123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765 |
- /*
- Minetest
- Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
- #pragma once
- #include "irr_v3d.h"
- #include "map.h"
- #include "hud.h"
- #include "gamedef.h"
- #include "serialization.h" // For SER_FMT_VER_INVALID
- #include "content/mods.h"
- #include "inventorymanager.h"
- #include "content/subgames.h"
- #include "network/peerhandler.h"
- #include "network/address.h"
- #include "util/numeric.h"
- #include "util/thread.h"
- #include "util/basic_macros.h"
- #include "util/metricsbackend.h"
- #include "serverenvironment.h"
- #include "server/clientiface.h"
- #include "chatmessage.h"
- #include "sound.h"
- #include "translation.h"
- #include <atomic>
- #include <string>
- #include <list>
- #include <map>
- #include <vector>
- #include <unordered_set>
- #include <optional>
- #include <string_view>
- class ChatEvent;
- struct ChatEventChat;
- struct ChatInterface;
- class IWritableItemDefManager;
- class NodeDefManager;
- class IWritableCraftDefManager;
- class BanManager;
- class Inventory;
- class ModChannelMgr;
- class RemotePlayer;
- class PlayerSAO;
- struct PlayerHPChangeReason;
- class IRollbackManager;
- struct RollbackAction;
- class EmergeManager;
- class ServerScripting;
- class ServerEnvironment;
- struct SoundSpec;
- struct CloudParams;
- struct SkyboxParams;
- struct SunParams;
- struct MoonParams;
- struct StarParams;
- struct Lighting;
- class ServerThread;
- class ServerModManager;
- class ServerInventoryManager;
- struct PackedValue;
- struct ParticleParameters;
- struct ParticleSpawnerParameters;
- enum ClientDeletionReason {
- };
- struct MediaInfo
- {
- std::string path;
- std::string sha1_digest; // base64-encoded
- // true = not announced in TOCLIENT_ANNOUNCE_MEDIA (at player join)
- bool no_announce;
- // does what it says. used by some cases of dynamic media.
- bool delete_at_shutdown;
- MediaInfo(std::string_view path_ = "",
- std::string_view sha1_digest_ = ""):
- path(path_),
- sha1_digest(sha1_digest_),
- no_announce(false),
- delete_at_shutdown(false)
- {
- }
- };
- // Combines the pure sound (SoundSpec) with positional information
- struct ServerPlayingSound
- {
- SoundLocation type = SoundLocation::Local;
- float gain = 1.0f; // for amplification of the base sound
- float max_hear_distance = 32 * BS;
- v3f pos;
- u16 object = 0;
- std::string to_player;
- std::string exclude_player;
- v3f getPos(ServerEnvironment *env, bool *pos_exists) const;
- SoundSpec spec;
- std::unordered_set<session_t> clients; // peer ids
- };
- struct MinimapMode {
- MinimapType type = MINIMAP_TYPE_OFF;
- std::string label;
- u16 size = 0;
- std::string texture;
- u16 scale = 1;
- };
- // structure for everything getClientInfo returns, for convenience
- struct ClientInfo {
- ClientState state;
- Address addr;
- u32 uptime;
- u8 ser_vers;
- u16 prot_vers;
- u8 major, minor, patch;
- std::string vers_string, lang_code;
- };
- class Server : public con::PeerHandler, public MapEventReceiver,
- public IGameDef
- {
- public:
- /*
- NOTE: Every public method should be thread-safe
- */
- Server(
- const std::string &path_world,
- const SubgameSpec &gamespec,
- bool simple_singleplayer_mode,
- Address bind_addr,
- bool dedicated,
- ChatInterface *iface = nullptr,
- std::string *shutdown_errmsg = nullptr
- );
- ~Server();
- void start();
- void stop();
- // Actual processing is done in another thread.
- // This just checks if there was an error in that thread.
