.gitignore 1.6 KB

  1. ## Editors and Development environments
  2. *~
  3. *.swp
  4. *.bak*
  5. *.orig
  6. # Vim
  7. *.vim
  8. # Kate
  9. .*.kate-swp
  10. .swp.*
  11. # KDevelop4
  12. .kdev4/
  13. *.kdev4
  14. # Eclipse (CDT and LDT)
  15. .project
  16. .cproject
  17. .settings/
  18. .buildpath
  19. .metadata
  20. # GNU Global
  21. tags
  22. !tags/
  23. gtags.files
  24. .idea/*
  25. # Codelite
  26. *.project
  27. ## Files related to minetest development cycle
  28. /*.patch
  29. *.diff
  30. # GNU Patch reject file
  31. *.rej
  32. ## Non-static Minetest directories or symlinks to these
  33. /bin/
  34. /games/*
  35. !/games/minimal/
  36. /cache
  37. /textures/*
  38. !/textures/base/
  39. /screenshots
  40. /sounds
  41. /mods/*
  42. !/mods/minetest/
  43. /mods/minetest/*
  44. !/mods/minetest/mods_here.txt
  45. /worlds
  46. /world/
  47. /clientmods/*
  48. !/clientmods/preview/
  49. /client/mod_storage/
  50. ## Configuration/log files
  51. minetest.conf
  52. debug.txt
  53. ## Other files generated by minetest
  54. screenshot_*.png
  55. ## Doxygen files
  56. doc/Doxyfile
  57. doc/html/
  58. doc/doxygen_*
  59. ## Build files
  60. CMakeFiles
  61. Makefile
  62. !build/android/Makefile
  63. build/android/path.cfg
  64. build/android/*.apk
  65. build/android/.externalNativeBuild
  66. cmake_install.cmake
  67. CMakeCache.txt
  68. CPackConfig.cmake
  69. CPackSourceConfig.cmake
  70. src/test_config.h
  71. src/android_version.h
  72. src/android_version_githash.h
  73. src/cmake_config.h
  74. src/cmake_config_githash.h
  75. src/unittest/test_world/world.mt
  76. src/lua/build/
  77. locale/
  78. .directory
  79. *.cbp
  80. *.layout
  81. *.o
  82. *.a
  83. *.ninja
  84. .ninja*
  85. *.gch
  86. test_config.h
  87. cmake-build-debug/
  88. cmake-build-release/
  89. cmake_config.h
  90. cmake_config_githash.h
  91. CMakeDoxy*
  92. ## Android build files
  93. build/android/src/main/assets
  94. build/android/build
  95. build/android/deps
  96. build/android/libs
  97. build/android/jni/lib
  98. build/android/jni/src
  99. build/android/src/main/jniLibs
  100. build/android/obj
  101. build/android/local.properties
  102. build/android/.gradle
  103. timestamp