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Remove remaining modstore code (#6120)

Elijah Duffy %!s(int64=6) %!d(string=hai) anos

+ 0 - 8

@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ dofile(basepath .. "fstk" .. DIR_DELIM .. "ui.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "common.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "gamemgr.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modmgr.lua")
-dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "store.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "textures.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_config_world.lua")
@@ -152,13 +151,6 @@ local function init_globals()
-	-- Create modstore ui
-	if PLATFORM == "Android" then
-		modstore.init({x = 12, y = 6}, 3, 2)
-	else
-		modstore.init({x = 12, y = 8}, 4, 3)
-	end
 	core.sound_play("main_menu", true)

+ 0 - 614

@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
---Copyright (C) 2013 sapier
---This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
---it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
---the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
---(at your option) any later version.
---This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
---but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
---GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
---You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
---with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
---51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
---modstore implementation
-modstore = {}
--- @function [parent=#modstore] init
-function modstore.init(size, unsortedmods, searchmods)
-	modstore.mods_on_unsorted_page = unsortedmods
-	modstore.mods_on_search_page = searchmods
-	modstore.modsperpage = modstore.mods_on_unsorted_page
-	modstore.basetexturedir = core.get_texturepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. "base" ..
-						DIR_DELIM .. "pack" .. DIR_DELIM
-	modstore.lastmodtitle = ""
-	modstore.last_search = ""
-	modstore.searchlist = filterlist.create(
-		function()
-			if modstore.modlist_unsorted ~= nil and
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted.data ~= nil then
-				return modstore.modlist_unsorted.data
-			end
-			return {}
-		end,
-		function(element,modid)
-			if element.id == modid then
-				return true
-			end
-			return false
-		end, --compare fct
-		nil, --uid match fct
-		function(element,substring)
-			if substring == nil or
-				substring == "" then
-				return false
-			end
-			substring = substring:upper()
-			if element.title ~= nil and
-				element.title:upper():find(substring) ~= nil then
-				return true
-			end
-			if element.details ~= nil and
-				element.details.author ~= nil and
-				element.details.author:upper():find(substring) ~= nil then
-				return true
-			end
-			if element.details ~= nil and
-				element.details.description ~= nil and
-				element.details.description:upper():find(substring) ~= nil then
-				return true
-			end
-			return false
-		end --filter fct
-		)
-	modstore.current_list = nil
-	modstore.tv_store = tabview_create("modstore",size,{x=0,y=0})
-	modstore.tv_store:set_global_event_handler(modstore.handle_events)
-	modstore.tv_store:add(
-		{
-		name = "unsorted",
-		caption = fgettext("Unsorted"),
-		cbf_formspec       = modstore.unsorted_tab,
-		cbf_button_handler = modstore.handle_buttons,
-		on_change          =
-			function() modstore.modsperpage = modstore.mods_on_unsorted_page end
-		}
-	)
-	modstore.tv_store:add(
-		{
-		name = "search",
-		caption            = fgettext("Search"),
-		cbf_formspec       = modstore.getsearchpage,
-		cbf_button_handler = modstore.handle_buttons,
-		on_change          = modstore.activate_search_tab
-		}
-	)
--- @function [parent=#modstore] nametoindex
-function modstore.nametoindex(name)
-	for i=1,#modstore.tabnames,1 do
-		if modstore.tabnames[i] == name then
-			return i
-		end
-	end
-	return 1
--- @function [parent=#modstore] showdownloading
-function modstore.showdownloading(title)
-	local new_dlg = dialog_create("store_downloading",
-		function(data)
-			return "size[6,2]label[0.25,0.75;" ..
-				fgettext("Downloading $1, please wait...", data.title) .. "]"
-		end,
-		function(this,fields)
-			if fields["btn_hidden_close_download"] ~= nil then
-				if fields["btn_hidden_close_download"].successfull then
-					modstore.lastmodentry = fields["btn_hidden_close_download"]
-					modstore.successfulldialog(this)
-				else
-					this.parent:show()
-					this:delete()
-					modstore.lastmodtitle = ""
-				end