- void step();
- // This is run by ServerThread and does the actual processing
- void AsyncRunStep(float dtime, bool initial_step = false);
- void Receive(float timeout);
- PlayerSAO* StageTwoClientInit(session_t peer_id);
- /*
- * Command Handlers
- */
- void handleCommand(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_Null(NetworkPacket* pkt) {};
- void handleCommand_Deprecated(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_Init(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_Init2(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_ModChannelJoin(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void handleCommand_ModChannelLeave(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void handleCommand_ModChannelMsg(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void handleCommand_RequestMedia(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_ClientReady(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_GotBlocks(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_PlayerPos(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_DeletedBlocks(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_InventoryAction(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_ChatMessage(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_Damage(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_PlayerItem(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_Respawn(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_Interact(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_RemovedSounds(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_NodeMetaFields(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_InventoryFields(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_FirstSrp(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_SrpBytesA(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_SrpBytesM(NetworkPacket* pkt);
- void handleCommand_HaveMedia(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void handleCommand_UpdateClientInfo(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void ProcessData(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void Send(NetworkPacket *pkt);
- void Send(session_t peer_id, NetworkPacket *pkt);
- // Helper for handleCommand_PlayerPos and handleCommand_Interact
- void process_PlayerPos(RemotePlayer *player, PlayerSAO *playersao,
- NetworkPacket *pkt);
- // Both setter and getter need no envlock,
- // can be called freely from threads
- void setTimeOfDay(u32 time);
- /*
- Shall be called with the environment locked.
- This is accessed by the map, which is inside the environment,
- so it shouldn't be a problem.
- */
- void onMapEditEvent(const MapEditEvent &event);
- // Connection must be locked when called
- std::string getStatusString();
- inline double getUptime() const { return m_uptime_counter->get(); }
- // read shutdown state
- inline bool isShutdownRequested() const { return m_shutdown_state.is_requested; }
- // request server to shutdown
- void requestShutdown(const std::string &msg, bool reconnect, float delay = 0.0f);
- // Returns -1 if failed, sound handle on success
- // Envlock
- s32 playSound(ServerPlayingSound ¶ms, bool ephemeral=false);
- void stopSound(s32 handle);
- void fadeSound(s32 handle, float step, float gain);
- // Envlock
- std::set<std::string> getPlayerEffectivePrivs(const std::string &name);
- bool checkPriv(const std::string &name, const std::string &priv);
- void reportPrivsModified(const std::string &name=""); // ""=all
- void reportInventoryFormspecModified(const std::string &name);
- void reportFormspecPrependModified(const std::string &name);
- void setIpBanned(const std::string &ip, const std::string &name);
- void unsetIpBanned(const std::string &ip_or_name);
- std::string getBanDescription(const std::string &ip_or_name);
- bool denyIfBanned(session_t peer_id);
- void notifyPlayer(const char *name, const std::wstring &msg);
- void notifyPlayers(const std::wstring &msg);
- void spawnParticle(const std::string &playername,
- const ParticleParameters &p);
- u32 addParticleSpawner(const ParticleSpawnerParameters &p,
- ServerActiveObject *attached, const std::string &playername);
- void deleteParticleSpawner(const std::string &playername, u32 id);
- struct DynamicMediaArgs {
- std::string filename;
- std::optional<std::string> filepath;
- std::optional<std::string_view> data;
- u32 token;
- std::string to_player;
- bool ephemeral = false;
- };
- bool dynamicAddMedia(const DynamicMediaArgs &args);
- ServerInventoryManager *getInventoryMgr() const { return m_inventory_mgr.get(); }
- void sendDetachedInventory(Inventory *inventory, const std::string &name, session_t peer_id);
- // Envlock and conlock should be locked when using scriptapi
- ServerScripting *getScriptIface(){ return m_script; }
- // actions: time-reversed list
- // Return value: success/failure
- bool rollbackRevertActions(const std::list<RollbackAction> &actions,
- std::list<std::string> *log);
- // IGameDef interface
- // Under envlock
- virtual IItemDefManager* getItemDefManager();
- virtual const NodeDefManager* getNodeDefManager();
- virtual ICraftDefManager* getCraftDefManager();
- virtual u16 allocateUnknownNodeId(const std::string &name);
- IRollbackManager *getRollbackManager() { return m_rollback; }
- virtual EmergeManager *getEmergeManager() { return m_emerge; }
- virtual ModStorageDatabase *getModStorageDatabase() { return m_mod_storage_database; }
- IWritableItemDefManager* getWritableItemDefManager();
- NodeDefManager* getWritableNodeDefManager();
- IWritableCraftDefManager* getWritableCraftDefManager();
- virtual const std::vector<ModSpec> &getMods() const;
- virtual const ModSpec* getModSpec(const std::string &modname) const;
- virtual const SubgameSpec* getGameSpec() const { return &m_gamespec; }
- static std::string getBuiltinLuaPath();
- virtual std::string getWorldPath() const { return m_path_world; }
- inline bool isSingleplayer() const
- { return m_simple_singleplayer_mode; }
- struct StepSettings {
- float steplen;
- bool pause;
- };
- void setStepSettings(StepSettings spdata) { m_step_settings.store(spdata); }
- StepSettings getStepSettings() { return m_step_settings.load(); }
- inline void setAsyncFatalError(const std::string &error)
- { m_async_fatal_error.set(error); }
- inline void setAsyncFatalError(const LuaError &e)
- {
- setAsyncFatalError(std::string("Lua: ") + e.what());
- }
- // Not thread-safe.
