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- #pragma once
- #include <exception>
- #include <iostream>
- class TestFailedException : public std::exception
- {
- };
- // Asserts the comparison specified by CMP is true, or fails the current unit test
- #define UASSERTCMP(CMP, actual, expected) \
- do { \
- const auto &a = (actual); \
- const auto &e = (expected); \
- if (!CMP(a, e)) { \
- std::cout \
- << "Test assertion failed: " << #actual << " " << #CMP << " " \
- << #expected << std::endl \
- << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl \
- << " actual: " << a << std::endl \
- << " expected: " \
- << e << std::endl; \
- throw TestFailedException(); \
- } \
- } while (0)
- #define CMPEQ(a, e) (a == e)
- #define CMPTRUE(a, e) (a)
- #define CMPNE(a, e) (a != e)
- #define UASSERTEQ(actual, expected) UASSERTCMP(CMPEQ, actual, expected)
- #define UASSERTNE(actual, nexpected) UASSERTCMP(CMPNE, actual, nexpected)
- #define UASSERT(actual) UASSERTCMP(CMPTRUE, actual, true)