can be achieved by adding -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 to the compiler command line; this uses a non-standard language extension to differently mangle symbol names in order to link against the new ABI versions. (Some systems may be configured to build with the new ABI by default, and in that case you build against the old ABI using -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0). This is problematic for several reasons. First, it prevents linking against the new ABI with other compilers that do not understand the language extension (LLVM i.e. clang++ does so in recent versions, so this is perhaps no longer much of a problem in practice). Secondly, some aspects of library behaviour are ABI-dependent but cannot be changed using the ABI macro; in particular, exceptions thrown as a result of failed I/O operations are, in GCC versions 5.x and 6.x, always "old ABI" exceptions which cannot be caught by code compiled against the new ABI, and in GCC version 7.x they are always "new ABI" exceptions which cannot be caught by code compiled against the old ABI. Since the one library object now supposedly houses both ABIs, this means that at least one of the two ABIs is always broken. A blog post describing the dual ABI mechanism can be found here: The bug regarding the issue with catching other-ABI exceptions is here: Since Dinit is affected by this bug, the unfortunate possibility exists to break Dinit by upgrading GCC. If you have libstdc++ corresponding to GCC 5.x or 6.x, you *must* build with the old ABI, but Dinit will be broken if you upgrade to GCC 7. If you have libstdc++ from GCC 7, you *must* build with the new ABI. If the wrong ABI is used, Dinit may still run successfully but any attempt to load a non-existing service, for example, will cause Dinit to crash.