- void addShutdownError(const ModError &e);
- bool showFormspec(const char *name, const std::string &formspec, const std::string &formname);
- Map & getMap() { return m_env->getMap(); }
- ServerEnvironment & getEnv() { return *m_env; }
- v3f findSpawnPos();
- u32 hudAdd(RemotePlayer *player, HudElement *element);
- bool hudRemove(RemotePlayer *player, u32 id);
- bool hudChange(RemotePlayer *player, u32 id, HudElementStat stat, void *value);
- bool hudSetFlags(RemotePlayer *player, u32 flags, u32 mask);
- bool hudSetHotbarItemcount(RemotePlayer *player, s32 hotbar_itemcount);
- void hudSetHotbarImage(RemotePlayer *player, const std::string &name);
- void hudSetHotbarSelectedImage(RemotePlayer *player, const std::string &name);
- Address getPeerAddress(session_t peer_id);
- void setLocalPlayerAnimations(RemotePlayer *player, v2s32 animation_frames[4],
- f32 frame_speed);
- void setPlayerEyeOffset(RemotePlayer *player, const v3f &first, const v3f &third, const v3f &third_front);
- void setSky(RemotePlayer *player, const SkyboxParams ¶ms);
- void setSun(RemotePlayer *player, const SunParams ¶ms);
- void setMoon(RemotePlayer *player, const MoonParams ¶ms);
- void setStars(RemotePlayer *player, const StarParams ¶ms);
- void setClouds(RemotePlayer *player, const CloudParams ¶ms);
- void overrideDayNightRatio(RemotePlayer *player, bool do_override, float brightness);
- void setLighting(RemotePlayer *player, const Lighting &lighting);
- void RespawnPlayer(session_t peer_id);
- /* con::PeerHandler implementation. */
- void peerAdded(con::Peer *peer);
- void deletingPeer(con::Peer *peer, bool timeout);
- void DenySudoAccess(session_t peer_id);
- void DenyAccess(session_t peer_id, AccessDeniedCode reason,
- const std::string &custom_reason = "", bool reconnect = false);
- void kickAllPlayers(AccessDeniedCode reason,
- const std::string &str_reason, bool reconnect);
- void acceptAuth(session_t peer_id, bool forSudoMode);
- void DisconnectPeer(session_t peer_id);
- bool getClientConInfo(session_t peer_id, con::rtt_stat_type type, float *retval);
- bool getClientInfo(session_t peer_id, ClientInfo &ret);
- const ClientDynamicInfo *getClientDynamicInfo(session_t peer_id);
- void printToConsoleOnly(const std::string &text);
- void HandlePlayerHPChange(PlayerSAO *sao, const PlayerHPChangeReason &reason);
- void SendPlayerHP(PlayerSAO *sao, bool effect);
- void SendPlayerBreath(PlayerSAO *sao);
- void SendInventory(RemotePlayer *player, bool incremental);
- void SendMovePlayer(PlayerSAO *sao);
- void SendMovePlayerRel(session_t peer_id, const v3f &added_pos);
- void SendPlayerSpeed(session_t peer_id, const v3f &added_vel);
- void SendPlayerFov(session_t peer_id);
- void SendMinimapModes(session_t peer_id,
- std::vector<MinimapMode> &modes,
- size_t wanted_mode);
- void sendDetachedInventories(session_t peer_id, bool incremental);
- bool joinModChannel(const std::string &channel);
- bool leaveModChannel(const std::string &channel);
- bool sendModChannelMessage(const std::string &channel, const std::string &message);
- ModChannel *getModChannel(const std::string &channel);
- // Send block to specific player only
- bool SendBlock(session_t peer_id, const v3s16 &blockpos);
- // Get or load translations for a language
- Translations *getTranslationLanguage(const std::string &lang_code);
- // Returns all media files the server knows about
- // map key = binary sha1, map value = file path
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> getMediaList();
- static ModStorageDatabase *openModStorageDatabase(const std::string &world_path);
- static ModStorageDatabase *openModStorageDatabase(const std::string &backend,
- const std::string &world_path, const Settings &world_mt);
- static bool migrateModStorageDatabase(const GameParams &game_params,
- const Settings &cmd_args);
