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QUIC Connection State Machine Design Document

Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <>
(Merged from
Hugo Landau 1 year ago

+ 637 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+QUIC Connection State Machine
+FSM Model
+QUIC client-side connection state can be broken down into five coarse phases of
+a QUIC connection:
+- The Idle substate (which is simply the state before we have started trying to
+  establish a connection);
+- The Active state, which comprises two substates:
+    - The Establishing state, which comprises many different substates;
+    - The Open state;
+- The Terminating state, which comprises several substates;
+- The Terminated state, which is the terminal state.
+There is monotonic progression through these phases.
+These names have been deliberately chosen to use different terminology to common
+QUIC terms such as 'handshake' to avoid confusion, as they are not the same
+concepts. For example, the Establishing state uses Initial, Handshake and 1-RTT
+This discussion is (currently) given from the client side perspective only.
+State machine considerations only relevant to servers are not mentioned.
+0-RTT is also not currently modelled in this analysis.
+The synthesis of this FSM is not suggested by the QUIC RFCs but has been
+discerned from the requirements imposed. This does not mean that the
+implementation of this FSM as literally presented below is an optimal or
+advisable implementation strategy, and a cursory examination of existing QUIC
+implementations suggests that such an approach is not common. Moreover, excess
+attention should not be given to the Open state, as 1-RTT application
+communication can occur even still in the Establishing state (for example, when
+the handshake has been completed but not yet confirmed).
+However, the state machine described herein is helpful as an aid to
+understanding and broadly captures the logic which our implementation will
+embody. The design of the actual implementation is discussed further below.
+The above states and their substates are defined as follows:
+- The Establishing state involves the use of Initial and Handshake
+  packets. It is terminated when the handshake is confirmed.
+  Handshake confirmation is not the same as handshake completion.
+  Handshake confirmation occurs on the client when it receives
+  a `HANDSHAKE_DONE` frame (which occurs in a 1-RTT packet, thus
+  1-RTT packets are also invoked in the Establishing state).
+  On the server, handshake confirmation occurs as soon as
+  the handshake is considered completed (see RFC 9001 s. 4.1).
+  The Establishing state is subdivided into the following substates:
+   - Proactive Version Negotiation (optional): The client sends
+     a Version Negotiation packet with a reserved version number
+     to forcibly elicit a list of the server's supported versions.
+     This is not expected to be commonly used, as it adds a round trip.
+     If it is used, the time spent in this state is based on waiting for
+     the server to respond, and potentially retransmitting after a
+     timeout.
+   - Pre-Initial: The client has completed proactive version negotiation
+     (if it performed it), but has not yet sent any encrypted packet. This
+     substate is included for exposition; no time will generally be spent in it
+     and there is immediate transmission of the first encrypted packet and
+     transition to Initial Exchange A.
+   - Initial Exchange A: The client has sent at least one Initial
+     packet to the server attempting to initiate a connection.
+     The client is waiting for a server response, which might
+     be:
+       - a Version Negotiation packet (leading to the Reactive Version
+                                       Negotiation state);
+       - a Retry packet     (leading to Initial Exchange B); or
+       - an Initial packet  (leading to the Initial Exchange Confirmed state).
+   - Reactive Version Negotiation: The server has rejected the client's
+     proposed version. If proactive version negotiation was used, this
+     can be considered an error. Otherwise, we return to the Pre-Initial
+     state and proceed as though proactive version negotiation was
+     performed using the information in the version negotiation packet.
+   - Initial Exchange B: The client has been asked to perform a Retry.
+     It sends at least one Initial packet to the server attempting to
+     initiate a connection. Every Initial packet contains the quoted Retry
+     Token. Any data sent in `CRYPTO` frames in Initial Exchange A must be
+     retransmitted, but PNs MUST NOT be reset. Note that this is still
+     considered part of the same connection, and QUIC Transport Parameters are
+     later used to cryptographically bind the established connection state to
+     the original DCIDs used as part of the Retry process. A server is not
+     allowed to respond to a Retry-triggered Initial exchange with another
+     Retry, and if it does we ignore it, which is the major distinction of this
+     state from Initial Exchange A.
+     The client is waiting for a server response, which might be:
+       - a Version Negotiation packet (invalid, ignored);
+       - a Retry packet               (invalid, ignored);
+       - an Initial packet    (leading to the Initial Exchange Continued
+                               state);
+   - Initial Exchange Continued: The client has sent at least one
+     Initial packet to the server and received at least one valid Initial packet
+     from the server. There is no longer any possibility of a Retry (any such
+     packet is ignored) and communications may continue via Initial packets for
+     an arbitrarily long period until the handshake layer indicates the
+     Handshake EL is ready.