-				return true
-			end
-			return false
-		end,
-		nil)
-	new_dlg:set_parent(modstore.tv_store)
-	modstore.tv_store:hide()
-	new_dlg.data.title = title
-	new_dlg:show()
--- @function [parent=#modstore] successfulldialog
-function modstore.successfulldialog(downloading_dlg)
-	local new_dlg = dialog_create("store_downloading",
-		function(data)
-			local retval = ""
-			retval = retval .. "size[6,2,true]"
-			if modstore.lastmodentry ~= nil then
-				retval = retval .. "label[0,0.25;" .. fgettext("Successfully installed:") .. "]"
-				retval = retval .. "label[3,0.25;" .. modstore.lastmodentry.moddetails.title .. "]"
-				retval = retval .. "label[0,0.75;" .. fgettext("Shortname:") .. "]"
-				retval = retval .. "label[3,0.75;" .. core.formspec_escape(modstore.lastmodentry.moddetails.basename) .. "]"
-			end
-			retval = retval .. "button[2.2,1.5;1.5,0.5;btn_confirm_mod_successfull;" .. fgettext("Ok") .. "]"
-			return retval
-		end,
-		function(this,fields)
-			if fields["btn_confirm_mod_successfull"] ~= nil then
-				this.parent:show()
-				downloading_dlg:delete()
-				this:delete()
-				return true
-			end
-			return false
-		end,
-		nil)
-	new_dlg:set_parent(modstore.tv_store)
-	modstore.tv_store:hide()
-	new_dlg:show()
--- @function [parent=#modstore] handle_buttons
-function modstore.handle_buttons(parent, fields, name, data)
-	if fields["btn_modstore_page_up"] then
-		if modstore.current_list ~= nil and modstore.current_list.page > 0 then
-			modstore.current_list.page = modstore.current_list.page - 1
-		end
-		return true
-	end
-	if fields["btn_modstore_page_down"] then
-		if modstore.current_list ~= nil and
-			modstore.current_list.page <modstore.current_list.pagecount-1 then
-			modstore.current_list.page = modstore.current_list.page +1
-		end
-		return true
-	end
-	if fields["btn_modstore_search"] or
-		(fields["key_enter"] and fields["te_modstore_search"] ~= nil) then
-		modstore.last_search = fields["te_modstore_search"]
-		filterlist.set_filtercriteria(modstore.searchlist,fields["te_modstore_search"])
-		filterlist.refresh(modstore.searchlist)
-		modstore.currentlist = {
-			page = 0,
-			pagecount =  math.ceil(filterlist.size(modstore.searchlist) / modstore.modsperpage),
-			data = filterlist.get_list(modstore.searchlist),
-		}
-		return true
-	end
-	if fields["btn_modstore_close"] then
-		local maintab = ui.find_by_name("maintab")
-		parent:hide()
-		maintab:show()
-		return true
-	end
-	for key,value in pairs(fields) do
-		local foundat = key:find("btn_install_mod_")
-		if ( foundat == 1) then
-			local modid = tonumber(key:sub(17))
-			for i=1,#modstore.modlist_unsorted.data,1 do
-				if modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[i].id == modid then
-					local moddetails = modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[i].details
-					modstore.lastmodtitle = moddetails.title
-					if not core.handle_async(
-						function(param)
-							local fullurl = core.settings:get("modstore_download_url") ..
-											param.moddetails.download_url
-							if param.version ~= nil then
-								local found = false
-								for i=1,#param.moddetails.versions, 1 do
-									if param.moddetails.versions[i].date:sub(1,10) == param.version then
-										fullurl = core.settings:get("modstore_download_url") ..
-														param.moddetails.versions[i].download_url
-										found = true
-									end
-								end
-								if not found then
-									core.log("error","no download url found for version " .. dump(param.version))
-									return {
-										moddetails = param.moddetails,
-										successfull = false
-									}
-								end
-							end
-							if core.download_file(fullurl,param.filename) then
-								return {
-									texturename = param.texturename,
-									moddetails = param.moddetails,
-									filename = param.filename,
-									successfull = true
-								}
-							else
-								core.log("error","downloading " .. dump(fullurl) .. " failed")
-								return {
-									moddetails = param.moddetails,
-									successfull = false
-								}
-							end
-						end,
-						{
-							moddetails = moddetails,
-							version = fields["dd_version" .. modid],
-							filename = os.tempfolder() .. "_MODNAME_" .. moddetails.basename .. ".zip",
-							texturename = modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[i].texturename
-						},
-						function(result)
-							--print("Result from async: " .. dump(result.successfull))
-							if result.successfull then
-								modmgr.installmod(result.filename,result.moddetails.basename)
-								os.remove(result.filename)
