issue_template 1.4 KB

  1. # Issue template:
  2. 1. Please make sure that the issue subject starts with `<package-name>:`
  3. 2. Issues related to end of life (EOL) releases are not supported or maintained and will be closed
  4. 3. Remove lines from top till here and fill in the following questions
  5. ***
  6. ## Steps to reproduce:
  7. **Example: Replace the following lines and remove this**
  8. 1. go to: Network → Interfaces → LAN (an interface with a static address) → DHCP server tab → IPv6 RA settings tab
  9. 2. set RA MTU and RA Hop Limit to arbitrary non-default value
  10. 3. Save & Apply
  11. 4. go to: IPv6 RA settings tab again
  12. ## Actual behavior:
  13. **Example: Replace the following lines and remove this**
  14. 1. option ra_mtu '1500' is set correctly in /etc/config/dhcp
  15. 2. In LuCI though, RA MTU and RA Hop Limit are still displaying the default values in light gray font color.
  16. ## Expected behavior:
  17. **Example: Replace the following lines and remove this**
  18. ```
  19. RA MTU and RA Hop Limit are displaying the correct values found in /etc/config/dhcp in black font color.
  20. ```
  21. ## Additional Information:
  22. OpenWrt version information from system `/etc/openwrt_release`
  23. **Example: Replace the following lines and remove this**
  24. ```
  25. DISTRIB_ID='OpenWrt'
  26. DISTRIB_RELEASE='21.02.0-rc4'
  27. DISTRIB_REVISION='r16256-2d5ee43dc6'
  28. DISTRIB_TARGET='x86/64'
  29. DISTRIB_ARCH='x86_64'
  30. DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='OpenWrt 21.02.0-rc4 r16256-2d5ee43dc6'
  32. ```