provider-keymgmt.pod 10 KB

  1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. provider-keymgmt - The KEYMGMT library E<lt>-E<gt> provider functions
  4. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  5. #include <openssl/core_numbers.h>
  6. /*
  7. * None of these are actual functions, but are displayed like this for
  8. * the function signatures for functions that are offered as function
  9. * pointers in OSSL_DISPATCH arrays.
  10. */
  11. /* Key object (keydata) creation and destruction */
  12. void *OP_keymgmt_new(void *provctx);
  13. void OP_keymgmt_free(void *keydata);
  14. /* Key object information */
  15. int OP_keymgmt_get_params(void *keydata, OSSL_PARAM params[]);
  16. const OSSL_PARAM *OP_keymgmt_gettable_params(void);
  17. /* Key object content checks */
  18. int OP_keymgmt_has(void *keydata, int selection);
  19. /* Discovery of supported operations */
  20. const char *OP_keymgmt_query_operation_name(int operation_id);
  21. /* Key object import and export functions */
  22. int OP_keymgmt_import(int selection, void *keydata, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
  23. const OSSL_PARAM *OP_keymgmt_import_types, (int selection);
  24. int OP_keymgmt_export(int selection, void *keydata,
  25. OSSL_CALLBACK *param_cb, void *cbarg);
  26. const OSSL_PARAM *OP_keymgmt_export_types(int selection);
  27. /* Key object validation */
  28. int OP_keymgmt_validate(void *keydata, int selection);
  29. /* Discovery of supported operations */
  30. const char *OP_keymgmt_query_operation_name(int operation_id);
  31. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  32. The KEYMGMT operation doesn't have much public visibility in OpenSSL
  33. libraries, it's rather an internal operation that's designed to work
  34. in tandem with operations that use private/public key pairs.
  35. Because the KEYMGMT operation shares knowledge with the operations it
  36. works with in tandem, they must belong to the same provider.
  37. The OpenSSL libraries will ensure that they do.
  38. The primary responsibility of the KEYMGMT operation is to hold the
  39. provider side key data for the OpenSSL library EVP_PKEY structure.
  40. All "functions" mentioned here are passed as function pointers between
  41. F<libcrypto> and the provider in B<OSSL_DISPATCH> arrays via
  42. B<OSSL_ALGORITHM> arrays that are returned by the provider's
  43. provider_query_operation() function
  44. (see L<provider-base(7)/Provider Functions>).
  45. All these "functions" have a corresponding function type definition
  46. named B<OSSL_{name}_fn>, and a helper function to retrieve the
  47. function pointer from a B<OSSL_DISPATCH> element named
  48. B<OSSL_get_{name}>.
  49. For example, the "function" OP_keymgmt_new() has these:
  50. typedef void *(OSSL_OP_keymgmt_new_fn)(void *provctx);
  51. static ossl_inline OSSL_OP_keymgmt_new_fn
  52. OSSL_get_OP_keymgmt_new(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf);
  53. B<OSSL_DISPATCH> arrays are indexed by numbers that are provided as
  54. macros in L<openssl-core_numbers.h(7)>, as follows:
  55. OP_keymgmt_new OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_NEW
  56. OP_keymgmt_free OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_FREE
  57. OP_keymgmt_get_params OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_GET_PARAMS
  58. OP_keymgmt_gettable_params OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_GETTABLE_PARAMS
  59. OP_keymgmt_query_operation_name OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_QUERY_OPERATION_NAME
  60. OP_keymgmt_has OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_HAS
  61. OP_keymgmt_validate OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_VALIDATE
  62. OP_keymgmt_import OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_IMPORT
  63. OP_keymgmt_import_types OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_IMPORT_TYPES
  64. OP_keymgmt_export OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_EXPORT
  65. OP_keymgmt_export_types OSSL_FUNC_KEYMGMT_EXPORT_TYPES
  66. =head2 Key Objects
  67. A key object is a collection of data for an asymmetric key, and is
  68. represented as I<keydata> in this manual.
  69. The exact contents of a key object are defined by the provider, and it
  70. is assumed that different operations in one and the same provider use
  71. the exact same structure to represent this collection of data, so that
  72. for example, a key object that has been created using the KEYMGMT
  73. interface that we document here can be passed as is to other provider
  74. operations, such as OP_signature_sign_init() (see
  75. L<provider-signature(7)>).
  76. With some of the KEYMGMT functions, it's possible to select a specific
  77. subset of data to handle, governed by the bits in a I<selection>
  78. indicator. The bits are:
  79. =over 4
  81. Indicating that the private key data in a key object should be
  82. considered.
  84. Indicating that the public key data in a key object should be
  85. considered.
  87. Indicating that the domain parameters in a key object should be
  88. considered.
  90. Indicating that other parameters in a key object should be
  91. considered.
  92. Other parameters are key parameters that don't fit any other
  93. classification. In other words, this particular selector bit works as
  94. a last resort bit bucket selector.
  95. =back
  96. Some selector bits have also been combined for easier use:
  97. =over 4
  99. Indicating that all key object parameters should be considered,
  100. regardless of their more granular classification.
  101. =for comment This should used by EVP functions such as
  102. EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters() and EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters()
  103. This is a combination of B<OSSL_KEYMGMT_SELECT_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS> and
  105. =for comment If more parameter categories are added, they should be
  106. mentioned here too.
