Quellcode durchsuchen

Use "Aux1" key name consistently everywhere

Wuzzy vor 3 Jahren

+ 1 - 1

@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Some can be changed in the key config dialog in the settings tab.
 | P                             | Enable/disable pitch move mode                                 |
 | J                             | Enable/disable fast mode (needs fast privilege)                |
 | H                             | Enable/disable noclip mode (needs noclip privilege)            |
-| E                             | Move fast in fast mode                                         |
+| E                             | Aux1 (Move fast in fast mode. Games may add special features)  |
 | C                             | Cycle through camera modes                                     |
 | V                             | Cycle through minimap modes                                    |
 | Shift + V                     | Change minimap orientation                                     |

+ 143 - 0

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+ 8 - 8

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ free_move (Flying) bool false
 #    If enabled, makes move directions relative to the player's pitch when flying or swimming.
 pitch_move (Pitch move mode) bool false
-#    Fast movement (via the "special" key).
+#    Fast movement (via the "Aux1" key).
 #    This requires the "fast" privilege on the server.
 fast_move (Fast movement) bool false
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ invert_mouse (Invert mouse) bool false
 #    Mouse sensitivity multiplier.
 mouse_sensitivity (Mouse sensitivity) float 0.2
-#    If enabled, "special" key instead of "sneak" key is used for climbing down and
+#    If enabled, "Aux1" key instead of "Sneak" key is used for climbing down and
 #    descending.
-aux1_descends (Special key for climbing/descending) bool false
+aux1_descends (Aux1 key for climbing/descending) bool false
 #    Double-tapping the jump key toggles fly mode.
 doubletap_jump (Double tap jump for fly) bool false
-#    If disabled, "special" key is used to fly fast if both fly and fast mode are
+#    If disabled, "Aux1" key is used to fly fast if both fly and fast mode are
 #    enabled.
 always_fly_fast (Always fly and fast) bool true
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ touchscreen_threshold (Touch screen threshold) int 20 0 100
 #    If disabled, virtual joystick will center to first-touch's position.
 fixed_virtual_joystick (Fixed virtual joystick) bool false
-#    (Android) Use virtual joystick to trigger "aux" button.
-#    If enabled, virtual joystick will also tap "aux" button when out of main circle.
-virtual_joystick_triggers_aux (Virtual joystick triggers aux button) bool false
+#    (Android) Use virtual joystick to trigger "Aux1" button.
+#    If enabled, virtual joystick will also tap "Aux1" button when out of main circle.
+virtual_joystick_triggers_aux1 (Virtual joystick triggers Aux1 button) bool false
 #    Enable joysticks
 enable_joysticks (Enable joysticks) bool false
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ keymap_inventory (Inventory key) key KEY_KEY_I
 #    Key for moving fast in fast mode.
 #    See http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/namespaceirr.html#a54da2a0e231901735e3da1b0edf72eb3
-keymap_special1 (Special key) key KEY_KEY_E
+keymap_aux1 (Aux1 key) key KEY_KEY_E
 #    Key for opening the chat window.
 #    See http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/namespaceirr.html#a54da2a0e231901735e3da1b0edf72eb3

+ 2 - 2

@@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@ void Game::updatePlayerControl(const CameraOrientation &cam)
-		isKeyDown(KeyType::SPECIAL1),
+		isKeyDown(KeyType::AUX1),
@@ -2432,7 +2432,7 @@ void Game::updatePlayerControl(const CameraOrientation &cam)
 			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::LEFT)                          & 0x1) << 2) |
 			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::RIGHT)                         & 0x1) << 3) |
 			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::JUMP)                          & 0x1) << 4) |
-			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::SPECIAL1)                      & 0x1) << 5) |
+			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::AUX1)                          & 0x1) << 5) |
 			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::SNEAK)                         & 0x1) << 6) |
 			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG)                           & 0x1) << 7) |
 			( (u32)(isKeyDown(KeyType::PLACE)                         & 0x1) << 8) |

