123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272 |
- -- Copyright 2018 Rosy Song <rosysong@rosinson.com>
- -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
- local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor()
- local wa = require("luci.tools.webadmin")
- local fs = require("nixio.fs")
- local ipc = require("luci.ip")
- local def_rate_dl = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "static_rate_dl")
- local def_rate_ul = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "static_rate_ul")
- local def_unit_dl = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "static_unit_dl")
- local def_unit_ul = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "static_unit_ul")
- local def_up = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "dynamic_bw_up")
- local def_down = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "dynamic_bw_down")
- local limit_enable = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "limit_enable")
- local limit_mac_enable = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "limit_mac_enable")
- local limit_type = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "limit_type")
- local enable_priority = uci:get("nft-qos", "default", "priority_enable")
- local has_ipv6 = fs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route")
- m = Map("nft-qos", translate("QoS over Nftables"))
- --
- -- Taboptions
- --
- s = m:section(TypedSection, "default", translate("NFT-QoS Settings"))
- s.addremove = false
- s.anonymous = true
- s:tab("limit", translate("Limit Rate by IP Address"))
- s:tab("limitmac", translate("Limit Rate by Mac Address"))
- s:tab("priority", translate("Traffic Priority"))
- --
- -- Static
- --
- o = s:taboption("limit", Flag, "limit_enable", translate("Limit Enable"), translate("Enable Limit Rate Feature"))
- o.default = limit_enable or o.enabled
- o.rmempty = false
- o = s:taboption("limit", ListValue, "limit_type", translate("Limit Type"), translate("Type of Limit Rate"))
- o.default = limit_static or "static"
- o:depends("limit_enable","1")
- o:value("static", "Static")
- o:value("dynamic", "Dynamic")
- o = s:taboption("limit", Value, "static_rate_dl", translate("Default Download Rate"), translate("Default value for download rate"))
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o.default = def_rate_dl or '50'
- o:depends("limit_type","static")
- o = s:taboption("limit", ListValue, "static_unit_dl", translate("Default Download Unit"), translate("Default unit for download rate"))
- o.default = def_unit_dl or "kbytes"
- o:depends("limit_type","static")
- o:value("bytes", "Bytes/s")
- o:value("kbytes", "KBytes/s")
- o:value("mbytes", "MBytes/s")
- o = s:taboption("limit", Value, "static_rate_ul", translate("Default Upload Rate"), translate("Default value for upload rate"))
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o.default = def_rate_ul or '50'
- o:depends("limit_type","static")
- o = s:taboption("limit", ListValue, "static_unit_ul", translate("Default Upload Unit"), translate("Default unit for upload rate"))
- o.default = def_unit_ul or "kbytes"
- o:depends("limit_type","static")
- o:value("bytes", "Bytes/s")
- o:value("kbytes", "KBytes/s")
- o:value("mbytes", "MBytes/s")
- --
- -- Dynamic
- --
- o = s:taboption("limit", Value, "dynamic_bw_down", translate("Download Bandwidth (Mbps)"), translate("Default value for download bandwidth"))
- o.default = def_up or '100'
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o:depends("limit_type","dynamic")
- o = s:taboption("limit", Value, "dynamic_bw_up", translate("Upload Bandwidth (Mbps)"), translate("Default value for upload bandwidth"))
- o.default = def_down or '100'
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o:depends("limit_type","dynamic")
- o = s:taboption("limit", Value, "dynamic_cidr", translate("Target Network (IPv4/MASK)"), translate("Network to be applied, e.g.,, etc."))
- o.datatype = "cidr4"
- ipc.routes({ family = 4, type = 1 }, function(rt) o.default = rt.dest end)
- o:depends("limit_type","dynamic")
- if has_ipv6 then
- o = s:taboption("limit", Value, "dynamic_cidr6", translate("Target Network6 (IPv6/MASK)"), translate("Network to be applied, e.g. AAAA::BBBB/64, CCCC::1/128, etc."))
- o.datatype = "cidr6"
- o:depends("limit_type","dynamic")
- end
- o = s:taboption("limit", DynamicList, "limit_whitelist", translate("White List for Limit Rate"))
- o.datatype = "ipaddr"
- o:depends("limit_enable","1")
- --
- -- limit speed by mac address
- --
- o = s:taboption("limitmac", Flag, "limit_mac_enable", translate("Limit Enable"), translate("Enable Limit Rate Feature"))
- o.default = limit_mac_enable or o.enabled
- o.rmempty = false
- --
- -- Priority
- --
- o = s:taboption("priority", Flag, "priority_enable", translate("Enable Traffic Priority"), translate("Enable this feature"))
- o.default = enable_priority or o.enabled
- o.rmempty = false
- o = s:taboption("priority", ListValue, "priority_netdev", translate("Default Network Interface"), translate("Network Interface for Traffic Shaping, e.g. br-lan, eth0.1, eth0, etc."))
