ASN1_generate_nconf.pod 7.4 KB

  1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. ASN1_generate_nconf, ASN1_generate_v3 - ASN1 generation functions
  4. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  5. #include <openssl/asn1.h>
  6. ASN1_TYPE *ASN1_generate_nconf(char *str, CONF *nconf);
  7. ASN1_TYPE *ASN1_generate_v3(char *str, X509V3_CTX *cnf);
  8. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  9. These functions generate the ASN1 encoding of a string
  10. in an B<ASN1_TYPE> structure.
  11. B<str> contains the string to encode B<nconf> or B<cnf> contains
  12. the optional configuration information where additional strings
  13. will be read from. B<nconf> will typically come from a config
  14. file wherease B<cnf> is obtained from an B<X509V3_CTX> structure
  15. which will typically be used by X509 v3 certificate extension
  16. functions. B<cnf> or B<nconf> can be set to B<NULL> if no additional
  17. configuration will be used.
  19. The actual data encoded is determined by the string B<str> and
  20. the configuration information. The general format of the string
  21. is:
  22. =over 2
  23. =item B<[modifier,]type[:value]>
  24. =back
  25. That is zero or more comma separated modifiers followed by a type
  26. followed by an optional colon and a value. The formats of B<type>,
  27. B<value> and B<modifier> are explained below.
  28. =head2 SUPPORTED TYPES
  29. The supported types are listed below. Unless otherwise specified
  30. only the B<ASCII> format is permissible.
  31. =over 2
  32. =item B<BOOLEAN>, B<BOOL>
  33. This encodes a boolean type. The B<value> string is mandatory and
  34. should be B<TRUE> or B<FALSE>. Additionally B<TRUE>, B<true>, B<Y>,
  35. B<y>, B<YES>, B<yes>, B<FALSE>, B<false>, B<N>, B<n>, B<NO> and B<no>
  36. are acceptable.
  37. =item B<NULL>
  38. Encode the B<NULL> type, the B<value> string must not be present.
  39. =item B<INTEGER>, B<INT>
  40. Encodes an ASN1 B<INTEGER> type. The B<value> string represents
  41. the value of the integer, it can be preceeded by a minus sign and
  42. is normally interpreted as a decimal value unless the prefix B<0x>
  43. is included.
  44. =item B<ENUMERATED>, B<ENUM>
  45. Encodes the ASN1 B<ENUMERATED> type, it is otherwise identical to
  46. B<INTEGER>.
  47. =item B<OBJECT>, B<OID>
  48. Encodes an ASN1 B<OBJECT IDENTIFIER>, the B<value> string can be
  49. a short name, a long name or numerical format.
  50. =item B<UTCTIME>, B<UTC>
  51. Encodes an ASN1 B<UTCTime> structure, the value should be in
  52. the format B<YYMMDDHHMMSSZ>.
  54. Encodes an ASN1 B<GeneralizedTime> structure, the value should be in
  55. the format B<YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ>.
  56. =item B<OCTETSTRING>, B<OCT>
  57. Encodes an ASN1 B<OCTET STRING>. B<value> represents the contents
  58. of this structure, the format strings B<ASCII> and B<HEX> can be
  59. used to specify the format of B<value>.
  60. =item B<BITSTRING>, B<BITSTR>
  61. Encodes an ASN1 B<BIT STRING>. B<value> represents the contents
  62. of this structure, the format strings B<ASCII>, B<HEX> and B<BITLIST>
  63. can be used to specify the format of B<value>.
  64. If the format is anything other than B<BITLIST> the number of unused
  65. bits is set to zero.
  70. B<NUMERIC>
  71. These encode the corresponding string types. B<value> represents the
  72. contents of this structure. The format can be B<ASCII> or B<UTF8>.
  73. =item B<SEQUENCE>, B<SEQ>, B<SET>
  74. Formats the result as an ASN1 B<SEQUENCE> or B<SET> type. B<value>
  75. should be a section name which will contain the contents. The
  76. field names in the section are ignored and the values are in the
  77. generated string format. If B<value> is absent then an empty SEQUENCE
  78. will be encoded.
  79. =back
  80. =head2 MODIFIERS
  81. Modifiers affect the following structure, they can be used to
  82. add EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT tagging, add wrappers or to change
  83. the string format of the final type and value. The supported
  84. formats are documented below.
  85. =over 2
  86. =item B<EXPLICIT>, B<EXP>
  87. Add an explicit tag to the following structure. This string
  88. should be followed by a colon and the tag value to use as a
  89. decimal value.
  90. By following the number with B<U>, B<A>, B<P> or B<C> UNIVERSAL,
  91. APPLICATION, PRIVATE or CONTEXT SPECIFIC tagging can be used,
  92. the default is CONTEXT SPECIFIC.
  93. =item B<IMPLICIT>, B<IMP>
  94. This is the same as B<EXPLICIT> except IMPLICIT tagging is used
  95. instead.