+     The client is waiting for server packets, until one of those packets
+     causes the handshake layer (whether it is TLS 1.3 or some other
+     hypothetical handshake layer) to emit keys for the Handshake EL.
+     This will generally occur due to incoming Initial packets containing
+     crypto stream segments (in the form of `CRYPTO` frames) which deliver
+     handshake layer protocol messages to the handshake layer in use.
+   - Handshake: The Handshake EL is now available to the client.
+     Either client or server may send the first Handshake packet.
+     The client is waiting to receive a Handshake packet from the server.
+   - Handshake Continued: The client has received and successfully
+     decrypted at least one Handshake packet. The client now discards
+     the Initial EL. Communications via the handshake EL may continue for
+     an arbitrary period of time.
+     The client is waiting to receive more Handshake packets from the
+     server to advance the handshake layer and cause it to transition
+     to the Handshake Completed state.
+   - Handshake Completed: The handshake layer has indicated that it
+     considers the handshake completed. For TLS 1.3, this means both
+     parties have sent and received (and verified) TLS 1.3 Finished
+     messages. The handshake layer must emit keys for the 1-RTT EL
+     at this time.
+     Though the handshake is not yet confirmed, the client can begin
+     sending 1-RTT packets.
+     The QUIC Transport Parameters sent by the peer are now authenticated.
+     (Though the peer's QUIC Transport Parameters may have been received
+      earlier in the handshake process, they are only considered
+      authenticated at this point.)
+     The client transitions to Handshake Confirmed once either
+       - it receives a `HANDSHAKE_DONE` frame in a 1-RTT packet, or
+       - it receives acknowledgement of any 1-RTT packet it sent.
+     Though this discussion only covers the client state machine, it is worth
+     noting that on the server, the handshake is considered confirmed as soon as
+     it is considered completed.
+   - Handshake Confirmed: The client has received confirmation from
+     the server that the handshake is confirmed.
+     The principal effect of moving to this state is that the Handshake
+     EL is discarded. Key Update is also now permitted for the first
+     time.
+     The Establishing state is now done and there is immediate transition
+     to the Open state.
+- The Open state is the steady state of the connection. It is a single state.
+  Application stream data is exchanged freely. Only 1-RTT packets are used. The
+  Initial, Handshake (and 0-RTT) ELs have been discarded, transport parameters
+  have been exchanged, and the handshake has been confirmed.
+  The client transitions to
+   - the Terminating — Closing state if the local application initiates an
+     immediate close (a `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame is sent);
+   - the Terminating — Draining state if the remote peer initiates
+     an immediate close (i.e., a `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame is received);
+   - the Terminated state if the idle timeout expires; a `CONNECTION_CLOSE`
+     frame is NOT sent;
+   - the Terminated state if the peer triggers a stateless reset; a
+     `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame is NOT sent.
+- The Terminating state is used when closing the connection.
+  This may occur due to an application request or a transport-level
+  protocol error.
+  Key updates may not be initiated in the Terminating state.
+  This state is divided into two substates:
+   - The Closing state, used for a locally initiated immediate close. In
+     this state, a packet containing a `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame is
+     transmitted again in response to any packets received. This ensures
+     that a `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame is received by the peer even if the
+     initially transmitted `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame was lost. Note that
+     these `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frames are not governed by QUIC's normal loss
+     detection mechanisms; this is a bespoke mechanism unique to this
+     state, which exists solely to ensure delivery of the `CONNECTION_CLOSE`
+     frame.
+     The endpoint progresses to the Terminated state after a timeout
+     interval, which should not be less than three times the PTO interval.
+     It is also possible for the endpoint to transition to the Draining
+     state instead, if it receives a `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame prior
+     to the timeout expiring. This indicates that the peer is also
+     closing.
+   - The Draining state, used for a peer initiated immediate close.
+     The local endpoint may not send any packets of any kind in this
+     state. It may optionally send one `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame immediately
+     prior to entering this state.
+     The endpoint progresses to the Terminated state after a timeout
+     interval, which should not be less than three times the PTO interval.
+- The Terminated state is the terminal state of a connection.
+  Regardless of how a connection ends (local or peer-initiated immediate close,
+  idle timeout, stateless reset), a connection always ultimately ends up in this
+  state. There is no longer any requirement to send or receive any packet. No
+  timer events related to the connection will ever need fire again. This is a
+  totally quiescent state. The state associated with the connection may now be
+  safely freed.
