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  3. <title>GNUnet - GNUnet Manuals and Handbooks</title>
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  10. <h2>GNUnet - GNUnet Manuals and Handbooks</h2>
  11. <blockquote><address>
  12. GNUnet e.V.<br/>
  13. Fakultät für Informatik -- I8<br/>
  14. Technische Universität München<br/>
  15. Boltzmannstraße 3<br/>
  16. 85748 Garching<br/>
  17. GERMANY<br/>
  18. </address></blockquote>
  19. <p>The following handbooks and manuals are available:</p>
  20. <ul>
  21. <li><a href="gnunet/index.html">GNUnet Reference Manual</li>
  22. <li><a href="gnunet-c-tutorial/index.html">GNUnet C Tutorial</li>
  23. </ul>
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  29. the FSF. Broken links and other corrections or suggestions can be sent
  30. to <a href="mailto:gnunet-developers@gnu.org">&lt;gnunet-developers@gnu.org&gt;</a>.</p>
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  32. <p>Copyright &copy; 2001 - 2018 GNUnet e.V.</p>
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  43. Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
  44. </a>. Individual Manuals are licensed under the licenses mentioned within
  45. the books (GNU Free Documentation License, GNU General Public License).
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