/* * Copyright 2019-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ #include #include #include #include "internal/nelem.h" #include "testutil.h" static const OSSL_PARAM params_empty[] = { OSSL_PARAM_END }; static int template_public_test(int tstid) { OSSL_PARAM_BLD *bld = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_new(); OSSL_PARAM *params = NULL, *params_blt = NULL, *p1 = NULL, *p; BIGNUM *pbn = NULL, *pbn_res = NULL; BIGNUM *nbn = NULL, *nbn_res = NULL; int i; long int l; int32_t i32; int64_t i64; double d; time_t t; char *utf = NULL; const char *cutf; int res = 0; if (!TEST_ptr(bld) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_long(bld, "l", 42)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_int32(bld, "i32", 1532)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_int64(bld, "i64", -9999999)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_time_t(bld, "t", 11224)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_double(bld, "d", 1.61803398875)) || !TEST_ptr(pbn = BN_new()) || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(pbn, 1729)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_BN(bld, "bignumber", pbn)) || !TEST_ptr(nbn = BN_secure_new()) || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(nbn, 1733)) || !TEST_true((BN_set_negative(nbn, 1), 1)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_BN(bld, "negativebignumber", nbn)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_utf8_string(bld, "utf8_s", "foo", sizeof("foo"))) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_utf8_ptr(bld, "utf8_p", "bar-boom", 0)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_int(bld, "i", -6)) || !TEST_ptr(params_blt = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(bld))) goto err; switch (tstid) { case 0: params = params_blt; break; case 1: params = OSSL_PARAM_merge(params_blt, params_empty); break; case 2: params = OSSL_PARAM_dup(params_blt); break; case 3: p1 = OSSL_PARAM_merge(params_blt, params_empty); params = OSSL_PARAM_dup(p1); break; default: p1 = OSSL_PARAM_dup(params_blt); params = OSSL_PARAM_merge(p1, params_empty); break; } /* Check int */ if (!TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i")) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_int(p, &i)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int)) || !TEST_int_eq(i, -6) /* Check int32 */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i32")) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_int32(p, &i32)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i32") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int32_t)) || !TEST_int_eq((int)i32, 1532) /* Check int64 */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i64")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i64") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int64_t)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_int64(p, &i64)) || !TEST_long_eq((long)i64, -9999999) /* Check long */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "l")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "l") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(long int)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_long(p, &l)) || !TEST_long_eq(l, 42) /* Check time_t */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "t")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "t") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(time_t)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_time_t(p, &t)) || !TEST_time_t_eq(t, 11224) /* Check double */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "d")) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_double(p, &d)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "d") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_REAL) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(double)) || !TEST_double_eq(d, 1.61803398875) /* Check UTF8 string */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "utf8_s")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->data, "foo") || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_utf8_string(p, &utf, 0)) || !TEST_str_eq(utf, "foo") /* Check UTF8 pointer */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "utf8_p")) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_utf8_ptr(p, &cutf)) || !TEST_str_eq(cutf, "bar-boom") /* Check BN (positive BN becomes unsigned integer) */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "bignumber")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "bignumber") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &pbn_res)) || !TEST_BN_eq(pbn_res, pbn) /* Check BN (negative BN becomes signed integer) */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "negativebignumber")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "negativebignumber") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &nbn_res)) || !TEST_BN_eq(nbn_res, nbn)) goto err; res = 1; err: OPENSSL_free(p1); if (params != params_blt) OPENSSL_free(params); OSSL_PARAM_free(params_blt); OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free(bld); OPENSSL_free(utf); BN_free(pbn); BN_free(pbn_res); BN_free(nbn); BN_free(nbn_res); return res; } static int template_private_test(int tstid) { int *data1 = NULL, *data2 = NULL, j; const int data1_num = 12; const int data1_size = data1_num * sizeof(int); const int data2_num = 5; const int data2_size = data2_num * sizeof(int); OSSL_PARAM_BLD *bld = NULL; OSSL_PARAM *params = NULL, *params_blt = NULL, *p1 = NULL, *p; unsigned int i; unsigned long int l; uint32_t i32; uint64_t i64; size_t st; BIGNUM *pbn = NULL, *pbn_res = NULL; BIGNUM *nbn = NULL, *nbn_res = NULL; int res = 0; if (!TEST_ptr(data1 = OPENSSL_secure_malloc(data1_size)) || !TEST_ptr(data2 = OPENSSL_secure_malloc(data2_size)) || !TEST_ptr(bld = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_new())) goto err; for (j = 0; j < data1_num; j++) data1[j] = -16 * j; for (j = 0; j < data2_num; j++) data2[j] = 2 * j; if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint(bld, "i", 6)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_ulong(bld, "l", 42)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint32(bld, "i32", 1532)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint64(bld, "i64", 9999999)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_size_t(bld, "st", 65537)) || !TEST_ptr(pbn = BN_secure_new()) || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(pbn, 1729)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_BN(bld, "bignumber", pbn)) || !TEST_ptr(nbn = BN_secure_new()) || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(nbn, 1733)) || !TEST_true((BN_set_negative(nbn, 1), 1)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_BN(bld, "negativebignumber", nbn)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_octet_string(bld, "oct_s", data1, data1_size)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_octet_ptr(bld, "oct_p", data2, data2_size)) || !TEST_ptr(params_blt = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(bld))) goto err; switch (tstid) { case 0: params = params_blt; break; case 1: params = OSSL_PARAM_merge(params_blt, params_empty); break; case 2: params = OSSL_PARAM_dup(params_blt); break; case 3: p1 = OSSL_PARAM_merge(params_blt, params_empty); params = OSSL_PARAM_dup(p1); break; default: p1 = OSSL_PARAM_dup(params_blt); params = OSSL_PARAM_merge(p1, params_empty); break; } /* Check unsigned int */ if (!TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i")) || !TEST_false(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint(p, &i)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int)) || !TEST_uint_eq(i, 6) /* Check unsigned int32 */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i32")) || !TEST_false(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint32(p, &i32)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i32") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int32_t)) || !TEST_uint_eq((unsigned int)i32, 1532) /* Check unsigned int64 */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i64")) || !TEST_false(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i64") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int64_t)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint64(p, &i64)) || !TEST_ulong_eq((unsigned long)i64, 9999999) /* Check unsigned long int */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "l")) || !TEST_false(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "l") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(unsigned long int)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_ulong(p, &l)) || !TEST_ulong_eq(l, 42) /* Check size_t */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "st")) || !TEST_false(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "st") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(size_t)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_size_t(p, &st)) || !TEST_size_t_eq(st, 65537) /* Check octet string */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "oct_s")) || !TEST_true(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "oct_s") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_STRING) || !TEST_mem_eq(p->data, p->data_size, data1, data1_size) /* Check octet pointer */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "oct_p")) || !TEST_false(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_true(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(*(void **)p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "oct_p") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_PTR) || !TEST_mem_eq(*(void **)p->data, p->data_size, data2, data2_size) /* Check BN (positive BN becomes unsigned integer) */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "bignumber")) || !TEST_true(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "bignumber") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &pbn_res)) || !TEST_int_eq(BN_get_flags(pbn, BN_FLG_SECURE), BN_FLG_SECURE) || !TEST_BN_eq(pbn_res, pbn) /* Check BN (negative BN becomes signed integer) */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "negativebignumber")) || !TEST_true(CRYPTO_secure_allocated(p->data)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "negativebignumber") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &nbn_res)) || !TEST_int_eq(BN_get_flags(nbn, BN_FLG_SECURE), BN_FLG_SECURE) || !TEST_BN_eq(nbn_res, nbn)) goto err; res = 1; err: OSSL_PARAM_free(p1); if (params != params_blt) OSSL_PARAM_free(params); OSSL_PARAM_free(params_blt); OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free(bld); OPENSSL_secure_free(data1); OPENSSL_secure_free(data2); BN_free(pbn); BN_free(pbn_res); BN_free(nbn); BN_free(nbn_res); return res; } static int builder_limit_test(void) { const int n = 100; char names[100][3]; OSSL_PARAM_BLD *bld = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_new(); OSSL_PARAM *params = NULL; int i, res = 0; if (!TEST_ptr(bld)) goto err; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { names[i][0] = 'A' + (i / 26) - 1; names[i][1] = 'a' + (i % 26) - 1; names[i][2] = '\0'; if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_int(bld, names[i], 3 * i + 1))) goto err; } if (!TEST_ptr(params = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(bld))) goto err; /* Count the elements in the params array, expecting n */ for (i = 0; params[i].key != NULL; i++); if (!TEST_int_eq(i, n)) goto err; /* Verify that