build.info 2.1 KB

  1. # Program init source, that don't have direct linkage with the rest of the
  2. # source, and can therefore not be part of a library.
  3. IF[{- !$disabled{uplink} -}]
  4. $INITSRC=../ms/applink.c
  5. ENDIF
  6. IF[{- $config{target} =~ /^vms-/ -}]
  7. $INITSRC=vms_decc_init.c
  8. ENDIF
  9. # Auxilliary program source
  10. IF[{- $config{target} =~ /^(?:VC-|mingw)/ -}]
  11. # It's called 'init', but doesn't have much 'init' in it...
  12. $AUXLIBAPPSSRC=win32_init.c
  13. ENDIF
  14. IF[{- $config{target} =~ /^vms-/ -}]
  15. $AUXLIBAPPSSRC=vms_term_sock.c vms_decc_argv.c
  16. ENDIF
  17. # Source for the 'openssl' program
  18. # We need the perl variable for the DEPEND generator further down.
  19. $OPENSSLSRC={-
  20. our @opensslsrc =
  21. qw(openssl.c
  22. asn1pars.c ca.c ciphers.c cms.c crl.c crl2p7.c dgst.c dhparam.c
  23. dsa.c dsaparam.c ec.c ecparam.c enc.c engine.c errstr.c gendsa.c
  24. genpkey.c genrsa.c kdf.c mac.c nseq.c ocsp.c passwd.c pkcs12.c pkcs7.c
  25. pkcs8.c pkey.c pkeyparam.c pkeyutl.c prime.c rand.c req.c rsa.c
  26. rsautl.c s_client.c s_server.c s_time.c sess_id.c smime.c speed.c
  27. spkac.c srp.c ts.c verify.c version.c x509.c rehash.c storeutl.c
  28. info.c);
  29. join(' ', @opensslsrc); -}
  30. # Source for libapps
  31. $LIBAPPSSRC=apps.c apps_ui.c opt.c fmt.c s_cb.c s_socket.c app_rand.c \
  32. bf_prefix.c
  33. IF[{- !$disabled{apps} -}]
  34. LIBS{noinst}=libapps.a
  36. INCLUDE[libapps.a]=.. ../include include
  37. PROGRAMS=openssl
  39. INCLUDE[openssl]=.. ../include include
  40. DEPEND[openssl]=libapps.a ../libssl
  41. IF[{- $config{target} =~ /^(?:Cygwin|mingw|VC-)/ -}]
  42. GENERATE[openssl.rc]=../util/mkrc.pl openssl
  43. SOURCE[openssl]=openssl.rc
  44. ENDIF
  45. {- join("\n ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.c$|.o|; "DEPEND[$x]=progs.h" }
  46. @opensslsrc) -}
  47. GENERATE[progs.h]=progs.pl $(APPS_OPENSSL)
  48. DEPEND[progs.h]=../configdata.pm
  49. SCRIPTS{misc}=CA.pl
  50. SOURCE[CA.pl]=CA.pl.in
  51. # linkname tells build files that a symbolic link or copy of this script
  52. # without extension must be installed as well. Unix or Unix lookalike only.
  53. SCRIPTS{misc,linkname=tsget}=tsget.pl
  54. SOURCE[tsget.pl]=tsget.in
  55. ENDIF