123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- #!/bin/sh
- SCM=
- echo $(basename "$0") "initialises po/ i18n catalogues in empty language sub-folders."
- echo $(basename "$0") "is deprecated and may be removed in the future."
- echo "Hint: run i18n-add-language.sh instead."
- [ -d .svn ] && SCM="svn"
- git=$( command -v git 2>/dev/null )
- [ "$git" ] && "$git" status >/dev/null && SCM="git"
- [ -z "$SCM" ] && {
- echo "Unsupported SCM tool" >&2
- exit 1
- }
- [ -z "$PATTERN" ] && PATTERN="*.pot"
- [ "${1#luci-}" ] && {
- # user passed e.g. applications/luci-app-example - build template pot
- path="${1%/}"
- mkdir -p "$path/po/templates"
- ./build/i18n-scan.pl "$1" > "$1"/po/templates/"${path##*-}".pot && echo "Created $1/po/templates/${path##*-}.pot"
- slashes="${path//[^\/]}/" # Keep only slashes
- depth="${#slashes}" # Get the length of the remaining string (number of slashes)
- prefix=$(printf '../%.0s' $(seq 1 "$depth"))
- pushd "$path" 2&>/dev/null || exit
- "$prefix"build/i18n-add-language.sh
- }
- for lang in $(cd po; echo ?? ??_??); do
- for file in $(cd po/templates; echo $PATTERN); do
- if [ -f po/templates/$file -a ! -f "po/$lang/${file%.pot}.po" ]; then
- msginit --no-translator -l "$lang" -i "po/templates/$file" -o "po/$lang/${file%.pot}.po"
- $SCM add "po/$lang/${file%.pot}.po"
- fi
- done
- done
- popd 2&>/dev/null|| exit