1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  4. OSSL_ENCODER_fetch,
  5. OSSL_ENCODER_up_ref,
  6. OSSL_ENCODER_free,
  7. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_provider,
  8. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_properties,
  9. OSSL_ENCODER_is_a,
  10. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_name,
  11. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_description,
  12. OSSL_ENCODER_do_all_provided,
  13. OSSL_ENCODER_names_do_all,
  14. OSSL_ENCODER_gettable_params,
  15. OSSL_ENCODER_get_params
  16. - Encoder method routines
  17. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  18. #include <openssl/encoder.h>
  19. typedef struct ossl_encoder_st OSSL_ENCODER;
  20. OSSL_ENCODER *OSSL_ENCODER_fetch(OSSL_LIB_CTX *ctx, const char *name,
  21. const char *properties);
  22. int OSSL_ENCODER_up_ref(OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  23. void OSSL_ENCODER_free(OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  24. const OSSL_PROVIDER *OSSL_ENCODER_get0_provider(const OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  25. const char *OSSL_ENCODER_get0_properties(const OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  26. int OSSL_ENCODER_is_a(const OSSL_ENCODER *encoder, const char *name);
  27. const char *OSSL_ENCODER_get0_name(const OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  28. const char *OSSL_ENCODER_get0_description(const OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  29. void OSSL_ENCODER_do_all_provided(OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx,
  30. void (*fn)(OSSL_ENCODER *encoder, void *arg),
  31. void *arg);
  32. int OSSL_ENCODER_names_do_all(const OSSL_ENCODER *encoder,
  33. void (*fn)(const char *name, void *data),
  34. void *data);
  35. const OSSL_PARAM *OSSL_ENCODER_gettable_params(OSSL_ENCODER *encoder);
  36. int OSSL_ENCODER_get_params(OSSL_ENCODER_CTX *ctx, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
  37. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  38. B<OSSL_ENCODER> is a method for encoders, which know how to
  39. encode an object of some kind to a encoded form, such as PEM,
  40. DER, or even human readable text.
  41. OSSL_ENCODER_fetch() looks for an algorithm within the provider that
  42. has been loaded into the B<OSSL_LIB_CTX> given by I<ctx>, having the
  43. name given by I<name> and the properties given by I<properties>.
  44. The I<name> determines what type of object the fetched encoder
  45. method is expected to be able to encode, and the properties are
  46. used to determine the expected output type.
  47. For known properties and the values they may have, please have a look
  48. in L<provider-encoder(7)/Names and properties>.
  49. OSSL_ENCODER_up_ref() increments the reference count for the given
  50. I<encoder>.
  51. OSSL_ENCODER_free() decrements the reference count for the given
  52. I<encoder>, and when the count reaches zero, frees it.
  53. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_provider() returns the provider of the given
  54. I<encoder>.
  55. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_properties() returns the property definition associated
  56. with the given I<encoder>.
  57. OSSL_ENCODER_is_a() checks if I<encoder> is an implementation of an
  58. algorithm that's identifiable with I<name>.
  59. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_name() returns the name used to fetch the given I<encoder>.
  60. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_description() returns a description of the I<loader>, meant
  61. for display and human consumption. The description is at the discretion of the
  62. I<loader> implementation.
  63. OSSL_ENCODER_names_do_all() traverses all names for the given
  64. I<encoder>, and calls I<fn> with each name and I<data> as arguments.
  65. OSSL_ENCODER_do_all_provided() traverses all encoder
  66. implementations by all activated providers in the library context
  67. I<libctx>, and for each of the implementations, calls I<fn> with the
  68. implementation method and I<arg> as arguments.
  69. OSSL_ENCODER_gettable_params() returns an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)>
  70. array of parameter descriptors.
  71. OSSL_ENCODER_get_params() attempts to get parameters specified
  72. with an L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> array I<params>. Parameters that the
  73. implementation doesn't recognise should be ignored.
  74. =head1 RETURN VALUES
  75. OSSL_ENCODER_fetch() returns a pointer to the key management
  76. implementation represented by an OSSL_ENCODER object, or NULL on
  77. error.
  78. OSSL_ENCODER_up_ref() returns 1 on success, or 0 on error.
  79. OSSL_ENCODER_free() doesn't return any value.
  80. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_provider() returns a pointer to a provider object, or
  81. NULL on error.
  82. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_properties() returns a pointer to a property
  83. definition string, or NULL on error.
  84. OSSL_ENCODER_is_a() returns 1 of I<encoder> was identifiable,
  85. otherwise 0.
  86. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_name() returns the algorithm name from the provided
  87. implementation for the given I<encoder>. Note that the I<encoder> may have
  88. multiple synonyms associated with it. In this case the first name from the
  89. algorithm definition is returned. Ownership of the returned string is retained
  90. by the I<encoder> object and should not be freed by the caller.
  91. OSSL_ENCODER_get0_description() returns a pointer to a description, or NULL if
  92. there isn't one.
  93. OSSL_ENCODER_names_do_all() returns 1 if the callback was called for all
  94. names. A return value of 0 means that the callback was not called for any names.
  95. =head1 SEE ALSO
  96. L<provider(7)>, L<OSSL_ENCODER_CTX(3)>, L<OSSL_ENCODER_to_bio(3)>,
  97. L<OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_new_for_pkey(3)>, L<OSSL_LIB_CTX(3)>
  98. =head1 HISTORY
  99. The functions described here were added in OpenSSL 3.0.
  100. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  101. Copyright 2019-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  102. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
  103. this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  104. in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  105. L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
  106. =cut