-							else
-								gamedata.errormessage = "Failed to download " .. result.moddetails.title
-							end
-							if gamedata.errormessage == nil then
-								core.button_handler({btn_hidden_close_download=result})
-							else
-								core.button_handler({btn_hidden_close_download={successfull=false}})
-							end
-						end
-					) then
-						print("ERROR: async event failed")
-						gamedata.errormessage = "Failed to download " .. modstore.lastmodtitle
-					end
-					modstore.showdownloading(modstore.lastmodtitle)
-					return true
-				end
-			end
-			return true
-		end
-	end
-	return false
--- @function [parent=#modstore] handle_events
-function modstore.handle_events(this,event)
-	if (event == "MenuQuit") then
-		this:hide()
-		return true
-	end
--- @function [parent=#modstore] update_modlist
-function modstore.update_modlist()
-	modstore.modlist_unsorted = {}
-	modstore.modlist_unsorted.data = {}
-	modstore.modlist_unsorted.pagecount = 1
-	modstore.modlist_unsorted.page = 0
-	core.handle_async(
-		function(param)
-			return core.get_modstore_list()
-		end,
-		nil,
-		function(result)
-			if result ~= nil then
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted = {}
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted.data = result
-				if modstore.modlist_unsorted.data ~= nil then
-					modstore.modlist_unsorted.pagecount =
-						math.ceil((#modstore.modlist_unsorted.data / modstore.modsperpage))
-				else
-					modstore.modlist_unsorted.data = {}
-					modstore.modlist_unsorted.pagecount = 1
-				end
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted.page = 0
-				modstore.fetchdetails()
-				core.event_handler("Refresh")
-			end
-		end
-	)
--- @function [parent=#modstore] fetchdetails
-function modstore.fetchdetails()
-	for i=1,#modstore.modlist_unsorted.data,1 do
-		core.handle_async(
-		function(param)
-			param.details = core.get_modstore_details(tostring(param.modid))
-			return param
-		end,
-		{
-			modid=modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[i].id,
-			listindex=i
-		},
-		function(result)
-			if result ~= nil and
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted ~= nil
-				and modstore.modlist_unsorted.data ~= nil and
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[result.listindex] ~= nil and
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[result.listindex].id ~= nil then
-				modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[result.listindex].details = result.details
-				core.event_handler("Refresh")
-			end
-		end
-		)
-	end
--- @function [parent=#modstore] getscreenshot
-function modstore.getscreenshot(ypos,listentry)
-	if	listentry.details ~= nil and
-		(listentry.details.screenshot_url == nil or
-		listentry.details.screenshot_url == "") then
-		if listentry.texturename == nil then
-			listentry.texturename = defaulttexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png"
-		end
-		return "image[0,".. ypos .. ";3,2;" ..
-			core.formspec_escape(listentry.texturename) .. "]"
-	end
-	if listentry.details ~= nil and
-		listentry.texturename == nil then
-		--make sure we don't download multiple times
-		listentry.texturename = "in progress"
-		--prepare url and filename
-		local fullurl = core.settings:get("modstore_download_url") ..
-					listentry.details.screenshot_url
-		local filename = os.tempfolder() .. "_MID_" .. listentry.id
-		--trigger download
-		core.handle_async(
-			--first param is downloadfct
-			function(param)
-				param.successfull = core.download_file(param.fullurl,param.filename)
-				return param
-			end,
-			--second parameter is data passed to async job
-			{
-				fullurl = fullurl,
-				filename = filename,
-				modid = listentry.id
-			},
-			--integrate result to raw list
-			function(result)
-				if result.successfull then
-					local found = false
-					for i=1,#modstore.modlist_unsorted.data,1 do
-						if modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[i].id == result.modid then
-							found = true
-							modstore.modlist_unsorted.data[i].texturename = result.filename
-							break
-						end
-					end
-					if found then
-						core.event_handler("Refresh")
-					else
-						core.log("error","got screenshot but didn't find matching mod: " .. result.modid)
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		)
-	end
-	if listentry.texturename ~= nil and
-		listentry.texturename ~= "in progress" then
-		return "image[0,".. ypos .. ";3,2;" ..
-			core.formspec_escape(listentry.texturename) .. "]"
-	end
-	return ""
---@function [parent=#modstore] getshortmodinfo
