1. Welcome to GNUnet
  2. ToC
  3. ===
  4. * ToC
  5. * What is GNUnet?
  6. * Dependencies
  7. o direct dependencies
  8. o test suite dependencies
  9. o optional dependencies
  10. o autotools
  11. * Requirements
  12. * How to install
  13. o binary packages
  14. o Scope of Operating System support
  15. o Building GNUnet from source
  16. * Configuration
  17. * Usage
  18. * Hacking GNUnet
  19. * Running HTTP on port 80 and HTTPS on port 443
  20. * Further Reading
  21. * Stay tuned
  22. What is GNUnet?
  23. ===============
  24. GNUnet is peer-to-peer framework providing a network abstractions and
  25. applications focusing on security and privacy. So far, we have
  26. created applications for anonymous file-sharing, decentralized naming
  27. and identity management, decentralized and confidential telephony and
  28. tunneling IP traffic over GNUnet. GNUnet is currently developed by a
  29. worldwide group of independent free software developers. GNUnet is a
  30. GNU package (http://www.gnu.org/).
  31. This is an ALPHA release. There are known and significant bugs as
  32. well as many missing features in this release.
  33. GNUnet is free software released under the GNU Affero General Public
  34. License (v3 or later). For details see the COPYING file in this
  35. directory. If you fork this software, you MUST adjust GNUNET_AGPL_URL
  36. in src/include/gnunet_util_lib.h to point to the source code of your
  37. fork!
  38. Additional documentation about GNUnet can be found at
  39. https://gnunet.org/ and in the 'doc/' folder.
  40. Online documentation is provided at
  41. 'https://docs.gnunet.org' and 'https://tutorial.gnunet.org'.
  42. Dependencies:
  43. =============
  44. These are the direct dependencies for running GNUnet:
  45. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  46. - Bash (for some scripts)
  47. - gettext
  48. - gnutls >= 3.2.12 (highly recommended a gnutls
  49. linked against libunbound)
  50. - A curl build against gnutls, or gnurl:
  51. * libgnurl >= 7.35.0 (recommended, available from
  52. https://gnunet.org/en/gnurl.html)
  53. or
  54. * libcurl >= 7.35.0 (alternative to libgnurl)
  55. - libgcrypt >= 1.6
  56. - libunistring >= 0.9.2
  57. - libidn:
  58. * libidn2 (prefered)
  59. or
  60. * libidn >= 1.0
  61. - libmicrohttpd >= 0.9.52
  62. - makeinfo >= 4.8
  63. - make[*3]
  64. - nss (certutil binary, for
  65. gnunet-gns-proxy-setup-ca)
  66. - openssl >= 1.0 (binary, used to generate
  67. X.509 certificate
  68. for gnunet-gns-proxy-setup-ca)
  69. - A Posix shell (for some scripts)
  70. - Texinfo >= 5.2 [*1]
  71. - libltdl >= 2.2 (part of GNU libtool)
  72. - 1 or more databases:
  73. * sqlite >= 3.8 (default database, required)
  74. and/or
  75. * mysql >= 5.1 (alternative to sqlite)
  76. and/or
  77. * postgres >= 9.5 (alternative to sqlite)
  78. - which (contrib/apparmor(?), gnunet-bugreport,
  79. and possibly more)
  80. - zlib
  81. These are the dependencies for GNUnet's testsuite:
  82. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  83. - Bash (for some tests[*4])
  84. - A Posix Shell (for some tests)
  85. - python >= 3.4 (3.4 and higher technically supported,
  86. at least python 3.7 tested to work)
  87. - base tools
  88. - mostly:
  89. - bc,
  90. - curl,
  91. - sed,
  92. - awk,
  93. - which
  94. These are the optional dependencies:
  95. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  96. - awk (for linting tests)
  97. - Bash (for Docker and Vagrant)
  98. - bluez (for bluetooth support)
  99. - grof (for linting of man pages)
  100. - guile 1.6.4 (or later up to 1.8?, for
  101. gnunet-download-manager)
  102. - libextractor >= 0.6.1 (highly recommended[*5])
  103. - libjansson
  104. - libglpk >= 4.45 (for experimental code)
  105. - libopus >= 1.0.1 (for experimental conversation tool)
  106. - libpulse >= 2.0 (for experimental conversation tool)
  107. - libogg >= 1.3.0 (for experimental conversation tool)
  108. - libnss (certtool binary (for convenient
  109. installation of GNS proxy))
  110. - libzbar >= 0.10 (for gnunet-qr)
  111. - libpbc >= 0.5.14 (for Attribute-Based Encryption and
  112. Identity Provider functionality)
  113. - libgabe (for Attribute-Based Encryption and
  114. Identity Provider functionality, from
  115. https://github.com/schanzen/libgabe)
  116. - mandoc (for linting of man pages, generation of
  117. html output of man pages)
  118. - miniupnpc
  119. - perl5 (for some utilities)
  120. - python2.7 = 2.7 (for gnunet-qr, only python 2.7
  121. supported)
  122. - TeX Live >= 2012 (for gnunet-bcd[*])
  123. - texi2mdoc (for automatic mdoc generation [*2])
  124. Recommended autotools for compiling the Git version are:
  125. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  126. - autoconf >= 2.59
  127. - automake >= 1.11.1
  128. - libtool >= 2.2
  129. [*] Mandatory for compiling the info output of the documentation,
  130. a limited subset ('texlive-tiny' in Guix) is enough.
