pull_request_template.md 1.7 KB

  • This PR is not from my main or master branch :poop:, but a separate branch :white_check_mark:
  • Each commit has a valid :black_nib: Signed-off-by: <my@email.address> row (via git commit --signoff)
  • Each commit and PR title has a valid :memo: <package name>: title first line subject for packages
  • Incremented :up: any PKG_VERSION in the Makefile
  • Tested on: (architecture, openwrt version, browser) :white_check_mark:
  • ( Preferred ) Mention: @ the original code author for feedback
  • ( Preferred ) Screenshot or mp4 of changes:
  • ( Optional ) Closes: e.g. openwrt/luci#issue-number
  • ( Optional ) Depends on: e.g. openwrt/packages#pr-number in sister repo
  • Description: (describe the changes proposed in this PR)