-function modstore.getshortmodinfo(ypos,listentry,details)
-	local retval = ""
-	retval = retval .. "box[0," .. ypos .. ";11.4,1.75;#FFFFFF]"
-	--screenshot
-	retval = retval .. modstore.getscreenshot(ypos,listentry)
-	--title + author
-	retval = retval .."label[2.75," .. ypos .. ";" ..
-		core.formspec_escape(details.title) .. " (" .. details.author .. ")]"
-	--description
-	local descriptiony = ypos + 0.5
-	retval = retval .. "textarea[3," .. descriptiony .. ";6.5,1.55;;" ..
-		core.formspec_escape(details.description) .. ";]"
-	--rating
-	local ratingy = ypos
-	retval = retval .."label[7," .. ratingy .. ";" ..
-					fgettext("Rating") .. ":]"
-	retval = retval .. "label[8.7," .. ratingy .. ";" .. details.rating .."]"
-	--versions (IMPORTANT has to be defined AFTER rating)
-	if details.versions ~= nil and
-		#details.versions > 1 then
-		local versiony = ypos + 0.05
-		retval = retval .. "dropdown[9.1," .. versiony .. ";2.48,0.25;dd_version" .. details.id .. ";"
-		local versions = ""
-		for i=1,#details.versions , 1 do
-			if versions ~= "" then
-				versions = versions .. ","
-			end
-			versions = versions .. details.versions[i].date:sub(1,10)
-		end
-		retval = retval .. versions .. ";1]"
-	end
-	if details.basename then
-		--install button
-		local buttony = ypos + 1.2
-		retval = retval .."button[9.1," .. buttony .. ";2.5,0.5;btn_install_mod_" .. details.id .. ";"
-		if modmgr.mod_exists(details.basename) then
-			retval = retval .. fgettext("re-Install") .."]"
-		else
-			retval = retval .. fgettext("Install") .."]"
-		end
-	end
-	return retval
---@function [parent=#modstore] getmodlist
-function modstore.getmodlist(list,yoffset)
-	modstore.current_list = list
-	if yoffset == nil then
-		yoffset = 0
-	end
-	local sb_y_start = 0.2 + yoffset
-	local sb_y_end   = (modstore.modsperpage * 1.75) + ((modstore.modsperpage-1) * 0.15)
-	local close_button = "button[4," .. (sb_y_end + 0.3 + yoffset) ..
-			";4,0.5;btn_modstore_close;" .. fgettext("Close store") .. "]"
-	if #list.data == 0 then
-		return close_button
-	end
-	local scrollbar = ""
-	scrollbar = scrollbar .. "label[0.1,".. (sb_y_end + 0.25 + yoffset) ..";"
-				.. fgettext("Page $1 of $2", list.page+1, list.pagecount) .. "]"
-	scrollbar = scrollbar .. "box[11.6," .. sb_y_start .. ";0.28," .. sb_y_end .. ";#000000]"
-	local scrollbarpos = (sb_y_start + 0.5) +
-				((sb_y_end -1.6)/(list.pagecount-1)) * list.page
-	scrollbar = scrollbar .. "box[11.6," ..scrollbarpos .. ";0.28,0.5;#32CD32]"
-	scrollbar = scrollbar .. "button[11.6," .. (sb_y_start)
-				.. ";0.5,0.5;btn_modstore_page_up;^]"
-	scrollbar = scrollbar .. "button[11.6," .. (sb_y_start + sb_y_end - 0.5)
-				.. ";0.5,0.5;btn_modstore_page_down;v]"
-	local retval = ""
-	local endmod = (list.page * modstore.modsperpage) + modstore.modsperpage
-	if (endmod > #list.data) then
-		endmod = #list.data
-	end
-	for i=(list.page * modstore.modsperpage) +1, endmod, 1 do
-		--getmoddetails
-		local details = list.data[i].details
-		if details == nil then
-			details = {}
-			details.title = list.data[i].title
-			details.author = ""
-			details.rating = -1
-			details.description = ""
-		end
-		if details ~= nil then
-			local screenshot_ypos =
-				yoffset +(i-1 - (list.page * modstore.modsperpage))*1.9 +0.2
-			retval = retval .. modstore.getshortmodinfo(screenshot_ypos,
-														list.data[i],
-														details)
-		end
-	end
-	return retval .. scrollbar .. close_button
---@function [parent=#modstore] getsearchpage
-function modstore.getsearchpage(tabview, name, tabdata)
-	local retval = ""
-	local search = ""
-	if modstore.last_search ~= nil then
-		search = modstore.last_search
-	end
-	retval = retval ..
-		"button[9.5,0.2;2.5,0.5;btn_modstore_search;".. fgettext("Search") .. "]" ..
-		"field[0.5,0.5;9,0.5;te_modstore_search;;" .. search .. "]"
-	retval = retval ..
-		modstore.getmodlist(
-			modstore.currentlist,
-			1.75)
-	return retval;
---@function [parent=#modstore] unsorted_tab
-function modstore.unsorted_tab()
-	return modstore.getmodlist(modstore.modlist_unsorted)
---@function [parent=#modstore] activate_search_tab
-function modstore.activate_search_tab(type, old_tab, new_tab)
-	if old_tab == new_tab then
-		return
-	end
-	filterlist.set_filtercriteria(modstore.searchlist,modstore.last_search)
-	filterlist.refresh(modstore.searchlist)
-	modstore.modsperpage = modstore.mods_on_search_page
-	modstore.currentlist = {
-		page = 0,
-		pagecount =
-			math.ceil(filterlist.size(modstore.searchlist) / modstore.modsperpage),
-		data = filterlist.get_list(modstore.searchlist),
-	}

