OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy.pod 2.6 KB

  1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy - OpenSSL legacy provider
  4. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  5. The OpenSSL legacy provider supplies OpenSSL implementations of algorithms
  6. that have been deemed legacy. Such algorithms have commonly fallen out of
  7. use, have been deemed insecure by the cryptography community, or something
  8. similar.
  9. We can consider this the retirement home of cryptographic algorithms.
  10. =head2 Properties
  11. The implementations in this provider specifically has this property
  12. defined:
  13. =over 4
  14. =item "provider=legacy"
  15. =back
  16. It may be used in a property query string with fetching functions such as
  17. L<EVP_MD_fetch(3)> or L<EVP_CIPHER_fetch(3)>, as well as with other
  18. functions that take a property query string, such as
  19. L<EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_from_name(3)>.
  20. It isn't mandatory to query for any of these properties, except to
  21. make sure to get implementations of this provider and none other.
  23. The OpenSSL legacy provider supports these operations and algorithms:
  24. =head2 Hashing Algorithms / Message Digests
  25. =over 4
  26. =item MD2, see L<EVP_MD-MD2(7)>
  27. =item MD4, see L<EVP_MD-MD4(7)>
  28. =item MDC2, see L<EVP_MD-MDC2(7)>
  29. =item WHIRLPOOL, see L<EVP_MD-WHIRLPOOL(7)>
  30. =item RIPEMD160, see L<EVP_MD-RIPEMD160(7)>
  31. =back
  32. =head2 Symmetric Ciphers
  33. Not all of these symmetric cipher algorithms are enabled by default.
  34. =over 4
  35. =item Blowfish, see L<EVP_CIPHER-BLOWFISH(7)>
  36. =item CAST, see L<EVP_CIPHER-CAST(7)>
  37. =item DES, see L<EVP_CIPHER-DES(7)>
  38. The algorithm names are: DES_ECB, DES_CBC, DES_OFB, DES_CFB, DES_CFB1, DES_CFB8
  39. and DESX_CBC.
  40. =item IDEA, see L<EVP_CIPHER-IDEA(7)>
  41. =item RC2, see L<EVP_CIPHER-RC2(7)>
  42. =item RC4, see L<EVP_CIPHER-RC4(7)>
  43. =item RC5, see L<EVP_CIPHER-RC5(7)>
  44. Disabled by default. Use I<enable-rc5> config option to enable.
  45. =item SEED, see L<EVP_CIPHER-SEED(7)>
  46. =back
  47. =head2 Key Derivation Function (KDF)
  48. =over 4
  49. =item PBKDF1
  50. =back
  51. =begin comment
  52. When algorithms for other operations start appearing, the
  53. following =head2 titles are appropriate to use:
  54. - Message Authentication Code (MAC)
  55. - Key Derivation Function (KDF)
  56. - Key Exchange
  57. - Signature
  58. - Asymmetric Cipher
  59. - Asymmetric Key Management
  60. =end comment
  61. =head1 SEE ALSO
  62. L<OSSL_PARAM(3)>,
  63. L<openssl-core.h(7)>,
  64. L<openssl-core_dispatch.h(7)>,
  65. L<provider(7)>
  66. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  67. Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  68. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
  69. this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  70. in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  71. L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
  72. =cut