- o:depends("priority_enable", "1")
- wa.cbi_add_networks(o)
- --
- -- Static Limit Rate - Download Rate
- --
- if limit_enable == "1" and limit_type == "static" then
- x = m:section(TypedSection, "download", translate("Static QoS-Download Rate"))
- x.anonymous = true
- x.addremove = true
- x.template = "cbi/tblsection"
- o = x:option(Value, "hostname", translate("Hostname"))
- o.datatype = "hostname"
- o.default = 'undefined'
- if has_ipv6 then
- o = x:option(Value, "ipaddr", translate("IP Address (v4 / v6)"))
- else
- o = x:option(Value, "ipaddr", translate("IP Address (v4 Only)"))
- end
- o.datatype = "ipaddr"
- if nixio.fs.access("/tmp/dhcp.leases") or nixio.fs.access("/var/dhcp6.leases") then
- o.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "status", "overview")
- end
- o = x:option(Value, "rate", translate("Rate"))
- o.default = def_rate_dl or '50'
- o.size = 4
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o = x:option(ListValue, "unit", translate("Unit"))
- o.default = def_unit_dl or "kbytes"
- o:value("bytes", "Bytes/s")
- o:value("kbytes", "KBytes/s")
- o:value("mbytes", "MBytes/s")
- --
- -- Static Limit Rate - Upload Rate
- --
- y = m:section(TypedSection, "upload", translate("Static QoS-Upload Rate"))
- y.anonymous = true
- y.addremove = true
- y.template = "cbi/tblsection"
- o = y:option(Value, "hostname", translate("Hostname"))
- o.datatype = "hostname"
- o.default = 'undefined'
- if has_ipv6 then
- o = y:option(Value, "ipaddr", translate("IP Address (v4 / v6)"))
- else
- o = y:option(Value, "ipaddr", translate("IP Address (v4 Only)"))
- end
- o.datatype = "ipaddr"
- if nixio.fs.access("/tmp/dhcp.leases") or nixio.fs.access("/var/dhcp6.leases") then
- o.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "status", "overview")
- end
- o = y:option(Value, "rate", translate("Rate"))
- o.default = def_rate_ul or '50'
- o.size = 4
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o = y:option(ListValue, "unit", translate("Unit"))
- o.default = def_unit_ul or "kbytes"
- o:value("bytes", "Bytes/s")
- o:value("kbytes", "KBytes/s")
- o:value("mbytes", "MBytes/s")
- end
- --
- -- Traffic Priority Settings
- --
- if enable_priority == "1" then
- s = m:section(TypedSection, "priority", translate("Traffic Priority Settings"))
- s.anonymous = true
- s.addremove = true
- s.template = "cbi/tblsection"
- o = s:option(ListValue, "protocol", translate("Protocol"))
- o.default = "tcp"
- o:value("tcp", "TCP")
- o:value("udp", "UDP")
- o:value("udplite", "UDP-Lite")
- o:value("sctp", "SCTP")
- o:value("dccp", "DCCP")
- o = s:option(ListValue, "priority", translate("Priority"))
- o.default = "1"
- o:value("-400", "1")
- o:value("-300", "2")
- o:value("-225", "3")
- o:value("-200", "4")
- o:value("-150", "5")
- o:value("-100", "6")
- o:value("0", "7")
- o:value("50", "8")
- o:value("100", "9")
- o:value("225", "10")
- o:value("300", "11")
- o = s:option(Value, "service", translate("Service"), translate("e.g. https, 23, (separator is comma)"))
- o.default = '?'
- o = s:option(Value, "comment", translate("Comment"))
- o.default = '?'
- end
- --
- -- Static By Mac Address
- --
- if limit_mac_enable == "1" then
- x = m:section(TypedSection, "client", translate("Limit Traffic Rate By Mac Address"))
- x.anonymous = true
- x.addremove = true
- x.template = "cbi/tblsection"
- o = x:option(Value, "hostname", translate("Hostname"))
- o.datatype = "hostname"
- o.default = ''
- o = x:option(Value, "macaddr", translate("MAC Address"))
- o.rmempty = true
- o.datatype = "macaddr"
- o = x:option(Value, "drate", translate("Download Rate"))
- o.default = def_rate_dl or '50'
- o.size = 4
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o = x:option(ListValue, "drunit", translate("Unit"))
- o.default = def_unit_dl or "kbytes"
- o:value("bytes", "Bytes/s")
- o:value("kbytes", "KBytes/s")
- o:value("mbytes", "MBytes/s")
- o = x:option(Value, "urate", translate("Upload Rate"))
- o.default = def_rate_ul or '50'
- o.size = 4
- o.datatype = "uinteger"
- o = x:option(ListValue, "urunit", translate("Unit"))
- o.default = def_unit_ul or "kbytes"
- o:value("bytes", "Bytes/s")
- o:value("kbytes", "KBytes/s")
- o:value("mbytes", "MBytes/s")
- end
- return m