+ 0 - 21

@@ -33,15 +33,6 @@ local function get_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
 		modmgr.render_modlist(modmgr.global_mods) ..
 		";" .. tabdata.selected_mod .. "]"
-	retval = retval ..
---		"label[0.8,4.2;" .. fgettext("Add mod:") .. "]" ..
---		TODO Disabled due to upcoming release 0.4.8 and irrlicht messing up localization
---		"button[0.75,4.85;1.8,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_install_local;".. fgettext("Local install") .. "]" ..
---		TODO Disabled due to service being offline, and not likely to come online again, in this form
---		"button[0,4.85;5.25,0.5;btn_modstore;".. fgettext("Online mod repository") .. "]"
-		""
 	local selected_mod = nil
 	if filterlist.size(modmgr.global_mods) >= tabdata.selected_mod then
@@ -138,18 +129,6 @@ local function handle_buttons(tabview, fields, tabname, tabdata)
 		return true
-	if fields["btn_modstore"] ~= nil then
-		local modstore_ui = ui.find_by_name("modstore")
-		if modstore_ui ~= nil then
-			tabview:hide()
-			modstore.update_modlist()
-			modstore_ui:show()
-		else
-			print("modstore ui element not found")
-		end
-		return true
-	end
 	if fields["btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack"] ~= nil then
 		local dlg_renamemp = create_rename_modpack_dlg(tabdata.selected_mod)

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1601,11 +1601,5 @@ main_menu_game_mgr (Main menu game manager) int 0
 main_menu_mod_mgr (Main menu mod manager) int 1
-modstore_download_url (Modstore download URL) string https://forum.minetest.net/media/
-modstore_listmods_url (Modstore mods list URL) string https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mods/
-modstore_details_url (Modstore details URL) string https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mod/*/
 #    Print the engine's profiling data in regular intervals (in seconds). 0 = disable. Useful for developers.
 profiler_print_interval (Engine profiling data print interval) int 0

+ 0 - 20

@@ -37,26 +37,6 @@ core.get_modpath() (possible in async calls)
 ^ returns path to global modpath
 core.get_clientmodpath() (possible in async calls)
 ^ returns path to global client-side modpath
-core.get_modstore_details(modid) (possible in async calls)
-^ modid numeric id of mod in modstore
-^ returns {
-	id			= <numeric id of mod in modstore>,
-	title		= <human readable title>,
-	basename	= <basename for mod>,
-	description = <description of mod>,
-	author		= <author of mod>,
-	download_url= <best match download url>,
-	license		= <short description of license>,
-	rating		= <float value of current rating>
-core.get_modstore_list() (possible in async calls)
-^ returns {
-	[1] = {
-		id		 = <numeric id of mod in modstore>,
-		title	 = <human readable title>,
-		basename = <basename for mod>
-	}
 core.get_gamepath() (possible in async calls)
 ^ returns path to global gamepath
 core.get_texturepath() (possible in async calls)

+ 1 - 11

@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@
 #    Y of upper limit of large caves.
 #    type: int
 # mgcarpathian_large_cave_depth = -33
 #    Y of upper limit of lava in large caves.
 #    type: int
 # mgcarpathian_lava_depth = -256
@@ -1961,16 +1961,6 @@
 #    type: int
 # main_menu_mod_mgr = 1
-#    type: string
-# modstore_download_url = https://forum.minetest.net/media/
-#    type: string
-# modstore_listmods_url = https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mods/
-#    type: string
-# modstore_details_url = https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mod/*/
 #    Print the engine's profiling data in regular intervals (in seconds). 0 = disable. Useful for developers.
 #    type: int
 # profiler_print_interval = 0