- static u16 getProtocolVersionMin();
- static u16 getProtocolVersionMax();
- // Lua files registered for init of async env, pair of modname + path
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> m_async_init_files;
- // Identical but for mapgen env
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> m_mapgen_init_files;
- // Data transferred into other Lua envs at init time
- std::unique_ptr<PackedValue> m_lua_globals_data;
- // Bind address
- Address m_bind_addr;
- // Environment mutex (envlock)
- std::mutex m_env_mutex;
- private:
- friend class EmergeThread;
- friend class RemoteClient;
- friend class TestServerShutdownState;
- struct ShutdownState {
- friend class TestServerShutdownState;
- public:
- bool is_requested = false;
- bool should_reconnect = false;
- std::string message;
- void reset();
- void trigger(float delay, const std::string &msg, bool reconnect);
- void tick(float dtime, Server *server);
- std::wstring getShutdownTimerMessage() const;
- bool isTimerRunning() const { return m_timer > 0.0f; }
- private:
- float m_timer = 0.0f;
- };
- struct PendingDynamicMediaCallback {
- std::string filename; // only set if media entry and file is to be deleted
- float expiry_timer;
- std::unordered_set<session_t> waiting_players;
- };
- // The standard library does not implement std::hash for pairs so we have this:
- struct SBCHash {
- size_t operator() (const std::pair<v3s16, u16> &p) const {
- return std::hash<v3s16>()(p.first) ^ p.second;
- }
- };
- typedef std::unordered_map<std::pair<v3s16, u16>, std::string, SBCHash> SerializedBlockCache;
- void init();
- void SendMovement(session_t peer_id);
- void SendHP(session_t peer_id, u16 hp, bool effect);
- void SendBreath(session_t peer_id, u16 breath);
- void SendAccessDenied(session_t peer_id, AccessDeniedCode reason,
- const std::string &custom_reason, bool reconnect = false);
- void SendAccessDenied_Legacy(session_t peer_id, const std::wstring &reason);
- void SendDeathscreen(session_t peer_id, bool set_camera_point_target,
- v3f camera_point_target);
- void SendItemDef(session_t peer_id, IItemDefManager *itemdef, u16 protocol_version);
- void SendNodeDef(session_t peer_id, const NodeDefManager *nodedef,
- u16 protocol_version);
- virtual void SendChatMessage(session_t peer_id, const ChatMessage &message);
- void SendTimeOfDay(session_t peer_id, u16 time, f32 time_speed);
- void SendLocalPlayerAnimations(session_t peer_id, v2s32 animation_frames[4],
- f32 animation_speed);
- void SendEyeOffset(session_t peer_id, v3f first, v3f third, v3f third_front);
- void SendPlayerPrivileges(session_t peer_id);
- void SendPlayerInventoryFormspec(session_t peer_id);
- void SendPlayerFormspecPrepend(session_t peer_id);
- void SendShowFormspecMessage(session_t peer_id, const std::string &formspec,
- const std::string &formname);
- void SendHUDAdd(session_t peer_id, u32 id, HudElement *form);
- void SendHUDRemove(session_t peer_id, u32 id);
- void SendHUDChange(session_t peer_id, u32 id, HudElementStat stat, void *value);
- void SendHUDSetFlags(session_t peer_id, u32 flags, u32 mask);
- void SendHUDSetParam(session_t peer_id, u16 param, const std::string &value);
- void SendSetSky(session_t peer_id, const SkyboxParams ¶ms);
- void SendSetSun(session_t peer_id, const SunParams ¶ms);
- void SendSetMoon(session_t peer_id, const MoonParams ¶ms);
- void SendSetStars(session_t peer_id, const StarParams ¶ms);
- void SendCloudParams(session_t peer_id, const CloudParams ¶ms);
- void SendOverrideDayNightRatio(session_t peer_id, bool do_override, float ratio);
- void SendSetLighting(session_t peer_id, const Lighting &lighting);
- void broadcastModChannelMessage(const std::string &channel,
- const std::string &message, session_t from_peer);
- /*
- Send a node removal/addition event to all clients except ignore_id.
