Minetest Lua Mainmenu API Reference 5.10.0 ========================================= Introduction ------------- The main menu is defined as a formspec by Lua in `builtin/mainmenu/` Description of formspec language to show your menu is in `lua_api.md` Images and 3D models ------ Directory delimiters change according to the OS (e.g. on Unix-like systems is `/`, on Windows is `\`). When putting an image or a 3D model inside a formspec, be sure to sanitize it first with `core.formspec_escape(img)`; otherwise, any resource located in a subpath won't be displayed on OSs using `\` as delimiter. Callbacks --------- * `core.button_handler(fields)`: called when a button is pressed. * `fields` = `{name1 = value1, name2 = value2, ...}` * `core.event_handler(event)` * `event`: `"MenuQuit"`, `"KeyEnter"`, `"ExitButton"`, `"EditBoxEnter"` or `"FullscreenChange"` Gamedata -------- The "gamedata" table is read when calling `core.start()`. It should contain: ```lua { playername = , password = , address = , port = , selected_world = , -- 0 for client mode singleplayer = , } ``` Functions --------- * `core.start()` * start game session * `core.close()` * exit engine * `core.get_min_supp_proto()` * returns the minimum supported network protocol version * `core.get_max_supp_proto()` * returns the maximum supported network protocol version * `core.open_url(url)` * opens the URL in a web browser, returns false on failure. * `url` must begin with http:// or https:// * `core.open_url_dialog(url)` * shows a dialog to allow the user to choose whether to open a URL. * `url` must begin with http:// or https:// * `core.open_dir(path)` * opens the path in the system file browser/explorer, returns false on failure. * Must be an existing directory. * `core.share_file(path)` * Android only. Shares file using the share popup * `core.get_version()` (possible in async calls) * returns current core version * `core.get_formspec_version()` * returns maximum supported formspec version Filesystem ---------- To access specific subpaths, use `DIR_DELIM` as a directory delimiter instead of manually putting one, as different OSs use different delimiters. E.g. ```lua "my" .. DIR_DELIM .. "custom" .. DIR_DELIM .. "path" -- and not my/custom/path ``` * `core.get_builtin_path()` * returns path to builtin root * `core.create_dir(absolute_path)` (possible in async calls) * `absolute_path` to directory to create (needs to be absolute) * returns true/false * `core.delete_dir(absolute_path)` (possible in async calls) * `absolute_path` to directory to delete (needs to be absolute) * returns true/false * `core.copy_dir(source,destination,keep_source)` (possible in async calls) * `source` folder * `destination` folder * `keep_source` DEFAULT true --> if set to false `source` is deleted after copying * returns true/false * `core.is_dir(path)` (possible in async calls) * returns true if `path` is a valid dir * `core.extract_zip(zipfile,destination)` [unzip within path required] * `zipfile` to extract * `destination` folder to extract to * returns true/false * `core.sound_play(spec, looped)` -> handle * `spec` = `SimpleSoundSpec` (see `lua_api.md`) * `looped` = bool * `handle:stop()` or `core.sound_stop(handle)` * `core.get_video_drivers()` * get list of video drivers supported by engine (not all modes are guaranteed to work) * returns list of available video drivers' settings name and 'friendly' display name e.g. `{ {name="opengl", friendly_name="OpenGL"}, {name="software", friendly_name="Software Renderer"} }` * first element of returned list is guaranteed to be the NULL driver * `core.get_mapgen_names([include_hidden=false])` -> table of map generator algorithms registered in the core (possible in async calls) * `core.get_cache_path()` -> path of cache * `core.get_temp_path([param])` (possible in async calls) * `param`=true: returns path to a newly created temporary file * otherwise: returns path to a newly created temporary folder HTTP Requests ------------- * `core.download_file(url, target)` (possible in async calls) * `url` to download, and `target` to store to * returns true/false * `core.get_http_api()` (possible in async calls) * returns `HTTPApiTable` containing http functions. * The returned table contains the functions `fetch_sync`, `fetch_async` and `fetch_async_get` described below. * Function only exists if minetest server was built with cURL support. * `HTTPApiTable.fetch_sync(HTTPRequest req)`: returns HTTPRequestResult * Performs given request synchronously * `HTTPApiTable.fetch_async(HTTPRequest req)`: returns handle * Performs given request asynchronously and returns handle for `HTTPApiTable.fetch_async_get` * `HTTPApiTable.fetch_async_get(handle)`: returns `HTTPRequestResult` * Return response data for given asynchronous HTTP request ### `HTTPRequest` definition Used by `HTTPApiTable.fetch` and `HTTPApiTable.fetch_async`. ```lua { url = "http://example.org", timeout = 10, -- Timeout for connection in seconds. Default is 3 seconds. post_data = "Raw POST request data string" OR {field1 = "data1", field2 = "data2"}, -- Optional, if