+ 0 - 321

@@ -64,324 +64,3 @@ Json::Value fetchJsonValue(const std::string &url,
 	return root;
-std::vector<ModStoreMod>    readModStoreList(Json::Value& modlist) {
-		std::vector<ModStoreMod> retval;
-	if (modlist.isArray()) {
-		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modlist.size(); i++)
-		{
-			ModStoreMod toadd;
-			toadd.valid = true;
-			//id
-			if (modlist[i]["id"].asString().size()) {
-				std::string id_raw = modlist[i]["id"].asString();
-				char* endptr = 0;
-				int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-				if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-					toadd.id = numbervalue;
-				}
-				else {
-					errorstream << "readModStoreList: missing id" << std::endl;
-					toadd.valid = false;
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreList: missing id" << std::endl;
-				toadd.valid = false;
-			}
-			//title
-			if (modlist[i]["title"].asString().size()) {
-				toadd.title = modlist[i]["title"].asString();
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreList: missing title" << std::endl;
-				toadd.valid = false;
-			}
-			//basename
-			if (modlist[i]["basename"].asString().size()) {
-				toadd.basename = modlist[i]["basename"].asString();
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreList: missing basename" << std::endl;
-				toadd.valid = false;
-			}
-			//author
-			//rating
-			//version
-			if (toadd.valid) {
-				retval.push_back(toadd);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return retval;
-ModStoreModDetails          readModStoreModDetails(Json::Value& details) {
-	ModStoreModDetails retval;
-	retval.valid = true;
-	//version set
-	if (details["version_set"].isArray()) {
-		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < details["version_set"].size(); i++)
-		{
-			ModStoreVersionEntry toadd;
-			if (details["version_set"][i]["id"].asString().size()) {
-				std::string id_raw = details["version_set"][i]["id"].asString();
-				char* endptr = 0;
-				int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-				if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-					toadd.id = numbervalue;
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing version_set id" << std::endl;
-				retval.valid = false;
-			}
-			//date
-			if (details["version_set"][i]["date"].asString().size()) {
-				toadd.date = details["version_set"][i]["date"].asString();
-			}
-			//file
-			if (details["version_set"][i]["file"].asString().size()) {
-				toadd.file = details["version_set"][i]["file"].asString();
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing version_set file" << std::endl;
-				retval.valid = false;
-			}
-			//approved
-			//mtversion
-			if( retval.valid ) {
-				retval.versions.push_back(toadd);
-			}
-			else {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (retval.versions.size() < 1) {
-		infostream << "readModStoreModDetails: not a single version specified!" << std::endl;
-		retval.valid = false;
-	}
-	//categories
-	if (details["categories"].isObject()) {
-		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < details["categories"].size(); i++) {
-			ModStoreCategoryInfo toadd;
-			if (details["categories"][i]["id"].asString().size()) {
-				std::string id_raw = details["categories"][i]["id"].asString();
-				char* endptr = 0;
-				int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-				if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-					toadd.id = numbervalue;
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing categories id" << std::endl;
-				retval.valid = false;
-			}
-			if (details["categories"][i]["title"].asString().size()) {
-				toadd.name = details["categories"][i]["title"].asString();
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing categories title" << std::endl;
-				retval.valid = false;
-			}
-			if( retval.valid ) {
-				retval.categories.push_back(toadd);
-			}
-			else {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//author
-	if (details["author"].isObject()) {
-		if (details["author"]["id"].asString().size()) {
-			std::string id_raw = details["author"]["id"].asString();
-			char* endptr = 0;
-			int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-			if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-				retval.author.id = numbervalue;
-			}
-			else {
-				errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing author id (convert)" << std::endl;
-				retval.valid = false;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing author id" << std::endl;
-			retval.valid = false;
-		}
-		if (details["author"]["username"].asString().size()) {
-			retval.author.username = details["author"]["username"].asString();
-		}
-		else {
-			errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing author username" << std::endl;
-			retval.valid = false;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing author" << std::endl;
-		retval.valid = false;
-	}
-	//license
-	if (details["license"].isObject()) {
-		if (details["license"]["id"].asString().size()) {
-			std::string id_raw = details["license"]["id"].asString();
-			char* endptr = 0;
-			int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-			if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-				retval.license.id = numbervalue;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing license id" << std::endl;
-			retval.valid = false;
-		}
-		if (details["license"]["short"].asString().size()) {
-			retval.license.shortinfo = details["license"]["short"].asString();
-		}
-		else {
-			errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing license short" << std::endl;
-			retval.valid = false;
-		}
-		if (details["license"]["link"].asString().size()) {
-			retval.license.url = details["license"]["link"].asString();
-		}
-	}
-	//titlepic
-	if (details["titlepic"].isObject()) {
-		if (details["titlepic"]["id"].asString().size()) {
-			std::string id_raw = details["titlepic"]["id"].asString();
-			char* endptr = 0;
-			int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-			if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-				retval.titlepic.id = numbervalue;
-			}
-		}
-		if (details["titlepic"]["file"].asString().size()) {
-			retval.titlepic.file = details["titlepic"]["file"].asString();
-		}
-		if (details["titlepic"]["desc"].asString().size()) {
-			retval.titlepic.description = details["titlepic"]["desc"].asString();
-		}
-		if (details["titlepic"]["mod"].asString().size()) {
-			std::string mod_raw = details["titlepic"]["mod"].asString();
-			char* endptr = 0;
-			int numbervalue = strtol(mod_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-			if ((mod_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-				retval.titlepic.mod = numbervalue;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//id
-	if (details["id"].asString().size()) {
-		std::string id_raw = details["id"].asString();
-		char* endptr = 0;
-		int numbervalue = strtol(id_raw.c_str(),&endptr,10);
-		if ((id_raw != "") && (*endptr == 0)) {
-			retval.id = numbervalue;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing id" << std::endl;
-		retval.valid = false;
-	}
-	//title
-	if (details["title"].asString().size()) {
-		retval.title = details["title"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing title" << std::endl;
-		retval.valid = false;
-	}
-	//basename
-	if (details["basename"].asString().size()) {
-		retval.basename = details["basename"].asString();
-	}
-	else {
-		errorstream << "readModStoreModDetails: missing basename" << std::endl;
-		retval.valid = false;
-	}
-	//description
-	if (details["desc"].asString().size()) {
-		retval.description = details["desc"].asString();
-	}
-	//repository
-	if (details["replink"].asString().size()) {
-		retval.repository = details["replink"].asString();
-	}
-	//value
-	if (details["value"].isInt()) {
-		retval.rating = details["value"].asInt();
-	} else {
-		retval.rating = 0;
-	}
-	//depends
-	if (details["depends"].isArray()) {
-		//TODO
-	}
-	//softdepends
-	if (details["softdep"].isArray()) {
-		//TODO
-	}
-	//screenshot url
-	if (details["screenshot_url"].asString().size()) {
-		retval.screenshot_url = details["screenshot_url"].asString();
-	}
-	return retval;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 #include <json/json.h>
-struct ModStoreMod;
-struct ModStoreModDetails;
-std::vector<ModStoreMod>    readModStoreList(Json::Value& modlist);
-ModStoreModDetails          readModStoreModDetails(Json::Value& details);
 Json::Value                 fetchJsonValue(const std::string &url,
                                            std::vector<std::string> *extra_headers);

