#include #include #include "dinit-log.h" #include "dinit-env.h" environment main_env; // Log a parse error when reading the environment file. static void log_bad_env(int linenum) { log(loglevel_t::ERROR, "Invalid environment variable setting in environment file (line ", linenum, ")"); } static void log_bad_env_cmd(int linenum) { log(loglevel_t::ERROR, "Unknown command in environment file (line ", linenum, ")"); } // Read and set environment variables from a file. May throw std::bad_alloc, std::system_error. void read_env_file(const char *env_file_path, bool log_warnings, environment &env, bool throw_on_open_failure) { read_env_file_inline(env_file_path, log_warnings, env, throw_on_open_failure, log_bad_env, log_bad_env_cmd); }