2. ----------------------------------------
  3. Building OpenSSL for Windows CE requires the following external tools:
  4. * Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 or later
  5. * Appropriate SDK might be required
  6. * Perl for Win32 [commonly recommended ActiveState Perl is available
  7. from http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/]
  8. * wcecompat compatibility library available at
  9. http://www.essemer.com.au/windowsce/
  10. * Optionally ceutils for running automated tests (same location)
  11. _or_
  12. * PocketConsole driver and PortSDK available at
  13. http://www.symbolictools.de/public/pocketconsole/
  14. * CMD command interpreter (same location)
  15. As Windows CE support in OpenSSL relies on 3rd party compatibility
  16. library, it's appropriate to check corresponding URL for updates. For
  17. example if you choose wcecompat, note that as for the moment of this
  18. writing version 1.2 is available and actually required for WCE 4.2
  19. and newer platforms. All wcecompat issues should be directed to
  20. www.essemer.com.au.
  21. Why compatibility library at all? The C Runtime Library implementation
  22. for Windows CE that is included with Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ is
  23. incomplete and in some places incorrect. Compatibility library plugs
  24. the holes and tries to bring the Windows CE CRT to [more] usable level.
  25. Most gaping hole in CRT is support for stdin/stdout/stderr IO, which
  26. proposed compatibility libraries solve in two different ways: wcecompat
  27. redirects IO to active sync link, while PortSDK - to NT-like console
  28. driver on the handheld itself.
  29. Building
  30. --------
  31. Setup the eMbedded Visual C++ environment. There are batch files for doing
  32. this installed with eVC++. For an ARM processor, for example, execute:
  33. > "C:\Program Files\Microsoft eMbedded Tools\EVC\WCE300\BIN\WCEARM.BAT"
  34. Next pick compatibility library according to your preferences.
  35. 1. To choose wcecompat set up WCECOMPAT environment variable pointing
  36. at the location of wcecompat tree "root":
  37. > set WCECOMPAT=C:\wcecompat
  38. > set PORTSDK_LIBPATH=
  39. 2. To choose PortSDK set up PORTSDK_LIBPATH to point at hardware-
  40. specific location where your portlib.lib is installed:
  41. > set PORTSDK_LIBPATH=C:\PortSDK\lib\ARM
  42. > set WCECOMPAT=
  43. Note that you may not set both variables.
  44. Next you should run Configure:
  45. > perl Configure VC-CE
  46. Next you need to build the Makefiles:
  47. > ms\do_ms
  48. If you get errors about things not having numbers assigned then check the
  49. troubleshooting section in INSTALL.W32: you probably won't be able to compile
  50. it as it stands.
  51. Then from the VC++ environment at a prompt do:
  52. > nmake -f ms\cedll.mak
  53. [note that static builds are not supported under CE]
  54. If all is well it should compile and you will have some DLLs and executables
  55. in out32dll*.
  56. <<< everyting below needs revision in respect to wcecompat vs. PortSDK >>>
  57. If you want
  58. to try the tests then make sure the ceutils are in the path and do:
  59. > cd out32
  60. > ..\ms\testce
  61. This will copy each of the test programs to the Windows CE device and execute
  62. them, displaying the output of the tests on this computer. The output should
  63. look similar to the output produced by running the tests for a regular Windows
  64. build.