+ 2 - 2

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void KeyCache::populate()
 	key[KeyType::LEFT] = getKeySetting("keymap_left");
 	key[KeyType::RIGHT] = getKeySetting("keymap_right");
 	key[KeyType::JUMP] = getKeySetting("keymap_jump");
-	key[KeyType::SPECIAL1] = getKeySetting("keymap_special1");
+	key[KeyType::AUX1] = getKeySetting("keymap_aux1");
 	key[KeyType::SNEAK] = getKeySetting("keymap_sneak");
 	key[KeyType::DIG] = getKeySetting("keymap_dig");
 	key[KeyType::PLACE] = getKeySetting("keymap_place");
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ void RandomInputHandler::step(float dtime)
 	static RandomInputHandlerSimData rnd_data[] = {
 		{ "keymap_jump", 0.0f, 40 },
-		{ "keymap_special1", 0.0f, 40 },
+		{ "keymap_aux1", 0.0f, 40 },
 		{ "keymap_forward", 0.0f, 40 },
 		{ "keymap_left", 0.0f, 40 },
 		{ "keymap_dig", 0.0f, 30 },

+ 3 - 3

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ JoystickLayout create_default_layout()
 	// Accessible without any modifier pressed
 	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::JUMP,       bm | 1 << 0, 1 << 0);
-	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SPECIAL1,   bm | 1 << 1, 1 << 1);
+	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::AUX1,       bm | 1 << 1, 1 << 1);
 	// Accessible with start button not pressed, but four pressed
 	// TODO find usage for button 0
@@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ JoystickLayout create_xbox_layout()
 	// 4 Buttons
 	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::JUMP,        1 << 0,  1 << 0); // A/green
 	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::ESC,         1 << 1,  1 << 1); // B/red
-	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SPECIAL1,    1 << 2,  1 << 2); // X/blue
+	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::AUX1,        1 << 2,  1 << 2); // X/blue
 	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::INVENTORY,   1 << 3,  1 << 3); // Y/yellow
 	// Analog Sticks
-	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SPECIAL1,    1 << 11, 1 << 11); // left
+	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::AUX1,        1 << 11, 1 << 11); // left
 	JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SNEAK,       1 << 12, 1 << 12); // right
 	// Triggers

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public:
+		AUX1,

+ 2 - 2

@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void set_default_settings()
 	settings->setDefault("keymap_drop", "KEY_KEY_Q");
 	settings->setDefault("keymap_zoom", "KEY_KEY_Z");
 	settings->setDefault("keymap_inventory", "KEY_KEY_I");
-	settings->setDefault("keymap_special1", "KEY_KEY_E");
+	settings->setDefault("keymap_aux1", "KEY_KEY_E");
 	settings->setDefault("keymap_chat", "KEY_KEY_T");
 	settings->setDefault("keymap_cmd", "/");
 	settings->setDefault("keymap_cmd_local", ".");
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ void set_default_settings()
 	settings->setDefault("touchtarget", "true");
 	settings->setDefault("fixed_virtual_joystick", "false");
-	settings->setDefault("virtual_joystick_triggers_aux", "false");
+	settings->setDefault("virtual_joystick_triggers_aux1", "false");
 	settings->setDefault("smooth_lighting", "false");
 	settings->setDefault("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client", "10");
 	settings->setDefault("emergequeue_limit_diskonly", "16");