  97. The following structure is surrounded by an OCTET STRING, a SEQUENCE,
  98. a SET or a BIT STRING respectively. For a BIT STRING the number of unused
  99. bits is set to zero.
  100. =item B<FORMAT>
  101. This specifies the format of the ultimate value. It should be followed
  102. by a colon and one of the strings B<ASCII>, B<UTF8>, B<HEX> or B<BITLIST>.
  103. If no format specifier is included then B<ASCII> is used. If B<UTF8> is
  104. specified then the value string must be a valid B<UTF8> string. For B<HEX> the
  105. output must be a set of hex digits. B<BITLIST> (which is only valid for a BIT
  106. STRING) is a comma separated list of the indices of the set bits, all other
  107. bits are zero.
  108. =back
  109. =head1 EXAMPLES
  110. A simple IA5String:
  111. IA5STRING:Hello World
  112. An IA5String explicitly tagged:
  113. EXPLICIT:0,IA5STRING:Hello World
  114. An IA5String explicitly tagged using APPLICATION tagging:
  115. EXPLICIT:0A,IA5STRING:Hello World
  116. A BITSTRING with bits 1 and 5 set and all others zero:
  118. A more complex example using a config file to produce a
  119. SEQUENCE consiting of a BOOL an OID and a UTF8String:
  120. asn1 = SEQUENCE:seq_section
  121. [seq_section]
  122. field1 = BOOLEAN:TRUE
  123. field2 = OID:commonName
  124. field3 = UTF8:Third field
  125. This example produces an RSAPrivateKey structure, this is the
  126. key contained in the file client.pem in all OpenSSL distributions
  127. (note: the field names such as 'coeff' are ignored and are present just
  128. for clarity):
  129. asn1=SEQUENCE:private_key
  130. [private_key]
  131. version=INTEGER:0
  132. n=INTEGER:0xBB6FE79432CC6EA2D8F970675A5A87BFBE1AFF0BE63E879F2AFFB93644\
  133. D4D2C6D000430DEC66ABF47829E74B8C5108623A1C0EE8BE217B3AD8D36D5EB4FCA1D9
  134. e=INTEGER:0x010001
  135. d=INTEGER:0x6F05EAD2F27FFAEC84BEC360C4B928FD5F3A9865D0FCAAD291E2A52F4A\
  136. F810DC6373278C006A0ABBA27DC8C63BF97F7E666E27C5284D7D3B1FFFE16B7A87B51D
  137. p=INTEGER:0xF3929B9435608F8A22C208D86795271D54EBDFB09DDEF539AB083DA912\
  138. D4BD57
  139. q=INTEGER:0xC50016F89DFF2561347ED1186A46E150E28BF2D0F539A1594BBD7FE467\
  140. 46EC4F
  141. exp1=INTEGER:0x9E7D4326C924AFC1DEA40B45650134966D6F9DFA3A7F9D698CD4ABEA\
  142. 9C0A39B9
  143. exp2=INTEGER:0xBA84003BB95355AFB7C50DF140C60513D0BA51D637272E355E397779\
  144. E7B2458F
  145. coeff=INTEGER:0x30B9E4F2AFA5AC679F920FC83F1F2DF1BAF1779CF989447FABC2F5\
  146. 628657053A
  147. This example is the corresponding public key in a SubjectPublicKeyInfo
  148. structure:
  149. # Start with a SEQUENCE
  150. asn1=SEQUENCE:pubkeyinfo
  151. # pubkeyinfo contains an algorithm identifier and the public key wrapped
  152. # in a BIT STRING
  153. [pubkeyinfo]
  154. algorithm=SEQUENCE:rsa_alg
  155. pubkey=BITWRAP,SEQUENCE:rsapubkey
  156. # algorithm ID for RSA is just an OID and a NULL
  157. [rsa_alg]
  158. algorithm=OID:rsaEncryption
  159. parameter=NULL
  160. # Actual public key: modulus and exponent
  161. [rsapubkey]
  162. n=INTEGER:0xBB6FE79432CC6EA2D8F970675A5A87BFBE1AFF0BE63E879F2AFFB93644\
  163. D4D2C6D000430DEC66ABF47829E74B8C5108623A1C0EE8BE217B3AD8D36D5EB4FCA1D9
  164. e=INTEGER:0x010001
  165. =head1 RETURN VALUES
  166. ASN1_generate_nconf() and ASN1_generate_v3() return the encoded
  167. data as an B<ASN1_TYPE> structure or B<NULL> if an error occurred.
  168. The error codes that can be obtained by L<ERR_get_error(3)|ERR_get_error(3)>.
  169. =head1 SEE ALSO
  170. L<ERR_get_error(3)|ERR_get_error(3)>
  171. =head1 HISTORY
  172. ASN1_generate_nconf() and ASN1_generate_v3() were added to OpenSSL 0.9.8
  173. =cut