Browse Source

Devtest: Add jukebox

Desour 1 year ago

+ 2 - 0

@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ build/.cmake/

+ 1 - 0

@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ SmallJoker:
   textures/base/pack/server_favorite_delete.png (based on server_favorite.png)
+  games/devtest/mods/soundstuff/textures/soundstuff_jukebox.png
 License of Minetest source code

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+local path = minetest.get_modpath("soundstuff") .. "/"
+dofile(path .. "sound_event_items.lua")
+dofile(path .. "jukebox.lua")

+ 323 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+local F = minetest.formspec_escape
+-- hashed node pos -> sound handle
+local played_sounds = {}
+-- all of these can be set via the formspec
+local meta_keys = {
+	-- SimpleSoundSpec
+	"",
+	"sss.gain",
+	"sss.pitch",
+	"sss.fade",
+	-- sound parameters
+	"sparam.gain",
+	"sparam.pitch",
+	"sparam.fade",
+	"sparam.loop",
+	"sparam.pos",
+	"sparam.object",
+	"sparam.to_player",
+	"sparam.exclude_player",
+	"sparam.max_hear_distance",
+	-- fade
+	"fade.step",
+	"fade.gain",
+	-- other
+	"ephemeral",
+local function get_all_metadata(meta)
+	return {
+		sss = {
+			name  = meta:get_string(""),
+			gain  = meta:get_string("sss.gain"),
+			pitch = meta:get_string("sss.pitch"),
+			fade  = meta:get_string("sss.fade"),
+		},
+		sparam = {
+			gain              = meta:get_string("sparam.gain"),
+			pitch             = meta:get_string("sparam.pitch"),
+			fade              = meta:get_string("sparam.fade"),
+			loop              = meta:get_string("sparam.loop"),
+			pos               = meta:get_string("sparam.pos"),
+			object            = meta:get_string("sparam.object"),
+			to_player         = meta:get_string("sparam.to_player"),
+			exclude_player    = meta:get_string("sparam.exclude_player"),
+			max_hear_distance = meta:get_string("sparam.max_hear_distance"),
+		},
+		fade = {
+			gain = meta:get_string("fade.gain"),
+			step = meta:get_string("fade.step"),
+		},
+		ephemeral = meta:get_string("ephemeral"),
+	}
+local function log_msg(msg)
+	minetest.log("action", msg)
+	minetest.chat_send_all(msg)
+local function try_call(f, ...)
+	local function log_on_err(success, errmsg, ...)
+		if not success then
+			log_msg("[soundstuff:jukebox] Call failed: "..errmsg)
+		else
+			return errmsg, ...
+		end
+	end
+	return log_on_err(pcall(f, ...))
+local function show_formspec(pos, player)
+	local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+	local md = get_all_metadata(meta)
+	local pos_hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
+	local sound_handle = played_sounds[pos_hash]
+	local fs = {}
+	local function fs_add(str)
+		table.insert(fs, str)
+	end
+	fs_add([[
+		formspec_version[6]
+		size[14,11]
+	]])
+	-- SimpleSoundSpec
+	fs_add(string.format([[
+		container[0.5,0.5]
+		box[-0.1,-0.1;4.2,3.2;#EBEBEB20]
+		style[*;font=mono,bold]
+		label[0,0.25;SimpleSoundSpec]
+		style[*;font=mono]
+		field[0.00,1.00;4,0.75;;name;%s]
+		field[0.00,2.25;1,0.75;sss.gain;gain;%s]
+		field[1.25,2.25;1,0.75;sss.pitch;pitch;%s]
+		field[2.50,2.25;1,0.75;sss.fade;fade;%s]
+		container_end[]
+		field_close_on_enter[;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sss.gain;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sss.pitch;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sss.fade;false]
+	]], F(, F(md.sss.gain), F(md.sss.pitch), F(md.sss.fade)))
+	-- sound parameter table
+	fs_add(string.format([[
+		container[5.5,0.5]