  131. [*1] The default configuration is to build the info output of the
  132. documentation, and therefore require texinfo. You can pass
  133. '--disable-documentation' to the configure script to change this.
  134. [*2] If you still prefer to have documentation, you can pass
  135. '--with-section7' to build mdoc documentation (experimental
  136. stages in gnunet). If this proves to be reliable, we will
  137. include the mdoc output in the release tarballs.
  138. Contrary to the name, texi2mdoc does not require texinfo,
  139. It is a standalone ISO C utility.
  140. [*3] GNU make introduced the != operator in version 4.0.
  141. GNU make was released in october 2013, reasonable to
  142. be widespread by now. If this is not working out for
  143. you, open a bug so that we can get a more portable
  144. fix in.
  145. [*4] We are commited to portable tools and solutions
  146. where possible. New scripts should be Posix SH
  147. compatible, current and older scripts are
  148. in the process of being rewritten to comply
  149. with this requirement.
  150. [*5] While libextractor is optional, it is recommended to
  151. build gnunet against it. If you install it later,
  152. you won't benefit from libextractor.
  153. If you are a distributor, we recommend to split
  154. LE into basis + plugins rather than making LE
  155. an option as an afterthought by the user.
  156. LE itself is very small, but its dependency chain
  157. on first, second, third etc level can be big.
  158. There is a small effect on privacy if your LE build
  159. differs from one which includes all
  160. plugins (plugins are build as shared objects):
  161. if users publish a directory with a mixture of file
  162. types (for example mpeg, jpeg, png, gif) the
  163. configuration of LE could leak which plugins are
  164. installed for which filetypes are not providing
  165. more details.
  166. However, this leak is just a minor concern.
  167. Requirements
  168. ============
  169. GNUnet's directed acyclic graph (DAG) will require around 0.74 GiB
  170. Diskspace, with GNUNet itself taking around 8 - 9.2 MiB reported by
  171. the build on GNU Guix.
  172. How to install?
  173. ===============
  174. binary packages
  175. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  176. We recommend to use binary packages provided by your Operating System's
  177. package manager. GNUnet is reportedly available for at least:
  178. GNU Guix, Nix, Debian, ALT Linux, Archlinux, Deepin, Devuan, Hyperbola,
  179. Kali Linux, LEDE/OpenWRT, Manjaro, Parabola, Pardus, Parrot, PureOS,
  180. Raspbian, Rosa, Trisquel, and Ubuntu.
  181. If GNUnet is available for your Operating System and it is missing,
  182. send us feedback so that we can add it to this list. Furthermore, if
  183. you are interested in packaging GNUnet for your Operating System,
  184. get in touch with us at gnunet-developers@gnu.org if you require
  185. help with this job.
  186. If you were using an Operating System with the apt package manager,
  187. GNUnet could be installed as simple as:
  188. $ apt-get install gnunet
  189. Generic installation instructions are in the INSTALL file in this
  190. directory.
  191. Scope of Operating System support
  192. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  193. We actively support GNUnet on a broad range of Free Software Operating
  194. Systems.
  195. For proprietary Operating Systems, like for example Microsoft Windows
  196. or Apple OS X, we accept patches if they don't break anything for
  197. other Operating Systems.
  198. If you are implementing support for a proprietary Operating System,
  199. you should be aware that progress in our codebase could break
  200. functionality on your OS and cause unpredicted behavior we can
  201. not test. However, we do not break support on Operating Systems
  202. with malicious intent.