specified a POST request with post_data is performed. -- Accepts both a string and a table. If a table is specified, encodes -- table as x-www-form-urlencoded key-value pairs. -- If post_data is not specified, a GET request is performed instead. user_agent = "ExampleUserAgent", -- Optional, if specified replaces the default minetest user agent with -- given string extra_headers = { "Accept-Language: en-us", "Accept-Charset: utf-8" }, -- Optional, if specified adds additional headers to the HTTP request. -- You must make sure that the header strings follow HTTP specification -- ("Key: Value"). multipart = boolean -- Optional, if true performs a multipart HTTP request. -- Default is false. } ``` ### `HTTPRequestResult` definition Passed to `HTTPApiTable.fetch` callback. Returned by `HTTPApiTable.fetch_async_get`. ```lua { completed = true, -- If true, the request has finished (either succeeded, failed or timed -- out) succeeded = true, -- If true, the request was successful timeout = false, -- If true, the request timed out code = 200, -- HTTP status code data = "response" } ``` Formspec -------- * `core.update_formspec(formspec)` * `core.get_table_index(tablename)` -> index * can also handle textlists * `core.formspec_escape(string)` -> string * escapes characters [ ] \ , ; that cannot be used in formspecs * `core.explode_table_event(string)` -> table * returns e.g. `{type="CHG", row=1, column=2}` * `type`: "INV" (no row selected), "CHG" (selected) or "DCL" (double-click) * `core.explode_textlist_event(string)` -> table * returns e.g. `{type="CHG", index=1}` * `type`: "INV" (no row selected), "CHG" (selected) or "DCL" (double-click) * `core.set_formspec_prepend(formspec)` * `formspec`: string to be added to every mainmenu formspec, to be used for theming. GUI --- * `core.set_background(type,texturepath,[tile],[minsize])` * `type`: "background", "overlay", "header" or "footer" * `tile`: tile the image instead of scaling (background only) * `minsize`: minimum tile size, images are scaled to at least this size prior doing tiling (background only) * `core.set_clouds()` * `core.set_topleft_text(text)` * `core.show_keys_menu()` * `core.show_path_select_dialog(formname, caption, is_file_select)` * shows a path select dialog * `formname` is base name of dialog response returned in fields - if dialog was accepted `"_accepted"` will be added to fieldname containing the path - if dialog was canceled `"_cancelled"` will be added to fieldname value is set to formname itself * if `is_file_select` is `true`, a file and not a folder will be selected * returns nil or selected file/folder * `core.get_active_driver()`: * technical name of active video driver, e.g. "opengl" * `core.get_active_renderer()`: * name of current renderer, e.g. "OpenGL 4.6" * `core.get_active_irrlicht_device()`: * name of current irrlicht device, e.g. "SDL" * `core.get_window_info()`: Same as server-side `get_player_window_information` API. ```lua -- Note that none of these things are constant, they are likely to change -- as the player resizes the window and moves it between monitors -- -- real_gui_scaling and real_hud_scaling can be used instead of DPI. -- OSes don't necessarily give the physical DPI, as they may allow user configuration. -- real_*_scaling is just OS DPI / 96 but with another level of user configuration. { -- Current size of the in-game render target. -- -- This is usually the window size, but may be smaller in certain situations, -- such as side-by-side mode. size = { x = 1308, y = 577, }, -- Estimated maximum formspec size before Minetest will start shrinking the -- formspec to fit. For a fullscreen formspec, use this formspec size and -- `padding[0,0]`. `bgcolor[;true]` is also recommended. max_formspec_size = { x = 20, y = 11.25 }, -- GUI Scaling multiplier -- Equal to the setting `gui_scaling` multiplied by `dpi / 96` real_gui_scaling = 1, -- HUD Scaling multiplier -- Equal to the setting `hud_scaling` multiplied by `dpi / 96` real_hud_scaling = 1, -- Whether the touchscreen controls are enabled. -- Usually (but not always) `true` on Android. touch_controls = false, } ``` Content and Packages -------------------- Content - an installed mod, modpack, game, or texture pack (txt) Package - content which is downloadable from the content db, may or may not be installed. * `core.get_user_path()` (possible in async calls) * returns path to global user data, the directory that contains user-provided mods, worlds, games, and texture packs. * `core.get_modpath()` (possible in async calls) * returns path to global modpath in the user path, where mods can be installed * `core.get_modpaths()` (possible in async calls) * returns table of virtual path to global modpaths, where mods have been installed The difference with `core.get_modpath` is that no mods should be installed in these directories by Minetest -- they might be read-only. Ex: ```lua { mods = "/home/user/.minetest/mods", share = "/usr/share/minetest/mods", -- only provided when RUN_IN_PLACE=0 -- Custom dirs can be specified by the MINETEST_MOD_DIR