123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310 |
- // Luanti
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
- // Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
- #pragma once
- #include <set>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include <list>
- #include <optional>
- #include "irrlichttypes.h"
- #include "util/enriched_string.h"
- // Chat console related classes
- struct ChatLine
- {
- // age in seconds
- f32 age = 0.0f;
- // name of sending player, or empty if sent by server
- EnrichedString name;
- // message text
- EnrichedString text;
- ChatLine(const std::wstring &a_name, const std::wstring &a_text):
- name(a_name),
- text(a_text)
- {
- }
- ChatLine(const EnrichedString &a_name, const EnrichedString &a_text):
- name(a_name),
- text(a_text)
- {
- }
- };
- struct ChatFormattedFragment
- {
- // text string
- EnrichedString text;
- // starting column
- u32 column;
- // web link is empty for most frags
- std::string weblink;
- // formatting
- //u8 bold:1;
- };
- struct ChatFormattedLine
- {
- // Array of text fragments
- std::vector<ChatFormattedFragment> fragments;
- // true if first line of one formatted ChatLine
- bool first;
- };
- class ChatBuffer
- {
- public:
- ChatBuffer(u32 scrollback);
- ~ChatBuffer() = default;
- // Append chat line
- // Removes oldest chat line if scrollback size is reached
- void addLine(const std::wstring &name, const std::wstring &text);
- // Remove all chat lines
- void clear();
- // Get number of lines currently in buffer.
- u32 getLineCount() const;
- // Get reference to i-th chat line.
- const ChatLine& getLine(u32 index) const;
- // Increase each chat line's age by dtime.
- void step(f32 dtime);
- // Delete oldest N chat lines.
- void deleteOldest(u32 count);
- // Delete lines older than maxAge.
- void deleteByAge(f32 maxAge);
- // Get number of rows, 0 if reformat has not been called yet.
- u32 getRows() const;
- // Update console size and reformat all formatted lines.
- void reformat(u32 cols, u32 rows);
- // Get formatted line for a given row (0 is top of screen).
- // Only valid after reformat has been called at least once
- const ChatFormattedLine& getFormattedLine(u32 row) const;
- // Scrolling in formatted buffer (relative)
- // positive rows == scroll up, negative rows == scroll down
- void scroll(s32 rows);
- // Scrolling in formatted buffer (absolute)
- void scrollAbsolute(s32 scroll);
- // Scroll to bottom of buffer (newest)
- void scrollBottom();
- // Functions for keeping track of whether the lines were modified by any
- // preceding operations
- // If they were not changed, getLineCount() and getLine() output the same as
- // before
- bool getLinesModified() const { return m_lines_modified; }
- void resetLinesModified() { m_lines_modified = false; }
- // Format a chat line for the given number of columns.
- // Appends the formatted lines to the destination array and
- // returns the number of formatted lines.
- u32 formatChatLine(const ChatLine& line, u32 cols,
- std::vector<ChatFormattedLine>& destination) const;
- void resize(u32 scrollback);
- protected:
- s32 getTopScrollPos() const;
- s32 getBottomScrollPos() const;
- private:
- // Scrollback size
- u32 m_scrollback;
- // Array of unformatted chat lines
- std::vector<ChatLine> m_unformatted;
- // Number of character columns in console
- u32 m_cols = 0;
- // Number of character rows in console
- u32 m_rows = 0;
- // Scroll position (console's top line index into m_formatted)
- s32 m_scroll = 0;
- // Array of formatted lines
- std::vector<ChatFormattedLine> m_formatted;
- // Empty formatted line, for error returns
- ChatFormattedLine m_empty_formatted_line;
- // Enable clickable chat weblinks
- bool m_cache_clickable_chat_weblinks;
- // Color of clickable chat weblinks
- irr::video::SColor m_cache_chat_weblink_color;
- // Whether the lines were modified since last markLinesUnchanged()
- // Is always set to true when m_unformatted is modified, because that's what
- // determines the output of getLineCount() and getLine()
- bool m_lines_modified = true;
- };
- class ChatPrompt
- {
- public:
- ChatPrompt(const std::wstring &prompt, u32 history_limit);
- ~ChatPrompt() = default;
- // Input character or string
- void input(wchar_t ch);
- void input(const std::wstring &str);
- // Add a string to the history
- void addToHistory(const std::wstring &line);
- // Get current line
- std::wstring getLine() const { return getLineRef(); }
- // Get section of line that is currently selected
- std::wstring getSelection() const { return getLineRef().substr(m_cursor, m_cursor_len); }
- // Clear the current line
- void clear();
- // Replace the current line with the given text
- std::wstring replace(const std::wstring &line);
- // Select previous command from history
- void historyPrev();
- // Select next command from history
- void historyNext();
- // Nick completion
- void nickCompletion(const std::set<std::string> &names, bool backwards);
- // Update console size and reformat the visible portion of the prompt
- void reformat(u32 cols);
- // Get visible portion of the prompt.