+We express this state machine in more concrete form in the form of a table,
+which makes the available transitions clear:
+† Except where superceded by a more specific transition
+ε means “where no other transition is applicable”.
+Where an action is specified in the Transition/Action column but no new state,
+no state change occurs.
+<tr><th>State</th><th>Action On Entry/Exit</th><th>Event</th><th>Transition/Action</th></tr>
+  <td rowspan="2"><tt>IDLE</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="2"></td>
+  <td>—<tt>APP:CONNECT</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.PROACTIVE_VER_NEG</tt> (if used), else
+  <td>—<tt>APP:CLOSE</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="5"><tt>ACTIVE</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="5"></td>
+  <td>—<tt>IDLE_TIMEOUT</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>PROBE_TIMEOUT</tt>→ †</td>
+  <td><tt>SendProbeIfAnySentPktsUnacked()</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>APP:CLOSE</tt>→ †</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATING.CLOSING</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:ANY[CONNECTION_CLOSE]</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATING.DRAINING</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:STATELESS_RESET</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.PROACTIVE_VER_NEG</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>enter:SendReqVerNeg</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:VER_NEG</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>PROBE_TIMEOUT</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.PROACTIVE_VER_NEG</tt> (retransmit)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>APP:CLOSE</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.PRE_INITIAL</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"></td>
+  <td>—ε→</td>
+  <td rowspan="4"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.INITIAL_EXCHANGE_A</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="4"><tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt> (First Initial)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:RETRY</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:INITIAL</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:VER_NEG</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.REACTIVE_VER_NEG</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"></td>
+  <td>—ε→</td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.INITIAL_EXCHANGE_B</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt><br/>
+    (First Initial, with token)<br/>
+    (*All further Initial packets contain the token)<br/>(*PN is not reset)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:INITIAL</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>PROBE_TIMEOUT</tt>→</td>
+  <td>TODO: Tail loss probe for initial packets?</td>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="2"><tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:INITIAL</tt>→</td>
+  <td>(packet processed, no change)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>TLS:HAVE_EL(HANDSHAKE)</tt>→</td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.HANDSHAKE</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>enter:ProvisionEL(Handshake)</tt><br/>
+  <tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt> (First Handshake packet, if pending)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:HANDSHAKE</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:INITIAL</tt>→</td>
+  <td>(packet processed if EL is not dropped)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.HANDSHAKE_CONTINUED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>enter:DropEL(Initial)</tt><br/><tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:HANDSHAKE</tt>→</td>
+  <td>(packet processed, no change)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>TLS:HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE</tt>→</td>
+ <tr>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>enter:ProvisionEL(1RTT)</tt><br/><tt>enter:HandshakeComplete()</tt><br/><tt>enter[server]:Send(HANDSHAKE_DONE)</tt><br/><tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:1RTT[HANDSHAKE_DONE]</tt>→</td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:1RTT</tt>→</td>
+  <td>(packet processed, no change)</td>
+ <tr>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"><tt>ACTIVE.ESTABLISHING.HANDSHAKE_CONFIRMED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"><tt>enter:DiscardEL(Handshake)</tt><br/><tt>enter:Permit1RTTKeyUpdate()</tt></td>
+  <td>—ε→</td>
+  <td><tt>ACTIVE.OPEN</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="2"><tt>ACTIVE.OPEN</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="2"></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:1RTT</tt>→</td>
+  <td>(packet processed, no change)</td>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="2"><tt>TERMINATING</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="2"></td>
+  <td>—<tt>TERMINATING_TIMEOUT</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:STATELESS_RESET</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>TERMINATING.CLOSING</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="3"><tt>enter:QueueConnectionCloseFrame()</tt><br/><tt>enter:SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:ANY[CONNECTION_CLOSE]</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>TERMINATING.DRAINING</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>RX:ANY</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>QueueConnectionCloseFrame()</tt><br/><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td>—<tt>CAN_SEND</tt>→</td>
+  <td><tt>SendPackets()</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"><tt>TERMINATING.DRAINING</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"><tt>TERMINATED</tt></td>
+  <td rowspan="1"></td>
+  <td>[terminal state]</td>
+  <td></td>
+Notes on various events:
+- `CAN_SEND` is raised when transmission of packets has been unblocked after previously
+  having been blocked. There are broadly two reasons why transmission of packets
+  may not have been possible:
+  - Due to OS buffers or network-side write BIOs being full;
+  - Due to limits imposed by the chosen congestion controller.