- Additionally, if far_players!=NULL, players further away than
- far_d_nodes are ignored and their peer_ids are added to far_players
- */
- // Envlock and conlock should be locked when calling these
- void sendRemoveNode(v3s16 p, std::unordered_set<u16> *far_players = nullptr,
- float far_d_nodes = 100);
- void sendAddNode(v3s16 p, MapNode n,
- std::unordered_set<u16> *far_players = nullptr,
- float far_d_nodes = 100, bool remove_metadata = true);
- void sendNodeChangePkt(NetworkPacket &pkt, v3s16 block_pos,
- v3f p, float far_d_nodes, std::unordered_set<u16> *far_players);
- void sendMetadataChanged(const std::unordered_set<v3s16> &positions,
- float far_d_nodes = 100);
- // Environment and Connection must be locked when called
- // `cache` may only be very short lived! (invalidation not handeled)
- void SendBlockNoLock(session_t peer_id, MapBlock *block, u8 ver,
- u16 net_proto_version, SerializedBlockCache *cache = nullptr);
- // Sends blocks to clients (locks env and con on its own)
- void SendBlocks(float dtime);
- bool addMediaFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &filepath,
- std::string *filedata = nullptr, std::string *digest = nullptr);
- void fillMediaCache();
- void sendMediaAnnouncement(session_t peer_id, const std::string &lang_code);
- void sendRequestedMedia(session_t peer_id,
- const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tosend);
- void stepPendingDynMediaCallbacks(float dtime);
- // Adds a ParticleSpawner on peer with peer_id (PEER_ID_INEXISTENT == all)
- void SendAddParticleSpawner(session_t peer_id, u16 protocol_version,
- const ParticleSpawnerParameters &p, u16 attached_id, u32 id);
- void SendDeleteParticleSpawner(session_t peer_id, u32 id);
- // Spawns particle on peer with peer_id (PEER_ID_INEXISTENT == all)
- void SendSpawnParticle(session_t peer_id, u16 protocol_version,
- const ParticleParameters &p);
- void SendActiveObjectRemoveAdd(RemoteClient *client, PlayerSAO *playersao);
- void SendActiveObjectMessages(session_t peer_id, const std::string &datas,
- bool reliable = true);
- void SendCSMRestrictionFlags(session_t peer_id);
- /*
- Something random
- */
- void HandlePlayerDeath(PlayerSAO* sao, const PlayerHPChangeReason &reason);
- void DeleteClient(session_t peer_id, ClientDeletionReason reason);
- void UpdateCrafting(RemotePlayer *player);
- bool checkInteractDistance(RemotePlayer *player, const f32 d, const std::string &what);
- void handleChatInterfaceEvent(ChatEvent *evt);
- // This returns the answer to the sender of wmessage, or "" if there is none
- std::wstring handleChat(const std::string &name, std::wstring wmessage_input,
- bool check_shout_priv = false, RemotePlayer *player = nullptr);
- void handleAdminChat(const ChatEventChat *evt);
- // When called, connection mutex should be locked
- RemoteClient* getClient(session_t peer_id, ClientState state_min = CS_Active);
- RemoteClient* getClientNoEx(session_t peer_id, ClientState state_min = CS_Active);
- // When called, environment mutex should be locked
- std::string getPlayerName(session_t peer_id);
- PlayerSAO *getPlayerSAO(session_t peer_id);
- /*
- Get a player from memory or creates one.
- If player is already connected, return NULL
- Does not verify/modify auth info and password.
- Call with env and con locked.