  108. Indicating that both the whole key pair in a key object should be
  109. considered, i.e. the combination of public and private key.
  110. This is a combination of B<OSSL_KEYMGMT_SELECT_PRIVATE_KEY> and
  113. Indicating that everything in a key object should be considered.
  114. =back
  115. The exact interpretation of those bits or how they combine is left to
  116. each function where you can specify a selector.
  117. =for comment One might think that a combination of bits means that all
  118. the selected data subsets must be considered, but then you have to
  119. consider that when comparing key objects (future function), an
  120. implementation might opt to not compare the private key if it has
  121. compared the public key, since a match of one half implies a match of
  122. the other half.
  123. =head2 Constructing and Destructing Functions
  124. OP_keymgmt_new() should create a provider side key object. The
  125. provider context I<provctx> is passed and may be incorporated in the
  126. key object, but that is not mandatory.
  127. OP_keymgmt_free() should free the passed I<keydata>.
  128. The constructor and destructor are mandatory, a KEYMGMT implementation
  129. without them will not be accepted.
  130. =for comment when new constructors appear, it's sufficient if only one
  131. of them is present. The remark above will have to change to reflect
  132. that.
  133. =head2 Key Object Information Functions
  134. OP_keymgmt_get_params() should extract information data associated
  135. with the given I<keydata>, see L</Information Parameters>.
  136. OP_keymgmt_gettable_params() should return a constant array of
  137. descriptor B<OSSL_PARAM>, for parameters that OP_keymgmt_get_params()
  138. can handle.
  139. If OP_keymgmt_gettable_params() is present, OP_keymgmt_get_params()
  140. must also be present.
  141. =head2 Key Object Checking Functions
  142. OP_keymgmt_query_operation_name() should return the name of the
  143. supported algorithm for the operation I<operation_id>. This is
  144. similar to provider_query_operation() (see L<provider-base(7)>),
  145. but only works as an advisory. If this function is not present, or
  146. returns NULL, the caller is free to assume that there's an algorithm
  147. from the same provider, of the same name as the one used to fetch the
  148. keymgmt and try to use that.
  149. OP_keymgmt_has() should check whether the given I<keydata> the subsets
  150. of data indicated by the I<selector>. A combination of several
  151. selector bits must consider all those subsets, not just one. An
  152. implementation is, however, free to consider an empty subset of data
  153. to still be a valid subset.
  154. OP_keymgmt_validate() should check if the I<keydata> contains valid
  155. data subsets indicated by I<selection>. Some combined selections of
  156. data subsets may cause validation of the combined data.
  157. For example, the combination of B<OSSL_KEYMGMT_SELECT_PRIVATE_KEY> and
  159. for short) is expected to check that the pairwise consistency of
  160. I<keydata> is valid.
  161. =head2 Key Object Import and Export Functions
  162. OP_keymgmt_import() should import data indicated by I<selection> into
  163. I<keydata> with values taken from the B<OSSL_PARAM> array I<params>.
  164. OP_keymgmt_export() should extract values indicated by I<selection>
  165. from I<keydata>, create an B<OSSL_PARAM> array with them and call
  166. I<param_cb> with that array as well as the given I<cbarg>.
  167. OP_keymgmt_import_types() should return a constant array of descriptor
  168. B<OSSL_PARAM> for data indicated by I<selection>, for parameters that
  169. OP_keymgmt_import() can handle.
  170. OP_keymgmt_export_types() should return a constant array of descriptor
  171. B<OSSL_PARAM> for data indicated by I<selection>, that the
  172. OP_keymgmt_export() callback can expect to receive.
  173. =head2 Information Parameters
  174. See L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> for further details on the parameters structure.
  175. Parameters currently recognised by built-in keymgmt algorithms'
  176. OP_keymgmt_get_params:
  177. =over 4
  178. =item "bits" (B<OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_BITS>) <integer>
  179. The value should be the cryptographic length of the cryptosystem to
  180. which the key belongs, in bits. The definition of cryptographic
  181. length is specific to the key cryptosystem.
  182. =item "max-size" (B<OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_MAX_SIZE>) <integer>
  183. The value should be the maximum size that a caller should allocate to
  184. safely store a signature (called I<sig> in L<provider-signature(7)>),
  185. the result of asymmmetric encryption / decryption (I<out> in
  186. L<provider-asym_cipher(7)>, a derived secret (I<secret> in
  187. L<provider-keyexch(7)>, and similar data).
  188. Because an EVP_KEYMGMT method is always tightly bound to another method
  189. (signature, asymmetric cipher, key exchange, ...) and must be of the
  190. same provider, this number only needs to be synchronised with the
  191. dimensions handled in the rest of the same provider.
  192. =item "security-bits" (B<OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_SECURITY_BITS>) <integer>
  193. The value should be the number of security bits of the given key.
  194. Bits of security is defined in SP800-57.
  195. =back
  196. =head1 SEE ALSO
  197. L<provider(7)>
  198. =head1 HISTORY
  199. The KEYMGMT interface was introduced in OpenSSL 3.0.
  200. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  201. Copyright 2019-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  202. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
  203. this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  204. in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  205. L<>.
  206. =cut