#ifndef SERVICE_CONSTANTS_H #define SERVICE_CONSTANTS_H /* Service states */ enum class service_state_t { STOPPED, // service is not running. STARTING, // service is starting, and will start (or fail to start) in time. STARTED, // service is running, STOPPING // service script is stopping and will stop. }; /* Service types */ enum class service_type_t { DUMMY, // Dummy service, used to detect cyclice dependencies PROCESS, // Service runs as a process, and can be stopped by // sending the process a signal (usually SIGTERM) BGPROCESS, // Service runs as a process which "daemonizes" to run in the // "background". SCRIPTED, // Service requires an external command to start, // and a second command to stop INTERNAL // Internal service, runs no external process }; /* Service events */ enum class service_event_t { STARTED, // Service was started (reached STARTED state) STOPPED, // Service was stopped (reached STOPPED state) FAILEDSTART, // Service failed to start (possibly due to dependency failing) STARTCANCELLED, // Service was set to be started but a stop was requested STOPCANCELLED // Service was set to be stopped but a start was requested }; /* Shutdown types */ enum class shutdown_type_t { CONTINUE, // Continue normal boot sequence (used after single-user shell) HALT, // Halt system without powering down POWEROFF, // Power off system REBOOT // Reboot system }; /* Reasons for why service stopped */ enum class stopped_reason_t { NORMAL, // Start failures: DEPFAILED, // A dependency failed to start FAILED, // failed to start (process terminated) EXECFAILED, // failed to start (couldn't launch process) TIMEDOUT, // timed out when starting // Failure after starting: TERMINATED // process terminated }; enum class dependency_type { REGULAR, SOFT, // dependency starts in parallel, failure/stop does not affect dependent WAITS_FOR, // as for SOFT, but dependent waits until dependency starts/fails before starting MILESTONE // dependency must start successfully, but once started the dependency becomes soft }; // Service set type identifiers: constexpr int SSET_TYPE_NONE = 0; constexpr int SSET_TYPE_DIRLOAD = 1; #endif