+ 3 - 3

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ enum
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void GUIKeyChangeMenu::regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize)
 			core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, option_w, 30 * s);
 			rect += topleft + v2s32(option_x, option_y);
-			const wchar_t *text = wgettext("\"Special\" = climb down");
+			const wchar_t *text = wgettext("\"Aux1\" = climb down");
 			Environment->addCheckBox(g_settings->getBool("aux1_descends"), rect, this,
 					GUI_ID_CB_AUX1_DESCENDS, text);
 			delete[] text;
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ void GUIKeyChangeMenu::init_keys()
 	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_BACKWARD_BUTTON,  wgettext("Backward"),         "keymap_backward");
 	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_LEFT_BUTTON,      wgettext("Left"),             "keymap_left");
 	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_RIGHT_BUTTON,     wgettext("Right"),            "keymap_right");
-	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_USE_BUTTON,       wgettext("Special"),          "keymap_special1");
+	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_AUX1_BUTTON,      wgettext("Aux1"),             "keymap_aux1");
 	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_JUMP_BUTTON,      wgettext("Jump"),             "keymap_jump");
 	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_SNEAK_BUTTON,     wgettext("Sneak"),            "keymap_sneak");
 	this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_DROP_BUTTON,      wgettext("Drop"),             "keymap_drop");

+ 9 - 9

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const char **button_imagenames = (const char *[]) {
-	"aux_btn.png"
+	"aux1_btn.png"
 const char **joystick_imagenames = (const char *[]) {
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ static irr::EKEY_CODE id2keycode(touch_gui_button_id id)
 		case zoom_id:
 			key = "zoom";
-		case special1_id:
-			key = "special1";
+		case aux1_id:
+			key = "aux1";
 		case fly_id:
 			key = "freemove";
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ TouchScreenGUI::TouchScreenGUI(IrrlichtDevice *device, IEventReceiver *receiver)
 	m_touchscreen_threshold = g_settings->getU16("touchscreen_threshold");
 	m_fixed_joystick = g_settings->getBool("fixed_virtual_joystick");
-	m_joystick_triggers_special1 = g_settings->getBool("virtual_joystick_triggers_aux");
+	m_joystick_triggers_aux1 = g_settings->getBool("virtual_joystick_triggers_aux1");
 	m_screensize = m_device->getVideoDriver()->getScreenSize();
 	button_size = MYMIN(m_screensize.Y / 4.5f,
 			porting::getDisplayDensity() *
@@ -521,9 +521,9 @@ void TouchScreenGUI::init(ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc)
 					m_screensize.Y - (3 * button_size)),
 			L"z", false);
-	// init special1/aux button
-	if (!m_joystick_triggers_special1)
-		initButton(special1_id,
+	// init aux1 button
+	if (!m_joystick_triggers_aux1)
+		initButton(aux1_id,
 				rect<s32>(m_screensize.X - (1.25 * button_size),
 						m_screensize.Y - (2.5 * button_size),
 						m_screensize.X - (0.25 * button_size),
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ void TouchScreenGUI::translateEvent(const SEvent &event)
 				if (distance > button_size) {
-					m_joystick_status[j_special1] = true;
+					m_joystick_status[j_aux1] = true;
 					// move joystick "button"
 					s32 ndx = button_size * dx / distance - button_size / 2.0f;
 					s32 ndy = button_size * dy / distance - button_size / 2.0f;
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ bool TouchScreenGUI::doubleTapDetection()
 void TouchScreenGUI::applyJoystickStatus()
 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-		if (i == 4 && !m_joystick_triggers_special1)
+		if (i == 4 && !m_joystick_triggers_aux1)
 		SEvent translated{};

+ 4 - 4

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ typedef enum
 	jump_id = 0,
-	special1_id,
+	aux1_id,
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ typedef enum
-	j_special1
+	j_aux1
 } touch_gui_joystick_move_id;
 typedef enum
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ private:
 	// forward, backward, left, right
 	touch_gui_button_id m_joystick_names[5] = {
-			forward_id, backward_id, left_id, right_id, special1_id};
+			forward_id, backward_id, left_id, right_id, aux1_id};
 	bool m_joystick_status[5] = {false, false, false, false, false};
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ private:
 	int m_joystick_id = -1;
 	bool m_joystick_has_really_moved = false;
 	bool m_fixed_joystick = false;
-	bool m_joystick_triggers_special1 = false;
+	bool m_joystick_triggers_aux1 = false;
 	button_info *m_joystick_btn_off = nullptr;
 	button_info *m_joystick_btn_bg = nullptr;
 	button_info *m_joystick_btn_center = nullptr;

