'use strict';
'require view';
'require form';
'require uci';
'require ui';
'require tools.widgets as widgets';
return view.extend({
load: function () {
return Promise.all([uci.load('olsrd6')]);
render: function () {
var m = new form.Map(
_('OLSR Daemon - Interface'),
'The OLSR daemon is an implementation of the Optimized Link State Routing protocol. ' +
'As such it allows mesh routing for any network equipment. ' +
'It runs on any wifi card that supports ad-hoc mode and of course on any ethernet device. ' +
"Visit olsrd.org for help and documentation."
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
var segments = pathname.split('/');
var sidIndex = segments.lastIndexOf('iface') + 1;
var sid = null;
if (sidIndex !== -1 && sidIndex < segments.length) {
sid = segments[sidIndex];
var i = m.section(form.NamedSection, sid, 'Interface', _('Interface'));
i.anonymous = true;
i.addremove = false;
i.tab('general', _('General Settings'));
i.tab('addrs', _('IP Addresses'));
i.tab('timing', _('Timing and Validity'));
var ign = i.taboption('general', form.Flag, 'ignore', _('Enable'), _('Enable this interface.'));
ign.enabled = '0';
ign.disabled = '1';
ign.rmempty = false;
ign.cfgvalue = function (section_id) {
return uci.get('olsrd', section_id, 'ignore') || '0';
var network = i.taboption('general', widgets.NetworkSelect, 'interface', _('Network'), _('The interface OLSRd should serve.'));
network.optional = false;
var mode = i.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'Mode', _('Mode'), _('Interface mode is used to prevent unnecessary packet forwarding on switched ethernet interfaces. ' + 'Valid modes are "mesh" and "ether". Default is "mesh".'));
mode.optional = true;
mode.rmempty = true;
var weight = i.taboption(
'When multiple links exist between hosts the weight of interface is used to determine the link to use. ' +
'Normally the weight is automatically calculated by olsrd based on the characteristics of the interface, ' +
'but here you can specify a fixed value. Olsrd will choose links with the lowest value.
' +
'Note: Interface weight is used only when LinkQualityLevel is set to 0. ' +
'For any other value of LinkQualityLevel, the interface ETX value is used instead.'
weight.optional = true;
weight.datatype = 'uinteger';
weight.placeholder = '0';
var lqmult = i.taboption(
_('LinkQuality Multiplicator'),
'Multiply routes with the factor given here. Allowed values are between 0.01 and 1.0. ' +
'It is only used when LQ-Level is greater than 0. Examples:
' +
'reduce LQ to fd91:662e:3c58::1 by half: fd91:662e:3c58::1 0.5
' +
'reduce LQ to all nodes on this interface by 20%: default 0.8'
lqmult.optional = true;
lqmult.rmempty = true;
lqmult.cast = 'table';
lqmult.placeholder = 'default 1.0';
lqmult.validate = function (section_id) {
for (var i = 0; i < lqmult.formvalue(section_id).length; i++) {
var v = lqmult.formvalue(section_id)[i];
if (v !== '') {
var val = v.split(' ');
var host = val[0];
var mult = val[1];
if (!host || !mult) {
return [null, "LQMult requires two values (IP address or 'default' and multiplicator) separated by space."];
if (!/^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$|^([a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}$/.test(host) && host !== 'default') {
return [null, "Can only be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address or 'default'"];
if (isNaN(mult) || mult > 1 || mult < 0.01) {
return [null, 'Invalid Value for LQMult-Value. Must be between 0.01 and 1.0.'];
if (!/^[0-1]\.\d+$/.test(mult)) {
return [null, 'Invalid Value for LQMult-Value. You must use a decimal number between 0.01 and 1.0 here.'];
return true;
var ip6m = i.taboption('addrs', form.Value, 'IPv6Multicast', _('IPv6 multicast'), _('IPv6 multicast address. Default is "FF02::6D", the manet-router linklocal multicast.'));
ip6m.optional = true;
ip6m.datatype = 'ip6addr';
ip6m.placeholder = 'FF02::6D';
var ip6s = i.taboption(
_('IPv6 source'),
_('IPv6 src prefix. OLSRd will choose one of the interface IPs which matches the prefix of this parameter. ' + 'Default is "0::/0", which triggers the usage of a not-linklocal interface IP.')
ip6s.optional = true;
ip6s.datatype = 'ip6addr';
ip6s.placeholder = '0::/0';
var hi = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'HelloInterval', _('Hello interval'));
hi.optional = true;
hi.datatype = 'ufloat';
hi.placeholder = '5.0';
hi.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'HelloInterval', n);
var hv = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'HelloValidityTime', _('Hello validity time'));
hv.optional = true;
hv.datatype = 'ufloat';
hv.placeholder = '40.0';
hv.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'HelloValidityTime', n);
var ti = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'TcInterval', _('TC interval'));
ti.optional = true;
ti.datatype = 'ufloat';
ti.placeholder = '2.0';
ti.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'TcInterval', n);
var tv = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'TcValidityTime', _('TC validity time'));
tv.optional = true;
tv.datatype = 'ufloat';
tv.placeholder = '256.0';
tv.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'TcValidityTime', n);
var mi = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'MidInterval', _('MID interval'));
mi.optional = true;
mi.datatype = 'ufloat';
mi.placeholder = '18.0';
mi.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'MidInterval', n);
var mv = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'MidValidityTime', _('MID validity time'));
mv.optional = true;
mv.datatype = 'ufloat';
mv.placeholder = '324.0';
mv.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'MidValidityTime', n);
var ai = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'HnaInterval', _('HNA interval'));
ai.optional = true;
ai.datatype = 'ufloat';
ai.placeholder = '18.0';
ai.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'HnaInterval', n);
var av = i.taboption('timing', form.Value, 'HnaValidityTime', _('HNA validity time'));
av.optional = true;
av.datatype = 'ufloat';
av.placeholder = '108.0';
av.write = function (section_id, value) {
let n = parseFloat(value).toFixed(1);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
uci.set('olsrd6', section_id, 'HnaValidityTime', n);
return m.render();