Summary of test coverage (configure with --enable-coverage and run contrib/ to generate a detailed report): * UTIL : 77.8% * HELLO : 93.4% * ARM : 69.2% * RESOLVER : 60.9% * STATISTICS: 84.1% * PEERINFO : 71.5% * TRANSPORT : 68.6% * CORE : 65.3% * DATACACHE : 79.8% * DATASTORE : 78.9% =================== * TOTAL : 74.6% Not yet tested (but presumably implemented): * HOSTLIST : 0.0% * TOPOLOGY : 0.0% TESTCASES WANTED: ================= For these functions, it would be nice if we had testcases ("make check") that would cause them to be executed and check that they are working: * gnunet-service-peerinfo: - change_host_trust / flush_trust - remove_garbage - discard_hosts_helper / cron_clean_data_hosts * gnunet-service-transport: - try_unvalidated_addresses - lookup_address_callback - lookup_hello_callback - plugin_env_lookup_address - notify_clients_disconnect - list_validated_addresses - cleanup_validation - disconnect_neighbour - handle_set_quota * plugin_transport_tcp.c: - tcp_plugin_cancel - tcp_plugin_address_pretty_printer / append_port - tcp_plugin_set_receive_quota - delayed_done * transport_api: - GNUNET_TRANSPORT_set_qutoa / send_set_quota - hello_wait_timeout - transmit_ready - transmit_timeout - remove_from_any_list / remove_neighbour - GNUNET_TRANSPORT_notify_transmit_ready_cancel - Testcases for set_quota, timeouts, disconnects, transmit_ready_cancel - gnunet-service-transport HELLO validation (how good is our coverage?) - direct test of plugins compliance to plugin API * core_api: - timeout_request - solicit_traffic / copy_and_free - GNUNET_CORE_peer_configure / produce_configure_message * gnunet-service-core: - update_window - find_client - handle_client_request_configure - set_key_retry_task - align_and_deliver - handle_transport_notify_disconnect * hostlist (everything) * topology (everything)