1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. EVP_KDF-PKCS12KDF - The PKCS#12 EVP_KDF implementation
  4. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  5. Support for computing the B<PKCS#12> password-based KDF through the B<EVP_KDF>
  6. API.
  7. The EVP_KDF-PKCS12KDF algorithm implements the PKCS#12 password-based key
  8. derivation function, as described in appendix B of RFC 7292 (PKCS #12:
  9. Personal Information Exchange Syntax); it derives a key from a password
  10. using a salt, iteration count and the intended usage.
  11. =head2 Identity
  12. "PKCS12KDF" is the name for this implementation; it
  13. can be used with the EVP_KDF_fetch() function.
  14. =head2 Supported parameters
  15. The supported parameters are:
  16. =over 4
  17. =item "pass" (B<OSSL_KDF_PARAM_PASSWORD>) <octet string>
  18. =item "salt" (B<OSSL_KDF_PARAM_SALT>) <octet string>
  19. =item "iter" (B<OSSL_KDF_PARAM_ITER>) <unsigned integer>
  20. =item "properties" (B<OSSL_KDF_PARAM_PROPERTIES>) <UTF8 string>
  21. =item "digest" (B<OSSL_KDF_PARAM_DIGEST>) <UTF8 string>
  22. These parameters work as described in L<EVP_KDF(3)/PARAMETERS>.
  23. =item "id" (B<OSSL_KDF_PARAM_PKCS12_ID>) <integer>
  24. This parameter is used to specify the intended usage of the output bits, as per
  25. RFC 7292 section B.3.
  26. =back
  27. =head1 NOTES
  28. A typical application of this algorithm is to derive keying material for an
  29. encryption algorithm from a password in the "pass", a salt in "salt",
  30. and an iteration count.
  31. Increasing the "iter" parameter slows down the algorithm which makes it
  32. harder for an attacker to perform a brute force attack using a large number
  33. of candidate passwords.
  34. No assumption is made regarding the given password; it is simply treated as a
  35. byte sequence.
  36. =head1 CONFORMING TO
  37. RFC7292
  38. =head1 SEE ALSO
  39. L<EVP_KDF(3)>,
  40. L<EVP_KDF_CTX_new(3)>,
  41. L<EVP_KDF_CTX_free(3)>,
  42. L<EVP_KDF_CTX_set_params(3)>,
  43. L<EVP_KDF_derive(3)>,
  45. =head1 HISTORY
  46. This functionality was added to OpenSSL 3.0.
  47. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  48. Copyright 2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  49. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
  50. this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  51. in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  52. L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
  53. =cut