+  `CAN_SEND` is expected to be raised due to a timeout prescribed by the
+  congestion controller or in response to poll(2) or similar notifications, as
+  abstracted by the BIO system and how the application has chosen to notify
+  libssl of network I/O readiness.
+  It is generally implied that processing of a packet as mentioned above
+  may cause new packets to be queued and sent, so this is not listed
+  explicitly in the Transition column except for the `CAN_SEND` event.
+- `PROBE_TIMEOUT` is raised after the PTO interval and stimulates generation
+  of a tail loss probe.
+- `IDLE_TIMEOUT` is raised after the connection idle timeout expires.
+  Note that the loss detector only makes a determination of loss due to an
+  incoming ACK frame; if a peer becomes totally unresponsive, this is the only
+  mechanism available to terminate the connection (other than the local
+  application choosing to close it).
+- `RX:STATELESS_RESET` indicates receipt of a stateless reset, but note
+  that it is not guaranteed that we are able to recognise a stateless reset
+  that we receive, thus this event may not always be raised.
+- `RX:ANY[CONNECTION_CLOSE]` denotes a `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame received
+  in any non-discarded EL.
+- Any circumstance where `RX:RETRY` or `RX:VER_NEG` are not explicitly
+  listed means that these packets are not allowed and will be ignored.
+- Protocol errors, etc. can be handled identically to `APP:CLOSE` events
+  as indicated in the above table if locally initiated. Protocol errors
+  signalled by the peer are handled as `RX:ANY[CONNECTION_CLOSE]` events.
+Notes on various actions:
+- `SendPackets()` sends packets if we have anything pending for transmission,
+  and only to the extent we are able to with regards to congestion control and
+  available BIO buffer space, etc.
+Non-FSM Model
+Common QUIC implementations appear to prefer modelling connection state as a set
+of flags rather than as a FSM. It can be observed above that there is a fair
+degree of commonality between many states. This has been modelled above using
+hierarchical states with default handlers for common events. [The state machine
+can be viewed as a diagram here (large
+We transpose the above table to sort by events rather than states, to discern
+the following list of events:
+- `APP:CONNECT`: Supported in `IDLE` state only.
+  `ESTABLISHING.INITIAL_EXCHANGE_A` only, otherwise ignored.
+- `PROBE_TIMEOUT`: Applicable to `OPEN` and all (non-ε) `ESTABLISHING`
+  substates. Handled via `SendProbeIfAnySentPktsUnacked()` except in the
+  `ESTABLISHING.PROACTIVE_VER_NEG` state, which reenters that state to trigger
+  retransmission of a Version Negotiation packet.
+- `IDLE_TIMEOUT`: Applicable to `OPEN` and all (non-ε) `ESTABLISHING` substates.
+  Action: immediate transition to `TERMINATED` (no `CONNECTION_CLOSE` frame
+  is sent).
+- `TERMINATING_TIMEOUT`: Timeout used by the `TERMINATING` state only.
+- `CAN_SEND`: Applicable to `OPEN` and all (non-ε) `ESTABLISHING`
+  substates, as well as `TERMINATING.CLOSING`.
+  Action: `SendPackets()`.
+- `RX:STATELESS_RESET`: Applicable to all `ESTABLISHING` and `OPEN` states and
+  the `TERMINATING.CLOSING` substate.
+  Always causes a direct transition to `TERMINATED`.
+- `APP:CLOSE`: Supported in `IDLE`, `ESTABLISHING` and `OPEN` states.
+  (Reasonably a no-op in `TERMINATING` or `TERMINATED.`)
+- `RX:ANY[CONNECTION_CLOSE]`: Supported in all `ESTABLISHING` and `OPEN` states,
+  as well as in `TERMINATING.CLOSING`. Transition to `TERMINATING.DRAINING`.
+- `RX:INITIAL`, `RX:HANDSHAKE`, `RX:1RTT`: Our willingness to process these is
+  modelled on whether we have an EL provisioned or discarded, etc.; thus
+  this does not require modelling as additional state.
+  Once we successfully decrypt a Handshake packet, we stop processing Initial
+  packets and discard the Initial EL, as required by RFC.
+- `TLS:HAVE_EL(HANDSHAKE)`: Emitted by the handshake layer when Handshake EL
+  keys are available.
+- `TLS:HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE`: Emitted by the handshake layer when the handshake
+  is complete. Implies connection has been authenticated. Also implies 1-RTT EL
+  keys are available. Whether the handshake is complete, and also whether it is
+  confirmed, is reasonably implemented as a flag.