+ 0 - 3

@@ -221,9 +221,6 @@ void set_default_settings(Settings *settings)
 	settings->setDefault("main_menu_path", "");
 	settings->setDefault("main_menu_mod_mgr", "1");
 	settings->setDefault("main_menu_game_mgr", "0");
-	settings->setDefault("modstore_download_url", "https://forum.minetest.net/media/");
-	settings->setDefault("modstore_listmods_url", "https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mods/");
-	settings->setDefault("modstore_details_url", "https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mod/*/");
 	settings->setDefault("serverlist_file", "favoriteservers.txt");

+ 0 - 19

@@ -365,25 +365,6 @@ ClientModConfiguration::ClientModConfiguration(const std::string &path):
-Json::Value getModstoreUrl(const std::string &url)
-	std::vector<std::string> extra_headers;
-	bool special_http_header = true;
-	try {
-		special_http_header = g_settings->getBool("modstore_disable_special_http_header");
-	} catch (SettingNotFoundException) {}
-	if (special_http_header) {
-		extra_headers.push_back("Accept: application/vnd.minetest.mmdb-v1+json");
-	}
-	return fetchJsonValue(url, special_http_header ? &extra_headers : NULL);
 ModMetadata::ModMetadata(const std::string &mod_name):

+ 0 - 60

@@ -141,15 +141,6 @@ public:
-Json::Value getModstoreUrl(const std::string &url);
-inline Json::Value getModstoreUrl(const std::string &url)
-	return Json::Value();
 struct ModLicenseInfo {
 	int id;
 	std::string shortinfo;
@@ -161,57 +152,6 @@ struct ModAuthorInfo {
 	std::string username;
-struct ModStoreMod {
-	int id;
-	std::string title;
-	std::string basename;
-	ModAuthorInfo author;
-	float rating;
-	bool valid;
-struct ModStoreCategoryInfo {
-	int id;
-	std::string name;
-struct ModStoreVersionEntry {
-	int id;
-	std::string date;
-	std::string file;
-	bool approved;
-	//ugly version number
-	int mtversion;
-struct ModStoreTitlePic {
-	int id;
-	std::string file;
-	std::string description;
-	int mod;
-struct ModStoreModDetails {
-	/* version_set?? */
-	std::vector<ModStoreCategoryInfo> categories;
-	ModAuthorInfo author;
-	ModLicenseInfo license;
-	ModStoreTitlePic titlepic;
-	int id;
-	std::string title;
-	std::string basename;
-	std::string description;
-	std::string repository;
-	float rating;
-	std::vector<std::string> depends;
-	std::vector<std::string> softdeps;
-	std::string download_url;
-	std::string screenshot_url;
-	std::vector<ModStoreVersionEntry> versions;
-	bool valid;
 class ModMetadata: public Metadata