  203. Regressions which do occur on these Operating Systems are 3rd
  204. class issues and we expect users and developers of these
  205. Operating Systems to send proposed patches to fix regressions.
  206. For more information about our stand on some of the motivating
  207. points here, read the 'Philosophy' Chapter of our handbook.
  208. Building GNUnet from source
  209. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  210. IMPORTANT: You can read further notes about compilation from source in
  211. the handbook under doc/handbook/, which includes notes about specific
  212. requirements for operating systems aswell. If you are a package
  213. mantainer for an Operating System we invite you to add your notes if
  214. you feel it is necessary and can not be covered in your Operating
  215. System's documentation.
  216. Two prominent examples which currently lack cross-compilation
  217. support in GNUnet (and native binaries) are MS Windows and Apple macOS.
  218. For macOS we recommend you to do the build process via Homebrew and a
  219. recent XCode installation. We don't recommend using GNUnet with any
  220. recent MS Windows system as it officially spies on its users (according
  221. to its T&C), defying some of the purposes of GNUnet.
  222. Note that some functions of GNUnet require "root" access. GNUnet will
  223. install (tiny) SUID binaries for those functions is you run "make
  224. install" as root. If you do not, GNUnet will still work, but some
  225. functionality will not be available (including certain forms of NAT
  226. traversal).
  227. GNUnet requires the GNU MP library (https://www.gnu.org/software/gmp/)
  228. and libgcrypt (https://www.gnupg.org/). You can specify the path to
  229. libgcrypt by passing "--with-gcrypt=PATH" to configure. You will also
  230. need either sqlite (http://www.sqlite.org/), MySQL
  231. (http://www.mysql.org/) or PostGres (http://www.postgres.org/).
  232. If you install from source, you need to install GNU libextractor first
  233. (download from https://www.gnu.org/software/libextractor/). We also
  234. recommend installing GNU libmicrohttpd (download from
  235. https://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/). Furthermore we recommend
  236. libgnurl (from https://gnunet.org/en/gnurl.html).
  237. Then you can start the actual GNUnet compilation process with:
  238. $ export GNUNET_PREFIX=/usr/local/lib # or other directory of your choice
  239. # addgroup gnunetdns
  240. # adduser --system --home "/var/lib/gnunet" --group gnunet --shell /bin/sh
  241. # ./configure --prefix=$GNUNET_PREFIX/.. --with-extractor=$LE_PREFIX
  242. $ make
  243. And finally install GNUnet with:
  244. # make install
  245. Complete the process by either adjusting one of our example service files
  246. in 'contrib/services' or by running:
  247. # sudo -u gnunet gnunet-arm -s
  248. Note that running the 'configure' and 'make install' steps as
  249. root (or with sudo) is required as some parts of the installation
  250. require the creation of SUID binaries. The installation will
  251. work if you do not run these steps as root, but some components
  252. may not be installed in the perfect place or with the right
  253. permissions and thus won't work.
  254. This will create the users and groups needed for running GNUnet
  255. securely and then compile and install GNUnet to $GNUNET_PREFIX/../bin/,
  256. $GNUNET_PREFIX/ and $GNUNET_PREFIX/../share/ and start the system
  257. with the default configuration. It is strongly recommended that you
  258. add a user "gnunet" to run "gnunet-arm". You can then still run the
  259. end-user applications as another user.
  260. If you create a system user "gnunet", it is recommended that you edit
  261. the configuration file slightly so that data can be stored in the
  262. system user home directory at "/var/lib/gnunet". Depending on what
  263. the $HOME-directory of your "gnunet" user is, you might need to set
  264. the SERVICEHOME option in section "[PATHS]" to "/var/lib/gnunet" to
  265. do this. Depending on your personal preferences, you may also want to
  266. use "/etc/gnunet.conf" for the location of the configuration file in
  267. this case (instead of ~gnunet/.config/gnunet.conf"). In this case,
  268. you need to start GNUnet using "gnunet-arm -s -c /etc/gnunet.conf" or
  269. set "XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/etc/".
  270. You can avoid running 'make install' as root if you run configure
  271. with the "--with-sudo=yes" option and have extensive sudo rights
  272. (can run "chmod +s" and "chown" via 'sudo'). If you run 'make install'
  273. as a normal user without sudo rights (or the configure option),
  274. certain binaries that require additional priviledges will not be
  275. installed properly (and autonomous NAT traversal, WLAN, DNS/GNS and
  276. the VPN will then not work).