env variable ["/path/to/custom/dir"] = "/path/to/custom/dir", } ``` * `core.get_clientmodpath()` (possible in async calls) * returns path to global client-side modpath * `core.get_gamepath()` (possible in async calls) * returns path to global gamepath * `core.get_texturepath()` (possible in async calls) * returns path to default textures * `core.get_games()` -> table of all games (possible in async calls) * `name` in return value is deprecated, use `title` instead. * returns a table (ipairs) with values: ```lua { id = , path = , gamemods_path = , title = , menuicon_path = <full path to menuicon>, author = "author", --DEPRECATED: addon_mods_paths = {[1] = <path>,}, } ``` * `core.get_content_info(path)` * returns ```lua { name = "technical_id", type = "mod" or "modpack" or "game" or "txp", title = "Human readable title", description = "description", author = "author", path = "path/to/content", textdomain = "textdomain", -- textdomain to translate title / description with depends = {"mod", "names"}, -- mods only optional_depends = {"mod", "names"}, -- mods only } ``` * `core.check_mod_configuration(world_path, mod_paths)` * Checks whether configuration is valid. * `world_path`: path to the world * `mod_paths`: list of enabled mod paths * returns: ```lua { is_consistent = true, -- true is consistent, false otherwise unsatisfied_mods = {}, -- list of mod specs satisfied_mods = {}, -- list of mod specs error_message = "", -- message or nil } ``` * `core.get_content_translation(path, domain, string)` * Translates `string` using `domain` in content directory at `path`. * Textdomains will be found by looking through all locale folders. * String should contain translation markup from `core.translate(textdomain, ...)`. * Ex: `core.get_content_translation("mods/mymod", "mymod", core.translate("mymod", "Hello World"))` will translate "Hello World" into the current user's language using `mods/mymod/locale/mymod.fr.tr`. Logging ------- * `core.debug(line)` (possible in async calls) * Always printed to `stderr` and logfile (`print()` is redirected here) * `core.log(line)` (possible in async calls) * `core.log(loglevel, line)` (possible in async calls) * `loglevel` one of "error", "action", "info", "verbose" Settings -------- * `core.settings:set(name, value)` * `core.settings:get(name)` -> string or nil (possible in async calls) * `core.settings:set_bool(name, value)` * `core.settings:get_bool(name)` -> bool or nil (possible in async calls) * `core.settings:save()` -> nil, save all settings to config file For a complete list of methods of the `Settings` object see [lua_api.md](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.md) Worlds ------ * `core.get_worlds()` -> list of worlds (possible in async calls) * returns ```lua { [1] = { path = <full path to world>, name = <name of world>, gameid = <gameid of world>, }, } ``` * `core.create_world(worldname, gameid, init_settings)` * `core.delete_world(index)` Helpers ------- * `core.get_us_time()` * returns time with microsecond precision * `core.gettext(string)` -> string * look up the translation of a string in the gettext message catalog * `fgettext_ne(string, ...)` * call `core.gettext(string)`, replace "$1"..."$9" with the given extra arguments and return the result * `fgettext(string, ...)` -> string * same as `fgettext_ne()`, but calls `core.formspec_escape` before returning result * `core.parse_json(string[, nullvalue])` -> something (possible in async calls) * see `core.parse_json` (`lua_api.md`) * `dump(obj, dumped={})` * Return object serialized as a string * `string:split(separator)` * eg. `string:split("a,b", ",")` == `{"a","b"}` * `string:trim()` * eg. `string.trim("\n \t\tfoo bar\t ")` == `"foo bar"` * `core.is_yes(arg)` (possible in async calls) * returns whether `arg` can be interpreted as yes * `core.encode_base64(string)` (possible in async calls) * Encodes a string in base64. * `core.decode_base64(string)` (possible in async calls) * Decodes a string encoded in base64. * `core.urlencode(str)`: Encodes non-unreserved URI characters by a percent sign followed by two hex digits. See [RFC 3986, section 2.3](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-2.3). Async ----- * `core.handle_async(async_job,parameters,finished)` * execute a function asynchronously * `async_job` is a function receiving one parameter and returning one parameter * `parameters` parameter table passed to `async_job` * `finished` function to be called once `async_job` has finished the result of `async_job` is passed to this function ### Limitations of Async operations * No access to global lua variables, don't even try * Limited set of available functions e.g. No access to functions modifying menu like `core.start`, `core.close`, `core.show_path_select_dialog` Background music ---------------- The main menu supports background music. It looks for a `main_menu` sound in `$USER_PATH/sounds`. The same naming conventions as for normal sounds apply. This means the player can add a custom sound. It will be played in the main menu (gain = 1.0), looped.