+ 0 - 145

@@ -310,147 +310,6 @@ int ModApiMainMenu::l_get_games(lua_State *L)
 	return 1;
-int ModApiMainMenu::l_get_modstore_details(lua_State *L)
-	const char *modid	= luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
-	if (modid != 0) {
-		Json::Value details;
-		std::string url = "";
-		try{
-			url = g_settings->get("modstore_details_url");
-		}
-		catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) {
-			lua_pushnil(L);
-			return 1;
-		}
-		size_t idpos = url.find("*");
-		url.erase(idpos,1);
-		url.insert(idpos,modid);
-		details = getModstoreUrl(url);
-		ModStoreModDetails current_mod = readModStoreModDetails(details);
-		if ( current_mod.valid) {
-			lua_newtable(L);
-			int top = lua_gettop(L);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"id");
-			lua_pushnumber(L,current_mod.id);
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"title");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.title.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"basename");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.basename.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"description");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.description.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"author");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.author.username.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"download_url");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.versions[0].file.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"versions");
-			lua_newtable(L);
-			int versionstop = lua_gettop(L);
-			for (unsigned int i=0;i < current_mod.versions.size(); i++) {
-				lua_pushnumber(L,i+1);
-				lua_newtable(L);
-				int current_element = lua_gettop(L);
-				lua_pushstring(L,"date");
-				lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.versions[i].date.c_str());
-				lua_settable(L,current_element);
-				lua_pushstring(L,"download_url");
-				lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.versions[i].file.c_str());
-				lua_settable(L,current_element);
-				lua_settable(L,versionstop);
-			}
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"screenshot_url");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.titlepic.file.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"license");
-			lua_pushstring(L,current_mod.license.shortinfo.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"rating");
-			lua_pushnumber(L,current_mod.rating);
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			//TODO depends
-			//TODO softdepends
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-int ModApiMainMenu::l_get_modstore_list(lua_State *L)
-	Json::Value mods;
-	std::string url = "";
-	try{
-		url = g_settings->get("modstore_listmods_url");
-	}
-	catch(SettingNotFoundException &e) {
-		lua_pushnil(L);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	mods = getModstoreUrl(url);
-	std::vector<ModStoreMod> moddata = readModStoreList(mods);
-	lua_newtable(L);
-	int top = lua_gettop(L);
-	unsigned int index = 1;
-	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < moddata.size(); i++)
-	{
-		if (moddata[i].valid) {
-			lua_pushnumber(L,index);
-			lua_newtable(L);
-			int top_lvl2 = lua_gettop(L);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"id");
-			lua_pushnumber(L,moddata[i].id);
-			lua_settable(L, top_lvl2);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"title");
-			lua_pushstring(L,moddata[i].title.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top_lvl2);
-			lua_pushstring(L,"basename");
-			lua_pushstring(L,moddata[i].basename.c_str());
-			lua_settable(L, top_lvl2);
-			lua_settable(L, top);
-			index++;
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
 int ModApiMainMenu::l_get_favorites(lua_State *L)
@@ -1137,8 +996,6 @@ void ModApiMainMenu::Initialize(lua_State *L, int top)
-	API_FCT(get_modstore_details);
-	API_FCT(get_modstore_list);
@@ -1166,7 +1023,5 @@ void ModApiMainMenu::InitializeAsync(lua_State *L, int top)
 	//API_FCT(extract_zip); //TODO remove dependency to GuiEngine
-	API_FCT(get_modstore_details);
-	API_FCT(get_modstore_list);
 	//API_FCT(gettext); (gettext lib isn't threadsafe)

+ 0 - 4

@@ -124,10 +124,6 @@ private:
 	static int l_extract_zip(lua_State *L);
-	static int l_get_modstore_details(lua_State *L);
-	static int l_get_modstore_list(lua_State *L);
 	static int l_download_file(lua_State *L);
 	static int l_get_video_drivers(lua_State *L);

+ 0 - 3

@@ -769,9 +769,6 @@ fake_function() {
 	gettext("Replaces the default main menu with a custom one.");
 	gettext("Main menu game manager");
 	gettext("Main menu mod manager");
-	gettext("Modstore download URL");
-	gettext("Modstore mods list URL");
-	gettext("Modstore details URL");
 	gettext("Engine profiling data print interval");
 	gettext("Print the engine's profiling data in regular intervals (in seconds). 0 = disable. Useful for developers.");