'use strict'; 'require view'; 'require form'; 'require rpc'; return view.extend({ callHostHints: rpc.declare({ object: 'luci-rpc', method: 'getHostHints', expect: { '': {} } }), load: function() { return Promise.all([ this.callHostHints(), ]); }, render: function(data) { var hosts = data[0]; let m, s, o; m = new form.Map('keepalived'); s = m.section(form.GridSection, 'peer', _('Peers'), _('Peers can be referenced into Instances cluster and data/config synchronization')); s.anonymous = true; s.addremove = true; s.nodescriptions = true; o = s.option(form.Value, 'name', _('Name')); o.optional = false; o.placeholder = 'name'; o = s.option(form.Value, 'address', _('Peer Address')); o.optional = false; o.rmempty = false; o.datatype = 'ipaddr'; for(var mac in hosts) { if (hosts[mac]['ipaddrs'] == 'undefined') { continue; } for(var i = 0; i < hosts[mac]['ipaddrs'].length; i++) { o.value(hosts[mac]['ipaddrs'][i]); } } o = s.option(form.Flag, 'sync', _('Enable Sync'), _('Auto Synchonize Config/Data files with peer')); o = s.option(form.ListValue, 'sync_mode', _('Sync Mode'), _('Current System should act as Sender/Receiver.') + '
' + _('If peer is backup node, Current system should be sender, If peer is master current system should be receiver')); o.value('send', _('Sender')); o.value('receive', _('Receiver')); o.default = 'send'; o.depends({ 'sync' : '1' }); o = s.option(form.Value, 'ssh_port', _('SSH Port'), _('If peer runs on non standard ssh port, change to correct ssh port number')); o.datatype = 'port'; o.default = '22'; o.modalonly = true; o.depends({ 'sync' : '1', 'sync_mode' : 'send' }); o = s.option(form.Value, 'sync_dir', _('Sync Directory'), _('Sender will send files to this location of receiver. Must be same on Master/Backup')); o.default = '/usr/share/keepalived/rsync'; o.optional = false; o.rmempty = false; o.modalonly = true; o.datatype = 'directory'; o.depends({ 'sync' : '1' }); o = s.option(form.FileUpload, 'ssh_key', _('Path to SSH Private Key'), _('Use SSH key for password less authentication, SSH Key would be used on current system')); o.root_directory = '/etc/keepalived/keys'; o.enable_upload = true; o.modalonly = true; o.datatype = 'file'; o.depends({ 'sync' : '1', 'sync_mode' : 'send' }); o = s.option(form.TextValue, 'ssh_pubkey', _('SSH Public Key'), _('Authorize ssh public key of peer')); o.datatype = 'string'; o.modalonly = true; o.depends({ 'sync' : '1', 'sync_mode' : 'receive' }); o = s.option(form.DynamicList, 'sync_list', _('Sync Files'), _('Additional files to synchronize, By default it synchronizes sysupgrade backup files')); o.datatype = 'file'; o.modalonly = true; o.depends({ 'sync' : '1', 'sync_mode' : 'send' }); return m.render(); } });