1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. OSSL_METHOD_STORE, ossl_method_store_new, ossl_method_store_free,
  4. ossl_method_store_init, ossl_method_store_cleanup,
  5. ossl_method_store_add, ossl_method_store_remove, ossl_method_store_fetch,
  6. ossl_method_store_set_global_properties,
  7. ossl_method_store_cache_get, ossl_method_store_cache_set
  8. - implementation method store and query
  9. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  10. #include "internal/property.h"
  11. typedef struct ossl_method_store_st OSSL_METHOD_STORE;
  12. OSSL_METHOD_STORE *ossl_method_store_new(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx);
  13. void ossl_method_store_free(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store);
  14. int ossl_method_store_init(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx);
  15. void ossl_method_store_cleanup(OPENSSL_CTX *ctx);
  16. int ossl_method_store_add(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store, const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov,
  17. int nid, const char *properties, void *method,
  18. int (*method_up_ref)(void *),
  19. void (*method_destruct)(void *));
  20. int ossl_method_store_remove(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store,
  21. int nid, const void *method);
  22. int ossl_method_store_fetch(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store,
  23. int nid, const char *properties,
  24. void **method);
  25. int ossl_method_store_set_global_properties(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store,
  26. const char *prop_query);
  27. int ossl_method_store_cache_get(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store, int nid,
  28. const char *prop_query, void **method);
  29. int ossl_method_store_cache_set(OSSL_METHOD_STORE *store, int nid,
  30. const char *prop_query, void *method,
  31. int (*method_up_ref)(void *),
  32. void (*method_destruct)(void *));
  33. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  34. OSSL_METHOD_STORE stores methods that can be queried using properties and a
  35. numeric identity (nid).
  36. Methods are expected to be library internal structures.
  37. It's left to the caller to define the exact contents.
  38. Numeric identities are expected to be an algorithm identity for the methods.
  39. It's left to the caller to define exactly what an algorithm is, and to allocate
  40. these numeric identities accordingly.
  41. The B<OSSL_METHOD_STORE> also holds an internal query cache, which is accessed
  42. separately (see L</Cache Functions> below).
  43. =head2 Store Functions
  44. ossl_method_store_init() initialises the method store subsystem in the scope of
  45. the library context I<ctx>.
  46. ossl_method_store_cleanup() cleans up and shuts down the implementation method
  47. store subsystem in the scope of the library context I<ctx>.
  48. ossl_method_store_new() create a new empty method store using the supplied
  49. I<ctx> to allow access to the required underlying property data.
  50. ossl_method_store_free() frees resources allocated to I<store>.
  51. ossl_method_store_add() adds the I<method> constructed from an implementation in
  52. the provider I<prov> to the I<store> as an instance of an algorithm indicated by
  53. I<nid> and the property definition I<properties>, unless the I<store> already
  54. has a method from the same provider with the same I<nid> and I<properties>.
  55. If the I<method_up_ref> function is given, it's called to increment the
  56. reference count of the method.
  57. If the I<method_destruct> function is given, it's called when this function
  58. fails to add the method to the store, or later on when it is being released from
  59. the I<store>.
  60. ossl_method_store_remove() removes the I<method> identified by I<nid> from the
  61. I<store>.
  62. ossl_method_store_fetch() queries I<store> for a method identified by I<nid>
  63. that matches the property query I<prop_query>.
  64. The result, if any, is returned in I<method>.
  65. ossl_method_store_set_global_properties() sets method I<store> wide query
  66. properties to I<prop_query>.
  67. All subsequent fetches will need to meet both these global query properties
  68. and the ones passed to the ossl_method_store_free().
  69. =head2 Cache Functions
  70. ossl_method_store_cache_get() queries the cache associated with the I<store>
  71. for a method identified by I<nid> that matches the property query
  72. I<prop_query>.
  73. The result, if any, is returned in I<method>.
  74. ossl_method_store_cache_set() sets a cache entry identified by I<nid> with the
  75. property query I<prop_query> in the I<store>.
  76. Future calls to ossl_method_store_cache_get() will return the specified I<method>.
  77. The I<method_up_ref> function is called to increment the
  78. reference count of the method and the I<method_destruct> function is called
  79. to decrement it.
  80. =head1 RETURN VALUES
  81. ossl_method_store_new() returns a new method store object or NULL on failure.
  82. ossl_method_store_free(), ossl_method_store_add(),
  83. ossl_method_store_remove(), ossl_method_store_fetch(),
  84. ossl_method_store_set_global_properties(), ossl_method_store_cache_get()
  85. and ossl_method_store_cache_set() return B<1> on success and B<0> on error.
  86. ossl_method_store_free() and ossl_method_store_cleanup() do not return any value.
  87. =head1 HISTORY
  88. This functionality was added to OpenSSL 3.0.
  89. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  90. Copyright 2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  91. Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  92. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this
  93. file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file
  94. LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  95. L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
  96. =cut