+		box[-0.1,-0.1;4.2,10.2;#EBEBEB20]
+		style[*;font=mono,bold]
+		label[0,0.25;sound parameter table]
+		style[*;font=mono]
+		field[0.00,1;1,0.75;sparam.gain;gain;%s]
+		field[1.25,1;1,0.75;sparam.pitch;pitch;%s]
+		field[2.50,1;1,0.75;sparam.fade;fade;%s]
+		field[0,2.25;4,0.75;sparam.loop;loop;%s]
+		field[0,3.50;4,0.75;sparam.pos;pos;%s]
+		field[0,4.75;4,0.75;sparam.object;object;%s]
+		field[0,6.00;4,0.75;sparam.to_player;to_player;%s]
+		field[0,7.25;4,0.75;sparam.exclude_player;exclude_player;%s]
+		field[0,8.50;4,0.75;sparam.max_hear_distance;max_hear_distance;%s]
+		container_end[]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.gain;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.pitch;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.fade;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.loop;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.pos;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.object;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.to_player;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.exclude_player;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[sparam.max_hear_distance;false]
+		tooltip[sparam.object;Get a name with the Branding Iron.]
+	]], F(md.sparam.gain), F(md.sparam.pitch), F(md.sparam.fade), F(md.sparam.loop),
+			F(md.sparam.pos), F(md.sparam.object), F(md.sparam.to_player),
+			F(md.sparam.exclude_player), F(md.sparam.max_hear_distance)))
+	-- fade
+	fs_add(string.format([[
+		container[10.75,3]
+		box[-0.1,-0.1;3.2,3.2;#EBEBEB20]
+		style[*;font=mono,bold]
+		label[0,0.25;fade]
+		style[*;font=mono]
+		field[0.00,1;1,0.75;fade.step;step;%s]
+		field[1.25,1;1,0.75;fade.gain;gain;%s]
+	]], F(md.fade.step), F(md.fade.gain)))
+	if not sound_handle then
+		fs_add([[
+			box[0,2;3,0.75;#363636FF]
+			label[0.25,2.375;no sound]
+		]])
+	else
+		fs_add([[
+			button[0,2;3,0.75;btn_fade;Fade]
+		]])
+	end
+	fs_add([[
+		container_end[]
+		field_close_on_enter[fade.step;false]
+		field_close_on_enter[fade.gain;false]
+	]])
+	-- ephemeral
+	fs_add(string.format([[
+		checkbox[0.5,5;ephemeral;ephemeral;%s]
+	]], md.ephemeral))
+	-- play/stop and release buttons
+	if not sound_handle then
+		fs_add([[
+			container[10.75,0.5]
+			button[0,0;3,0.75;btn_play;Play]
+			container_end[]
+		]])
+	else
+		fs_add([[
+			container[10.75,0.5]
+			button[0,0;3,0.75;btn_stop;Stop]
+			button[0,1;3,0.75;btn_release;Release]
+			container_end[]
+		]])
+	end
+	-- save and quit button
+	fs_add([[
+		button_exit[10.75,10;3,0.75;btn_save_quit;Save & Quit]
+	]])
+	minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "soundstuff:jukebox@"..pos:to_string(),
+			table.concat(fs))
+minetest.register_node("soundstuff:jukebox", {
+	description = "Jukebox\nAllows to play arbitrary sounds.",
+	tiles = {"soundstuff_jukebox.png"},
+	groups = {dig_immediate = 2},
+	on_construct = function(pos)
+		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+		-- SimpleSoundSpec
+		meta:set_string("", "")
+		meta:set_string("sss.gain", "")
+		meta:set_string("sss.pitch", "")
+		meta:set_string("sss.fade", "")
+		-- sound parameters
+		meta:set_string("sparam.gain", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.pitch", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.fade", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.loop", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.pos", pos:to_string())