  277. If you run 'configure' and 'make install' as root or use the '--with-sudo'
  278. option, GNUnet's build system will install "libnss_gns*" libraries to
  279. "/lib/" regardless (!) of the $GNUNET_PREFIX you might have specified,
  280. as those libraries must be in "/lib/". If you are packaging GNUnet
  281. for binary distribution, this may cause your packaging script to miss
  282. those plugins, so you might need to do some additional manual work to
  283. include those libraries in your binary package(s). Similarly, if you
  284. want to use the GNUnet naming system and did NOT run GNUnet's 'make
  285. install' process with sudo rights, the libraries will be installed to
  286. "$GNUNET_PREFIX" and you will have to move them to "/lib/"
  287. manually.
  288. Finally, if you are compiling the code from git, you have to
  289. run "sh ./bootstrap" before running "./configure". If you receive an error during
  290. the running of "sh ./bootstrap" that looks like "macro `AM_PATH_GTK'
  291. not found in library", you may need to run aclocal by hand with the -I
  292. option, pointing to your aclocal m4 macros, i.e.
  293. $ aclocal -I /usr/local/share/aclocal
  294. Configuration
  295. =============
  296. Note that additional, per-user configuration files can be created by
  297. each user. However, this is usually not necessary as there are few
  298. per-user options that normal users would want to modify. The defaults
  299. that are shipped with the installation are usually just fine.
  300. The gnunet-setup tool is particularly useful to generate the master
  301. configuration for the peer. gnunet-setup can be used to configure and
  302. test (!) the network settings, choose which applications should be run
  303. and configure databases. Other options you might want to control
  304. include system limitations (such as disk space consumption, bandwidth,
  305. etc). The resulting configuration files are human-readable and can
  306. theoretically be created or edited by hand.
  307. gnunet-setup is a separate download and requires somewhat recent
  308. versions of GTK+ and Glade. You can also create the configuration file
  309. by hand, but this is not recommended. For more general information
  310. about the GNU build process read the INSTALL file.
  311. GNUnet uses two types of configuration files, one that specifies the
  312. system-wide defaults (typically located in
  313. $GNUNET_PREFIX/../share/gnunet/config.d/) and a second one that overrides
  314. default values with user-specific preferences. The user-specific
  315. configuration file should be located in "~/.config/gnunet.conf" or its
  316. location can be specified by giving the "-c" option to the respective
  317. GNUnet application.
  318. For more information about the configuration (as well as usage) refer
  319. to the 'GNUnet User Handbook' chapter of the documentation, included
  320. in this software distribution.
  321. Usage
  322. =====
  323. For detailed usage notes, instructions and examples, refer to the
  324. included 'GNUnet Handbook'.
  325. First, you must obtain an initial list of GNUnet hosts. Knowing a
  326. single peer is sufficient since after that GNUnet propagates
  327. information about other peers. Note that the default configuration
  328. contains URLs from where GNUnet downloads an initial hostlist
  329. whenever it is started. If you want to create an alternative URL for
  330. others to use, the file can be generated on any machine running
  331. GNUnet by periodically executing
  332. $ cat $SERVICEHOME/data/hosts/* > the_file
  333. and offering 'the_file' via your web server. Alternatively, you can
  334. run the build-in web server by adding '-p' to the OPTIONS value
  335. in the "hostlist" section of gnunet.conf and opening the respective
  336. HTTPPORT to the public.
  337. If the solution with the hostlist URL is not feasible for your
  338. situation, you can also add hosts manually. Simply copy the hostkeys
  339. to "$SERVICEHOME/data/hosts/" (where $SERVICEHOME is the directory
  340. specified in the gnunet.conf configuration file). You can also use
  341. "gnunet-peerinfo -g" to GET a URI for a peer and "gnunet-peerinfo -p
  342. URI" to add a URI from another peer. Finally, GNUnet peers that use
  343. UDP or WLAN will discover each other automatically (if they are in the
  344. vicinity of each other) using broadcasts (IPv4/WLAN) or multicasts
  345. (IPv6).
  346. The local node is started using "gnunet-arm -s". We recommend to run
  347. GNUnet 24/7 if you want to maximize your anonymity, as this makes
  348. partitioning attacks harder.
  349. Once your peer is running, you should then be able to access GNUnet
  350. using the shell:
  351. $ gnunet-search KEYWORD
  352. This will display a list of results to the console. You can abort
  353. the command using "CTRL-C". Then use
  354. $ gnunet-download -o FILENAME GNUNET_URI
  355. to retrieve a file. The GNUNET_URI is printed by gnunet-search
  356. together with a description. To publish files on GNUnet, use the
  357. "gnunet-publish" command.