- std::wstring getVisiblePortion() const;
- // Get cursor position (relative to visible portion). -1 if invalid
- s32 getVisibleCursorPosition() const;
- // Get length of cursor selection
- s32 getCursorLength() const { return m_cursor_len; }
- // Cursor operations
- enum CursorOp {
- };
- // Cursor operation direction
- enum CursorOpDir {
- };
- // Cursor operation scope
- enum CursorOpScope {
- };
- // Cursor operation
- // op specifies whether it's a move or delete operation
- // dir specifies whether the operation goes left or right
- // scope specifies how far the operation will reach (char/word/line)
- // Examples:
- // moves the cursor to the end of the line.
- // deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
- void cursorOperation(CursorOp op, CursorOpDir dir, CursorOpScope scope);
- protected:
- const std::wstring &getLineRef() const;
- std::wstring &makeLineRef();
- // set m_view to ensure that 0 <= m_view <= m_cursor < m_view + m_cols
- // if line can be fully shown, set m_view to zero
- // else, also ensure m_view <= m_line.size() + 1 - m_cols
- void clampView();
- private:
- struct HistoryEntry {
- std::wstring line;
- // If line is edited, saved holds the unedited version.
- std::optional<std::wstring> saved;
- HistoryEntry(const std::wstring &line): line(line) {}
- bool operator==(const HistoryEntry &other);
- bool operator!=(const HistoryEntry &other) { return !(*this == other); }
- };
- // Prompt prefix
- std::wstring m_prompt = L"";
- // Non-historical edited line
- std::wstring m_line = L"";
- // History buffer
- std::vector<HistoryEntry> m_history;
- // History index (0 <= m_history_index <= m_history.size())
- u32 m_history_index = 0;
- // Maximum number of history entries
- u32 m_history_limit;
- // Number of columns excluding columns reserved for the prompt
- s32 m_cols = 0;
- // Start of visible portion (index into m_line)
- s32 m_view = 0;
- // Cursor (index into m_line)
- s32 m_cursor = 0;
- // Cursor length (length of selected portion of line)
- s32 m_cursor_len = 0;
- // Last nick completion start (index into m_line)
- s32 m_nick_completion_start = 0;
- // Last nick completion start (index into m_line)
- s32 m_nick_completion_end = 0;
- };
- class ChatBackend
- {
- public:
- ChatBackend();
- ~ChatBackend() = default;
- // Add chat message
- void addMessage(const std::wstring &name, std::wstring text);
- // Parse and add unparsed chat message
- void addUnparsedMessage(std::wstring line);
- // Get the console buffer
- ChatBuffer& getConsoleBuffer();
- // Get the recent messages buffer
- ChatBuffer& getRecentBuffer();
- // Concatenate all recent messages
- EnrichedString getRecentChat() const;
- // Get the console prompt
- ChatPrompt& getPrompt();
- // Reformat all buffers
- void reformat(u32 cols, u32 rows);
- // Clear all recent messages
- void clearRecentChat();
- // Age recent messages
- void step(float dtime);
- // Scrolling
- void scroll(s32 rows);
- void scrollPageDown();
- void scrollPageUp();
- // Resize recent buffer based on settings
- void applySettings();
- private:
- ChatBuffer m_console_buffer;
- ChatBuffer m_recent_buffer;
- ChatPrompt m_prompt;
- };