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- package platform::AIX;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Carp;
- use vars qw(@ISA);
- require platform::Unix;
- @ISA = qw(platform::Unix);
- # Assume someone set @INC right before loading this module
- use configdata;
- sub shlibextsimple { '.a' }
- # In shared mode, the default static library names clashes with the final
- # "simple" full shared library name, so we add '_a' to the basename of the
- # static libraries in that case.
- sub staticname {
- # Non-installed libraries are *always* static, and their names remain
- # the same, except for the mandatory extension
- my $in_libname = platform::BASE->staticname($_[1]);
- return $in_libname if $unified_info{attributes}->{$_[1]}->{noinst};
- return platform::BASE->staticname($_[1]) . '_a';
- }