+		meta:set_string("sparam.object", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.to_player", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.exclude_player", "")
+		meta:set_string("sparam.max_hear_distance", "")
+		-- fade
+		meta:set_string("fade.gain", "")
+		meta:set_string("fade.step", "")
+		-- other
+		meta:set_string("ephemeral", "")
+		meta:mark_as_private(meta_keys)
+	end,
+	on_rightclick = function(pos, _node, clicker, _itemstack, _pointed_thing)
+		show_formspec(pos, clicker)
+	end,
+minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
+	if formname:sub(1, 19) ~= "soundstuff:jukebox@" then
+		return false
+	end
+	local pos = vector.from_string(formname, 20)
+	if not pos or pos ~= pos:round() then
+		minetest.log("error", "[soundstuff:jukebox] Invalid formname.")
+		return true
+	end
+	local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+	for _, k in ipairs(meta_keys) do
+		if fields[k] then
+			meta:set_string(k, fields[k])
+		end
+	end
+	meta:mark_as_private(meta_keys)
+	local pos_hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
+	local sound_handle = played_sounds[pos_hash]
+	if not sound_handle then
+		if fields.btn_play then
+			local md = get_all_metadata(meta)
+			local sss = {
+				name =,
+				gain  = tonumber(md.sss.gain),
+				pitch = tonumber(md.sss.pitch),
+				fade  = tonumber(md.sss.fade),
+			}
+			local sparam = {
+				gain  = tonumber(md.sparam.gain),
+				pitch = tonumber(md.sparam.pitch),
+				fade  = tonumber(md.sparam.fade),
+				loop = minetest.is_yes(md.sparam.loop),
+				pos = vector.from_string(md.sparam.pos),
+				object = testtools.get_branded_object(md.sparam.object),
+				to_player = md.sparam.to_player,
+				exclude_player = md.sparam.exclude_player,
+				max_hear_distance = tonumber(md.sparam.max_hear_distance),
+			}
+			local ephemeral = minetest.is_yes(md.ephemeral)
+			log_msg(string.format(
+					"[soundstuff:jukebox] Playing sound: minetest.sound_play(%s, %s, %s)",
+					string.format("{name=\"%s\", gain=%s, pitch=%s, fade=%s}",
+, sss.gain, sss.pitch, sss.fade),
+					string.format("{gain=%s, pitch=%s, fade=%s, loop=%s, pos=%s, "
+						.."object=%s, to_player=\"%s\", exclude_player=\"%s\", max_hear_distance=%s}",
+							sparam.gain, sparam.pitch, sparam.fade, sparam.loop, sparam.pos,
+							sparam.object and "<objref>", sparam.to_player, sparam.exclude_player,
+							sparam.max_hear_distance),
+					tostring(ephemeral)))
+			sound_handle = try_call(minetest.sound_play, sss, sparam, ephemeral)
+			played_sounds[pos_hash] = sound_handle
+			show_formspec(pos, player)
+		end
+	else
+		if fields.btn_stop then
+			log_msg("[soundstuff:jukebox] Stopping sound: minetest.sound_stop(<handle>)")
+			try_call(minetest.sound_stop, sound_handle)
+		elseif fields.btn_release then
+			log_msg("[soundstuff:jukebox] Releasing handle.")
+			played_sounds[pos_hash] = nil
+			show_formspec(pos, player)
+		elseif fields.btn_fade then
+			local md = get_all_metadata(meta)
+			local step = tonumber(md.fade.step)
+			local gain = tonumber(md.fade.gain)
+			log_msg(string.format(
+					"[soundstuff:jukebox] Fading sound: minetest.sound_fade(<handle>, %s, %s)",
+					step, gain))
+			try_call(minetest.sound_fade, sound_handle, step, gain)
+		end
+	end
+	return true

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 name = soundstuff
 description = Example items and nodes for testing sound effects
+depends = testtools

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Put your own testing sounds here. The folder is gitignored.
+Using a sound-pack is also possible.
