123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- <div style="display: inline-block;">
- <!-- <%- if self.title then -%>
- <label class="cbi-value-title"<%= attr("for", cbid) %>>
- <%- if self.titleref then -%><a title="<%=self.titledesc or translate('Go to relevant configuration page')%>" class="cbi-title-ref" href="<%=self.titleref%>"><%- end -%>
- <%-=self.title-%>
- <%- if self.titleref then -%></a><%- end -%>
- </label>
- <%- end -%> -->
- <%- if self.password then -%>
- <input type="password" style="position:absolute; left:-100000px" aria-hidden="true"<%=
- attr("name", "password." .. cbid)
- %> />
- <%- end -%>
- <input data-update="change"<%=
- attr("id", cbid) ..
- attr("name", cbid) ..
- attr("type", self.password and "password" or "text") ..
- attr("class", self.password and "cbi-input-password" or "cbi-input-text") ..
- attr("value", self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default) ..
- ifattr(self.password, "autocomplete", "new-password") ..
- ifattr(self.size, "size") ..
- ifattr(self.placeholder, "placeholder") ..
- ifattr(self.readonly, "readonly") ..
- ifattr(self.maxlength, "maxlength") ..
- ifattr(self.datatype, "data-type", self.datatype) ..
- ifattr(self.datatype, "data-optional", self.optional or self.rmempty) ..
- ifattr(self.combobox_manual, "data-manual", self.combobox_manual) ..
- ifattr(#self.keylist > 0, "data-choices", { self.keylist, self.vallist })
- %> />
- <%- if self.password then -%>
- <div class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-neutral" title="<%:Reveal/hide password%>" onclick="var e = this.previousElementSibling; e.type = (e.type === 'password') ? 'text' : 'password'">∗</div>
- <% end %>
- </div>