Testing the execution of include scripts. -- Testcase -- {% include("./root/usr/share/firewall4/main.uc", { TRACE_CALLS: "stderr", getenv: function(varname) { switch (varname) { case 'ACTION': return 'includes'; } } }) %} -- End -- -- File fs/open~_var_run_fw4_state.txt -- { "includes": [ { "enabled": true, "path": "/usr/share/miniupnpd/firewall.include", "type": "script", "fw4_compatible": true, "position": "table-append" }, { "enabled": true, "path": "/etc/example.sh", "type": "script", "fw4_compatible": true, "position": "table-append" } ] } -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- [call] fs.open path mode [call] system command <[ "sh", "-c", "exec 1000>&-; config() { echo \"You cannot use UCI in firewall in..." ]> timeout <30000> [call] system command <[ "sh", "-c", "exec 1000>&-; config() { echo \"You cannot use UCI in firewall in..." ]> timeout <30000> -- End --