1. 0.9.0pre3:
  2. * connections fail if transport-plugin/nat produces
  3. some addresses that don't work (enable 'use_localaddr' with bindto for example,
  4. so that some of the 'local' IPs do not work due to the bindto); the result
  5. seems to be that the plugin tries some of the broken addresses, fails and the
  6. transport-level connection never comes up.
  7. * Mantis:
  8. - 1694 --- try to reproduce (non-deterministic, w. testcase, need core/valgrind)
  9. - 1724 --- try to reproduce
  10. - 1725 --- try to reproduce (non-deterministic, w. testcase, need core)
  11. - 1728 --- investigate
  12. - 1736 --- investigate
  13. - 1737 --- investigate
  14. * clean buildbots
  15. 0.9.0pre4:
  16. * NAT library: [CG/MW]
  17. - make code used by gnunet-setup asynchronous, add timeout (external-ip can hang!)
  18. * Transport:
  19. - integration of new NAT/plugin API with HTTP/HTTPS plugin
  20. - testing (again)
  21. * GNUNET-GTK: [CG]
  22. - figure out where in the GUI we should show active upload operations and allow aborts
  23. - handle events:
  24. + search error
  25. + publish error
  26. * FS [CG]
  27. - implement multi-peer FS performance tests + gauger them!
  28. + insert
  29. + download
  30. + search
  31. 0.9.0:
  32. * new webpage:
  33. - write chapter on DHT/block [Nate]
  34. - make a NICE download page
  35. * big code review
  36. * Determine RC bugs and fix those (release should have no known real bugs)
  37. 0.9.1:
  38. * TRANSPORT: [MW]
  39. - 'TransmitFunction' requires plugins to have "unbounded" queue (or at least
  40. queue of size > 2), might be better to have at MOST one message pending
  41. per plugin/target and only send the next one after the continuation was
  42. called (or use 'notify_transmit_ready-style API?)
  43. - WLAN transport backend [DB]
  44. - need to periodically probe latency/transport cost changes & possibly switch transport
  45. (working ATS)
  46. * DATASTORE: [CG]
  47. - check indexes / SQL for performance
  48. * DV:
  49. - proper bandwidth allocation
  50. - performance tests
  51. * PEERINFO:
  52. - merge multiple HELLOs of the same peer in the transmission queue
  53. (theoretically reduces overhead; bounds message queue size)
  54. - merge multiple iteration requests over "all" peers in the queue
  55. (theoretically reduces overhead; bounds messgae queue size)
  57. - should use BIO instead of mmap
  58. * FS: [CG]
  59. - Remove KBlocks in gnunet-unindex (see discussion with Kenneth Almquist on gnunet-devs in 9/2009)
  60. - use different queue prioritization for probe-downloads vs. normal downloads
  61. - re-implement gnunet-auto-share
  62. - implement 'GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory', avoiding
  63. code duplication with gnunet-gtk's similar code (!)
  64. * GNUNET-GTK: [CG]
  65. - add tool bar
  66. - do meaningful update to status line (starting up, peer running, #connections, shutdown, ...)
  67. - add progress dialog for 'add_dir_at_iter' scan (can take a while...)
  68. - NS list in search dialog should use colors to offset our own namespaces from the others
  69. - right-clicking on NS list in search dialog should open menu that allows
  70. * viewing full meta data
  71. * deletion of namespace info
  72. - implement unindex operation (use dialog with all indexed files for selection)
  73. - finish publish dialog details:
  74. + normalize keywords (edit subdialog)
  75. - implement download by URI dialog; figure out where to display those downloads!
  76. - add combo box to select desired mime type for search
  77. * ARM: [CG]
  78. - better tracking of which config changes actually need to cause process restarts by ARM.
  79. - handle gnunet-arm -k in combination with auto-start magic (what is the right thing here?)
  80. - discover dependencies between services
  81. 0.9.2:
  82. * PEERINFO: [NN]
  83. - expire 'ancient' HELLOs (those without valid addresses AND that
  84. we have not 'used' (for their public keys) in a while; need a way
  85. to track actual 'use')
  86. - make sue we also trigger notifications whenever HELLOs expire
  87. * NAT:
  88. - repeatedly resolve hostname and look up interfaces to determine our own IP
  89. * WLAN:
  90. - nice signal strength adjustment [MW]
  91. - energy cost in ATS [MW]
  92. * BLOCKS:
  93. - testcase would be nice
  95. - implement statistics GUI (=> start from gnunet-gtk by button!)
  96. * PEERINFO: [NN]
  97. - move peerinfo to new GUI (=> start from gnunet-gtk by button!)
  98. - extend peer dialog with green-yellow-red connectivity status lights
  99. - extend peer dialog with country flags and names
  100. 0.9.3:
  101. * SMTP transport backend:
  102. - sending (SMTP/SMTPS)
  103. - receiving (IMAP/IMAPS/POP?)
  104. - rate limiting
  105. - improved batching
  106. - resource limit integration with ATS
  107. * VPN
  108. - "DNS" .gnunet [MW]
  109. * MESH:
  110. - optimized routes (beyond DHT/DV)