the build, cleared the builder structure */ OSSL_PARAM_free(params); params = NULL; if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_int(bld, "g", 2)) || !TEST_ptr(params = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(bld))) goto err; /* Count the elements in the params array, expecting 1 */ for (i = 0; params[i].key != NULL; i++); if (!TEST_int_eq(i, 1)) goto err; res = 1; err: OSSL_PARAM_free(params); OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free(bld); return res; } static int builder_merge_test(void) { static int data1[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 17 }; static unsigned char data2[] = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }; OSSL_PARAM_BLD *bld = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_new(); OSSL_PARAM_BLD *bld2 = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_new(); OSSL_PARAM *params = NULL, *params_blt = NULL, *params2_blt = NULL, *p; unsigned int i; unsigned long int l; uint32_t i32; uint64_t i64; size_t st; BIGNUM *bn_priv = NULL, *bn_priv_res = NULL; BIGNUM *bn_pub = NULL, *bn_pub_res = NULL; int res = 0; if (!TEST_ptr(bld) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint(bld, "i", 6)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_ulong(bld, "l", 42)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint32(bld, "i32", 1532)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint64(bld, "i64", 9999999)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_size_t(bld, "st", 65537)) || !TEST_ptr(bn_priv = BN_secure_new()) || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(bn_priv, 1729)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_BN(bld, "bignumber_priv", bn_priv)) || !TEST_ptr(params_blt = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(bld))) goto err; if (!TEST_ptr(bld2) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_octet_string(bld2, "oct_s", data1, sizeof(data1))) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_octet_ptr(bld2, "oct_p", data2, sizeof(data2))) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_uint32(bld2, "i32", 99)) || !TEST_ptr(bn_pub = BN_new()) || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(bn_pub, 0x42)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_BN(bld2, "bignumber_pub", bn_pub)) || !TEST_ptr(params2_blt = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(bld2))) goto err; if (!TEST_ptr(params = OSSL_PARAM_merge(params_blt, params2_blt))) goto err; if (!TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i")) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint(p, &i)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int)) || !TEST_uint_eq(i, 6) /* Check unsigned int32 */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i32")) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint32(p, &i32)) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i32") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int32_t)) || !TEST_uint_eq((unsigned int)i32, 99) /* Check unsigned int64 */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "i64")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "i64") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(int64_t)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint64(p, &i64)) || !TEST_ulong_eq((unsigned long)i64, 9999999) /* Check unsigned long int */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "l")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "l") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(unsigned long int)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_ulong(p, &l)) || !TEST_ulong_eq(l, 42) /* Check size_t */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "st")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "st") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_size_t_eq(p->data_size, sizeof(size_t)) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_size_t(p, &st)) || !TEST_size_t_eq(st, 65537) /* Check octet string */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "oct_s")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "oct_s") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_STRING) || !TEST_mem_eq(p->data, p->data_size, data1, sizeof(data1)) /* Check octet pointer */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "oct_p")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "oct_p") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_OCTET_PTR) || !TEST_mem_eq(*(void **)p->data, p->data_size, data2, sizeof(data2)) /* Check BN */ || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "bignumber_pub")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "bignumber_pub") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &bn_pub_res)) || !TEST_int_eq(BN_cmp(bn_pub_res, bn_pub), 0) || !TEST_ptr(p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "bignumber_priv")) || !TEST_str_eq(p->key, "bignumber_priv") || !TEST_uint_eq(p->data_type, OSSL_PARAM_UNSIGNED_INTEGER) || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &bn_priv_res)) || !TEST_int_eq(BN_cmp(bn_priv_res, bn_priv), 0)) goto err; res = 1; err: OSSL_PARAM_free(params); OSSL_PARAM_free(params_blt); OSSL_PARAM_free(params2_blt); OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free(bld); OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free(bld2); BN_free(bn_priv); BN_free(bn_priv_res); BN_free(bn_pub); BN_free(bn_pub_res); return res; } int setup_tests(void) { ADD_ALL_TESTS(template_public_test, 5); /* Only run the secure memory testing if we have secure memory available */ if (CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init(1<<16, 16)) ADD_ALL_TESTS(template_private_test, 5); ADD_TEST(builder_limit_test); ADD_TEST(builder_merge_test); return 1; }