  358. The GTK user interface is shipped separately.
  359. After installing gnunet-gtk, you can invoke the setup tool and
  360. the file-sharing GUI with:
  361. $ gnunet-setup
  362. $ gnunet-fs-gtk
  363. For further documentation, see our webpage or the 'GNUnet User Handbook',
  364. included in this software distribution.
  365. Hacking GNUnet
  366. ==============
  367. Contributions are welcome. Please submit bugs you find to
  368. https://bugs.gnunet.org/ or our bugs mailinglist.
  369. Please make sure to run the script "contrib/scripts/gnunet-bugreport"
  370. and include the output with your bug reports. More about how to
  371. report bugs can be found in the GNUnet FAQ on the webpage. Submit
  372. patches via E-Mail to gnunet-developers@gnu.org, formated with
  373. `git format-patch`.
  374. In order to run the unit tests by hand (instead of using "make check"),
  375. you need to set the environment variable "GNUNET_PREFIX" to the
  376. directory where GNUnet's libraries are installed.
  377. Before running any testcases, you must complete the installation.
  378. Quick summary:
  379. $ ./configure --prefix=$SOMEWHERE
  380. $ make
  381. $ make install
  383. $ make check
  384. Some of the testcases require python >= 3.7, and the python module
  385. "pexpect" to be installed.
  386. If any testcases fail to pass on your system, run
  387. "contrib/scripts/gnunet-bugreport" (in the repository) or "gnunet-bugreport"
  388. when you already have GNUnet installed and report its output together with
  389. information about the failing testcase(s) to the Mantis bugtracking
  390. system at https://bugs.gnunet.org/.
  391. Running HTTP on port 80 and HTTPS on port 443
  392. =============================================
  393. In order to hide GNUnet's HTTP/HTTPS traffic perfectly, you might
  394. consider running GNUnet's HTTP/HTTPS transport on port 80/443.
  395. However, we do not recommend running GNUnet as root. Instead, forward
  396. port 80 to say 1080 with this command (as root, in your startup
  397. scripts):
  398. # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1080
  399. or for HTTPS
  400. # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4433
  401. Then set in the HTTP section of gnunet.conf the "ADVERTISED_PORT" to
  402. "80" and "PORT" to 1080 and similarly in the HTTPS section the
  403. "ADVERTISED_PORT" to "443" and "PORT" to 4433.
  404. You can do the same trick for the TCP and UDP transports if you want
  405. to map them to a priviledged port (from the point of view of the
  406. network). However, we are not aware of this providing any advantages
  407. at this point.
  408. If you are already running an HTTP or HTTPS server on port 80 (or 443),
  409. you may be able to configure it as a "ReverseProxy". Here, you tell
  410. GNUnet that the externally visible URI is some sub-page on your website,
  411. and GNUnet can then tunnel its traffic via your existing HTTP server.
  412. This is particularly powerful if your existing server uses HTTPS, as
  413. it makes it harder for an adversary to distinguish normal traffic to
  414. your server from GNUnet traffic. Finally, even if you just use HTTP,
  415. you might benefit (!) from ISP's traffic shaping as opposed to being
  416. throttled by ISPs that dislike P2P. Details for configuring the
  417. reverse proxy are documented on our website.
  418. Further Reading
  419. ===============
  420. * Documentation
  421. A HTML version of the new GNUnet manual is deployed at
  422. https://docs.gnunet.org
  423. which currently displays just GNUnet documentation. Until 2019
  424. we will add more reading material.
  425. * Academia / papers
  426. In almost 20 years various people in our community have written and
  427. collected a good number of papers which have been implemented in
  428. GNUnet or projects around GNUnet.
  429. There are currently 2 ways to get them:
  430. * Using git (NOTE: 1.1 GiB as of 2019-03-09):
  431. git clone https://git.gnunet.org/bibliography.git
  432. * Using Drupal:
  433. https://old.gnunet.org/bibliography
  434. The Drupal access will be replaced by a new interface to our
  435. bibliography in the foreseeable future.
  436. Stay tuned
  437. ==========
  438. * https://gnunet.org/
  439. * https://bugs.gnunet.org
  440. * https://git.gnunet.org
  441. * http://www.gnu.org/software/gnunet/
  442. * http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gnunet-developers
  443. * http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-gnunet
  444. * http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-gnunet
  445. * http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gnunet-svn