/* * Copyright 2019-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ #include #if defined(OPENSSL_THREADS_POSIX) # define _GNU_SOURCE # include # include # include static void *thread_start_thunk(void *vthread) { CRYPTO_THREAD *thread; CRYPTO_THREAD_RETVAL ret; thread = (CRYPTO_THREAD *)vthread; ret = thread->routine(thread->data); ossl_crypto_mutex_lock(thread->statelock); CRYPTO_THREAD_SET_STATE(thread, CRYPTO_THREAD_FINISHED); thread->retval = ret; ossl_crypto_condvar_broadcast(thread->condvar); ossl_crypto_mutex_unlock(thread->statelock); return NULL; } int ossl_crypto_thread_native_spawn(CRYPTO_THREAD *thread) { int ret; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t *handle; handle = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*handle)); if (handle == NULL) goto fail; pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (!thread->joinable) pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ret = pthread_create(handle, &attr, thread_start_thunk, thread); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); if (ret != 0) goto fail; thread->handle = handle; return 1; fail: thread->handle = NULL; OPENSSL_free(handle); return 0; } int ossl_crypto_thread_native_perform_join(CRYPTO_THREAD *thread, CRYPTO_THREAD_RETVAL *retval) { void *thread_retval; pthread_t *handle; if (thread == NULL || thread->handle == NULL) return 0; handle = (pthread_t *) thread->handle; if (pthread_join(*handle, &thread_retval) != 0) return 0; /* * Join return value may be non-NULL when the thread has been cancelled, * as indicated by thread_retval set to PTHREAD_CANCELLED. */ if (thread_retval != NULL) return 0; return 1; } int ossl_crypto_thread_native_exit(void) { pthread_exit(NULL); return 1; } int ossl_crypto_thread_native_is_self(CRYPTO_THREAD *thread) { return pthread_equal(*(pthread_t *)thread->handle, pthread_self()); } CRYPTO_MUTEX *ossl_crypto_mutex_new(void) { pthread_mutex_t *mutex; if ((mutex = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*mutex))) == NULL) return NULL; if (pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL) != 0) { OPENSSL_free(mutex); return NULL; } return (CRYPTO_MUTEX *)mutex; } int ossl_crypto_mutex_try_lock(CRYPTO_MUTEX *mutex) { pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p; mutex_p = (pthread_mutex_t *)mutex; if (pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex_p) == EBUSY) return 0; return 1; } void ossl_crypto_mutex_lock(CRYPTO_MUTEX *mutex) { int rc; pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p; mutex_p = (pthread_mutex_t *)mutex; rc = pthread_mutex_lock(mutex_p); OPENSSL_assert(rc == 0); } void ossl_crypto_mutex_unlock(CRYPTO_MUTEX *mutex) { int rc; pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p; mutex_p = (pthread_mutex_t *)mutex; rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex_p); OPENSSL_assert(rc == 0); } void ossl_crypto_mutex_free(CRYPTO_MUTEX **mutex) { pthread_mutex_t **mutex_p; if (mutex == NULL) return; mutex_p = (pthread_mutex_t **)mutex; if (*mutex_p != NULL) pthread_mutex_destroy(*mutex_p); OPENSSL_free(*mutex_p); *mutex = NULL; } CRYPTO_CONDVAR *ossl_crypto_condvar_new(void) { pthread_cond_t *cv_p; if ((cv_p = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*cv_p))) == NULL) return NULL; if (pthread_cond_init(cv_p, NULL) != 0) { OPENSSL_free(cv_p); return NULL; } return (CRYPTO_CONDVAR *) cv_p; } void ossl_crypto_condvar_wait(CRYPTO_CONDVAR *cv, CRYPTO_MUTEX *mutex) { pthread_cond_t *cv_p; pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p; cv_p = (pthread_cond_t *)cv; mutex_p = (pthread_mutex_t *)mutex; pthread_cond_wait(cv_p, mutex_p); } void ossl_crypto_condvar_wait_timeout(CRYPTO_CONDVAR *cv, CRYPTO_MUTEX *mutex, OSSL_TIME deadline) { pthread_cond_t *cv_p = (pthread_cond_t *)cv; pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p = (pthread_mutex_t *)mutex; if (ossl_time_is_infinite(deadline)) { /* * No deadline. Some pthread implementations allow * pthread_cond_timedwait to work the same as pthread_cond_wait when * abstime is NULL, but it is unclear whether this is POSIXly correct. */ pthread_cond_wait(cv_p, mutex_p); } else { struct timespec deadline_ts; deadline_ts.tv_sec = ossl_time2seconds(deadline); deadline_ts.tv_nsec = (ossl_time2ticks(deadline) % OSSL_TIME_SECOND) / OSSL_TIME_NS; pthread_cond_timedwait(cv_p, mutex_p, &deadline_ts); } } void ossl_crypto_condvar_broadcast(CRYPTO_CONDVAR *cv) { pthread_cond_t *cv_p; cv_p = (pthread_cond_t *)cv; pthread_cond_broadcast(cv_p); } void ossl_crypto_condvar_signal(CRYPTO_CONDVAR *cv) { pthread_cond_t *cv_p; cv_p = (pthread_cond_t *)cv; pthread_cond_signal(cv_p); } void ossl_crypto_condvar_free(CRYPTO_CONDVAR **cv) { pthread_cond_t **cv_p; if (cv == NULL) return; cv_p = (pthread_cond_t **)cv; if (*cv_p != NULL) pthread_cond_destroy(*cv_p); OPENSSL_free(*cv_p); *cv_p = NULL; } #endif