+From here we can discern state dependence of different events:
+  - `APP:CONNECT`: Need to know if application has invoked this event yet,
+    as if so it is invalid.
+    State: Boolean: Connection initiated?
+  - `RX:VER_NEG`: Only valid if we have not yet received any successfully
+    processed encrypted packet from the server.
+  - `RX:RETRY`: Only valid if we have sent an Initial packet to the server,
+    have not yet received any successfully processed encrypted packet
+    from the server, and have not previously been asked to do a Retry as
+    part of this connection (and the Retry Integrity Token validates).
+    Action: Note that we are now acting on a retry and start again.
+    Do not reset packet numbers. The original CIDs used for the first
+    connection attempt must be noted for later authentication in
+    the QUIC Transport Parameters.
+    State: Boolean: Retry requested?
+    State: CID: Original SCID, DCID.
+  - `PROBE_TIMEOUT`: If we have sent at least one encrypted packet yet,
+    we can handle this via a standard probe-sending mechanism. Otherwise, we are
+    still in Proactive Version Negotiation and should retransmit the Version
+    Negotiation packet we sent.
+    State: Boolean: Doing proactive version negotiation?
+  - `IDLE_TIMEOUT`: Only applicable in `ACTIVE` states.
+    We are `ACTIVE` if a connection has been initiated (see `APP:CONNECT`) and
+    we are not in `TERMINATING` or `TERMINATED`.
+  - `TERMINATING_TIMEOUT`: Timer used in `TERMINATING` state only.
+  - `CAN_SEND`: Stimulates transmission of packets.
+  - `RX:STATELESS_RESET`: Always handled unless we are in `TERMINATED`.
+  - `APP:CLOSE`: Usually causes a transition to `TERMINATING.CLOSING`.
+  - `RX:INITIAL`, `RX:HANDSHAKE`, `RX:1RTT`: Willingness to process
+    these is implicit in whether we currently have the applicable EL
+    provisioned.
+  - `TLS:HAVE_EL(HANDSHAKE)`: Handled by the handshake layer
+    and forwarded to the record layer to provision keys.
+  - `TLS:HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE`: Should be noted as a flag and notification
+    provided to various components.
+We choose to model the CSM's state as follows:
+    `TERMINATED` states are modelled explicitly as a state variable. However,
+    the substates of `ACTIVE` are not explicitly modelled.
+  - The following flags are modelled:
+    - Retry Requested? (+ Original SCID, DCID if so)
+    - Have Sent Any Packet?
+    - Are we currently doing proactive version negotiation?
+    - Have Successfully Received Any Encrypted Packet?
+    - Handshake Completed?
+    - Handshake Confirmed?
+  - The following timers are modelled:
+    - PTO Timeout
+    - Terminating Timeout
+    - Idle Timeout
+Implementation Plan
+- Phase 1: “Steady state only” model which jumps to the `ACTIVE.OPEN`
+  state with a hardcoded key.
+  Test plan: Currently uncertain, to be determined.
+- Phase 2: “Dummy handshake” model which uses a one-byte protocol
+  as the handshake layer as a standin for TLS 1.3. e.g. a 0x01 byte “represents”
+  a ClientHello, a 0x02 byte “represents” a ServerHello. Keys are fixed.
+  Test plan: If feasible, an existing QUIC implementation will be modified to
+  use this protocol and E2E testing will be performed against it. (This
+  can probably be done quickly but an alternate plan may be required if
+  the effort needed turns out be excessive.)
+- Phase 3: Final model with TLS 1.3 handshake layer fully plumbed in.
+  Test plan: Testing against real world implementations.

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+[*] --> IDLE
+ESTABLISHING : PROBE_TIMEOUT: SendProbeIfAnySentPktsUnacked() [default]
+state ACTIVE {
+    state ESTABLISHING {
+        PRE_INITIAL :
+        HANDSHAKE :
+        [*] --> PROACTIVE_VER_NEG : use proactive VN?
+        [*] --> PRE_INITIAL : else
+    }
+    OPEN :
+    [*] --> ESTABLISHING
+    CLOSING :


+ 1 - 0

@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ exclude_rule 'MD025' # Multiple top level headers in the same document
 exclude_rule 'MD026' # Trailing punctuation in header
 exclude_rule 'MD026' # Trailing punctuation in header
 exclude_rule 'MD029' # Ordered list item prefix
 exclude_rule 'MD029' # Ordered list item prefix
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+exclude_rule 'MD033' # Allow inline HTML (complex tables are impossible without it)