- */
- PlayerSAO *emergePlayer(const char *name, session_t peer_id, u16 proto_version);
- void handlePeerChanges();
- /*
- Variables
- */
- // World directory
- std::string m_path_world;
- // Subgame specification
- SubgameSpec m_gamespec;
- // If true, do not allow multiple players and hide some multiplayer
- // functionality
- bool m_simple_singleplayer_mode;
- u16 m_max_chatmessage_length;
- // For "dedicated" server list flag
- bool m_dedicated;
- Settings *m_game_settings = nullptr;
- // Thread can set; step() will throw as ServerError
- MutexedVariable<std::string> m_async_fatal_error;
- // Some timers
- float m_liquid_transform_timer = 0.0f;
- float m_liquid_transform_every = 1.0f;
- float m_masterserver_timer = 0.0f;
- float m_emergethread_trigger_timer = 0.0f;
- float m_savemap_timer = 0.0f;
- IntervalLimiter m_map_timer_and_unload_interval;
- // Environment
- ServerEnvironment *m_env = nullptr;
- // Reference to the server map until ServerEnvironment is initialized
- // after that this variable must be a nullptr
- ServerMap *m_startup_server_map = nullptr;
- // server connection
- std::shared_ptr<con::Connection> m_con;
- // Ban checking
- BanManager *m_banmanager = nullptr;
- // Rollback manager (behind m_env_mutex)
- IRollbackManager *m_rollback = nullptr;
- // Emerge manager
- EmergeManager *m_emerge = nullptr;
- // Scripting
- // Envlock and conlock should be locked when using Lua
- ServerScripting *m_script = nullptr;
- // Item definition manager
- IWritableItemDefManager *m_itemdef;
- // Node definition manager
- NodeDefManager *m_nodedef;
- // Craft definition manager
- IWritableCraftDefManager *m_craftdef;
- // Mods
- std::unique_ptr<ServerModManager> m_modmgr;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, Translations> server_translations;
- /*
- Threads
- */
- // Set by Game
- std::atomic<StepSettings> m_step_settings{{0.1f, false}};
- // The server mainly operates in this thread
- ServerThread *m_thread = nullptr;
- /*
- Time related stuff
- */
- // Timer for sending time of day over network
- float m_time_of_day_send_timer = 0.0f;
- /*
- Client interface
- */
- ClientInterface m_clients;
- /*
- Peer change queue.
- Queues stuff from peerAdded() and deletingPeer() to
- handlePeerChanges()
- */
- std::queue<con::PeerChange> m_peer_change_queue;
- std::unordered_map<session_t, std::string> m_formspec_state_data;
- /*
- Random stuff
- */
- ShutdownState m_shutdown_state;
- ChatInterface *m_admin_chat;
- std::string m_admin_nick;
- // If a mod error occurs while shutting down, the error message will be
- // written into this.
- std::string *const m_shutdown_errmsg;
- /*
- Map edit event queue. Automatically receives all map edits.
- The constructor of this class registers us to receive them through
- onMapEditEvent
- NOTE: Should these be moved to actually be members of
- ServerEnvironment?
- */
- /*
- Queue of map edits from the environment for sending to the clients
- This is behind m_env_mutex
- */
- std::queue<MapEditEvent*> m_unsent_map_edit_queue;
- /*
- If a non-empty area, map edit events contained within are left
- unsent. Done at map generation time to speed up editing of the
- generated area, as it will be sent anyway.
- This is behind m_env_mutex
- */
- VoxelArea m_ignore_map_edit_events_area;
- // media files known to server
- std::unordered_map<std::string, MediaInfo> m_media;
- // pending dynamic media callbacks, clients inform the server when they have a file fetched
- std::unordered_map<u32, PendingDynamicMediaCallback> m_pending_dyn_media;
- float m_step_pending_dyn_media_timer = 0.0f;
- /*
- Sounds
- */
- std::unordered_map<s32, ServerPlayingSound> m_playing_sounds;
- s32 m_playing_sounds_id_last_used = 0; // positive values only
- s32 nextSoundId();
- ModStorageDatabase *m_mod_storage_database = nullptr;
- float m_mod_storage_save_timer = 10.0f;
- // CSM restrictions byteflag
- u64 m_csm_restriction_flags = CSMRestrictionFlags::CSM_RF_NONE;
- u32 m_csm_restriction_noderange = 8;
- // ModChannel manager
- std::unique_ptr<ModChannelMgr> m_modchannel_mgr;
- // Inventory manager
- std::unique_ptr<ServerInventoryManager> m_inventory_mgr;
- // Global server metrics backend
- std::unique_ptr<MetricsBackend> m_metrics_backend;
- // Server metrics
- MetricCounterPtr m_uptime_counter;
- MetricGaugePtr m_player_gauge;
- MetricGaugePtr m_timeofday_gauge;
- MetricGaugePtr m_lag_gauge;
- MetricCounterPtr m_aom_buffer_counter[2]; // [0] = rel, [1] = unrel
- MetricCounterPtr m_packet_recv_counter;
- MetricCounterPtr m_packet_recv_processed_counter;
- MetricCounterPtr m_map_edit_event_counter;
- };
- /*
- Runs a simple dedicated server loop.
- Shuts down when kill is set to true.
- */
- void dedicated_server_loop(Server &server, bool &kill);